【BBC六分钟英语】哪个国家的学校最好? 【英文脚本】PhilHello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I’m Phil. BethAnd I’m Beth. PhilSo, Beth, we’re talking about the best education systems in the world today. You went to school h 2025-01-16 学习笔记 #六分钟英语
【BBC六分钟英语】泰国50年老汤真的能吃吗? 【英文脚本】PhilHello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I’m Phil. BethAnd I’m Beth. PhilMost people have eaten some unusual food at least once in their life. What’s the most unusual thi 2025-01-09 学习笔记 #六分钟英语
【BBC六分钟英语】你喝了足够的水吗? 【英文脚本】PhilHello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I’m Phil. BethAnd I’m Beth. Nowadays, I often see people carrying water bottles with them to make sure they drink enough. How muc 2025-01-02 学习笔记 #六分钟英语
考研词汇精选-060 01 contemporary [kənˈtemprəri] adj.当代的,现代的;同时代的;n.同时代的人;同龄人,同辈 词根助记con共同+ tempor时间+ ary….的→同一时间的 →contemporary当代的,现代的 adj.当代的,现代的The lady is admiring a contemporary painting.这位女士正欣赏着一幅当代画作。 A majori 2025-01-01 百词斩 #百词斩, 单词, 学习
考研词汇精选-059 01 attachment [əˈtætʃmənt] n. 依恋;(机器的、通过邮件发送的)附件;连接物;附件 象形助记 n.依恋There is a deep sense of attachment between husband and wife.丈夫和妻子之间有着深深的依恋。 It is also released by women in childbirth, strengthen 2025-01-01 百词斩 #百词斩, 单词, 学习
考研词汇精选-058 01 appeal [əˈpiːl] v.有吸引力;请求;上诉;呼吁;诉诸;启发,激发;n.吸引力;呼吁;请求;金筹款努力;上诉 词根助记ap=ad去,向+ peal促使,推进→去促使,推进→appeal呼吁;有吸引力 v.有吸引力The boy appeals to the girl a lot.这个男孩对这个女孩很有吸引力。 It appealed to young people 2025-01-01 百词斩 #百词斩, 单词, 学习
考研词汇精选-057 01 repeal [rɪˈpiːl] n.撤销;v.废除;废止;【财】废除 词根助记re向后,往回+peal呼叫→引申词义repeal撤销 n.撤销The repeal of the Affordable Care Act has been decided by Congress.国会决定撤销《平价医疗法案》。 In Britain, the modern glass industry on 2025-01-01 百词斩 #百词斩, 单词, 学习
考研词汇精选-056 01 overdue [ˌəʊ.vəˈdjuː $ ˌoʊ.vɚˈduː] adj.过期的;迟到的;未兑的;【财】延误,过期 象形助记 adj. 过期的The boy needs to pay the fine on his overdue book.这男孩需要为过期未还的书支付罚款。 02 plight [plaɪt] n.困境;v.宣誓,保证 联想助记p.(扑灭)+light(光亮)& 2025-01-01 百词斩 #百词斩, 单词, 学习
考研词汇精选-055 01 pungent [ˈpʌn.dʒənt] adj. 刺鼻的;刺激性的;尖锐的 象形助记 adj. 刺鼻的Onions are so pungent that they make me tear up.洋葱太刺鼻了,我都要流泪了。 02 fend [ˈfent.sɪŋ] (靠自己)照顾,照料;保护;力争 联想助记fend缩写自defend,挡开→挡开别人的攻击→(靠自己)照顾,照料 v 2025-01-01 百词斩 #百词斩, 单词, 学习
考研词汇精选-054 01 harness [ˈhɑːnɪs] n.挽具,马具;降落伞背带;牵引绳;vt.治理(河流等);上挽具;利用;【财】治理 词根助记har军队+ ness供给,供应→提供给士兵的→harness保护带;挽具 n.挽具,马具A harness is fastened around the horse’s head and body.一套马具绑在马的头上和身上。 02 wrestle [ˈres 2025-01-01 百词斩 #百词斩, 单词, 学习