【B1-Reading】09 Planning an event-策划活动

【B1-Reading】09 Planning an event-策划活动

Read a dialogue where three people negotiate who does what to achieve a task.

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.


Planning an event – preparation

Match the words to the definitions.

  • Question

1.a guest list
3.an emcee
4.room set-up
5.an announcement
6.to stick to something
7.to take over something
8.to have someone in mind

a.arranging the furniture and decorations in a room for an event
b.to continue with a plan without changing it
c.to be thinking of choosing someone for a job
d.the people making and serving the food for an event
e.a message to tell people about something, e.g. an event
f.to do something that someone else was doing
g.a list of the people coming to the event
h.a Master of Ceremonies: the person who presents and introduces speakers onto the stage

  • Answer
  1. a list of the people coming to the event – a guest list
  2. the people making and serving the food for an event – catering
  3. a Master of Ceremonies: the person who presents and introduces speakers onto the stage – an emcee
  4. arranging the furniture and decorations in a room for an event – room set-up
  5. a message to tell people about something, e.g. an event – an announcement
  6. to continue with a plan without changing it – to stick to something
  7. to do something that someone else was doing – to take over something
  8. to be thinking of choosing someone for a job – to have someone in mind

Reading text阅读文字


Event planning team


Mike, 14:41

All right, so I’ve divided up the tasks among the three of us planning this event like this:

@Jen: make guest list, schedule social media announcements, arrange room set-up, organise musicians
@Ed: book catering, send out invitations, design posters, book speakers:
@Mike: reserve rooms, design invitations, write and publish blog post, get emcee:

But please don’t feel like we need to stick to this. If you prefer to do something else, feel free to say so.

Jen, 14:50

Yeah, I was thinking, as you are project leader @Mike, maybe it’s best you make the guest list? I’ve got experience in graphic design so I’m happy to design the invitations.

Ed, 14:55

@Jen, do you mind designing the posters too? I’m not very good at designing.

Jen, 14:56仁,14:56

Sure, it’ll be fun. If I take the poster design off you @Ed, do you think you can organise the musicians?

Ed, 14:58

Absolutely, I know some really good musicians that do events like this one. And I also know a really good emcee. Do you want me to take over getting the emcee too?

Mike, 15:01

@Ed I actually already have an emcee in mind, so I think I’ll handle that. I’d appreciate it if you could write and publish the blog post about the event though.

Ed, 15:01

That’s not a problem. I quite enjoy online marketing tasks.

Jen, 15:03

If that’s the case @Ed, do you want to schedule the social media announcements too?

Ed, 15:04

I can do that … if someone books the speakers.

Mike, 15:08

I’ll book the speakers. And since I’m making the guest list, I should send out the invitations too. @Jen, are you still OK with arranging the room set-up?

Jen, 15:09

Yes, let me do the room reservations as well.

Mike, 15:10

Good idea. That would work nicely.


Event planning team活动策划团队


Mike, 14:41迈克,14:41

All right, so I’ve divided up the tasks among the three of us planning this event like this:好吧,我把策划这次活动的任务分配给我们三个人,如下:

@Jen: make guest list, schedule social media announcements, arrange room set-up, organise musicians@Jen:制作宾客名单、安排社交媒体公告、安排房间布置、组织音乐家
@Ed@艾德: book catering, send out invitations, design posters, book speakers:预订餐饮、发出邀请函、设计海报、预订演讲者
@Mike@麦克: reserve rooms, design invitations, write and publish blog post, get emcee:预订房间、设计邀请函、撰写和发布博客文章、担任主持人

But please don’t feel like we need to stick to this. If you prefer to do something else, feel free to say so.但请不要觉得我们需要坚持这一点。如果您想做其他事情,请随意说出来。

Jen, 14:50仁,14:50

Yeah, I was thinking, as you are project leader @Mike, maybe it’s best you make the guest list? I’ve got experience in graphic design so I’m happy to design the invitations.是的,我在想,既然你是项目负责人@Mike,也许你最好列出来宾名单?我有平面设计经验,所以我很乐意设计请柬。

Ed, 14:55埃德,14:55

@Jen, do you mind designing the posters too? I’m not very good at designing.@Jen,你介意也设计海报吗?我不太擅长设计。

Jen, 14:56仁,14:56

Sure, it’ll be fun. If I take the poster design off you @Ed, do you think you can organise the musicians?当然,这会很有趣。如果我把海报设计从你身上拿走@Ed,你认为你能组织音乐家吗?

Ed, 14:58埃德,14:58

Absolutely, I know some really good musicians that do events like this one. And I also know a really good emcee. Do you want me to take over getting the emcee too?当然,我认识一些非常优秀的音乐家,他们举办过这样的活动。我还认识一位非常优秀的主持人。你想让我也来接任司仪吗?

Mike, 15:01迈克,15:01

@Ed I actually already have an emcee in mind, so I think I’ll handle that. I’d appreciate it if you could write and publish the blog post about the event though.@Ed 我实际上已经有了一个主持人,所以我想我会处理这个问题。如果您能撰写并发布有关该活动的博客文章,我将不胜感激。

Ed, 15:01埃德,15:01

That’s not a problem. I quite enjoy online marketing tasks.那不是问题。我非常喜欢在线营销任务。

Jen, 15:03珍,15:03

If that’s the case @Ed, do you want to schedule the social media announcements too?如果是这种情况,@Ed,您也想安排社交媒体公告吗?

Ed, 15:04埃德,15:04

I can do that … if someone books the speakers.我可以做到……如果有人预订了扬声器。

Mike, 15:08迈克,15:08

I’ll book the speakers. And since I’m making the guest list, I should send out the invitations too. @Jen, are you still OK with arranging the room set-up?我会预订扬声器。既然我正在列宾客名单,我也应该发出邀请函。 @Jen,你还可以安排预定房间吗?

Jen, 15:09仁,15:09

Yes, let me do the room reservations as well.是的,我也帮您预订房间。

Mike, 15:10迈克,15:10

Good idea. That would work nicely.好主意。那会很好用。

Task 1-任务1

Planning an event – 1

Match the tasks to the person that will do them.

  • Question

a. Book rooms
b. Create a post for a blog
c. Create invitations
d. Create posters
e. Decide who to invite
f. Find emcee
g. Invite guests
h. Organise live music
i. Organise the food
j. Plan room set-up
k. Plan social media communication
l. Reserve the speakers

  • Answer
  1. Mike:
    e. Decide who to invite
    f. Find emcee
    g. Invite guests
    l. Reserve the speakers

  2. Jen:
    a. Book rooms
    c. Create invitations
    d. Create posters
    j. Plan room set-up

  3. Ed:
    b. Create a post for a blog
    h. Organise live music
    i. Organise the food
    k. Plan social media communication

Task 2-任务2

Planning an event – 2

Are the sentences true or false?

  • Question
  1. Mike is the project leader.
  2. Mike wants Jen and Ed to follow his original plan.
  3. Jen enjoys doing the designing tasks.
  4. Ed is happy to cook for the event.
  5. Ed wants to be the emcee for the event.
  6. Mike would like to be the emcee for the event.
  • Answer
  1. Mike is the project leader.
  2. Mike wants Jen and Ed to follow his original plan.
  3. Jen enjoys doing the designing tasks.
  4. Ed is happy to cook for the event.
  5. Ed wants to be the emcee for the event.
  6. Mike would like to be the emcee for the event.


How are tasks usually divided in your project teams?



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    【名】 (Cater)(英)凯特(人名)

    高中 | CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | IELTS | TOEFL | GRE | GMAT | 商务英语

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

    cater/ˈkeɪtə/|CET6 TEM4
    catering catered caters

    1. V-I To cater to a group of people means to provide all the things that they need or want. 满足…需要; 迎合

      • We cater to an exclusive clientele.

    2. V-I To cater to something means to take it into account. 考虑

      • Exercise classes cater to all levels of fitness.

      • …shops that cater to the needs of men.
      … 经营男士用品的商店。

    3. V-T If a person or company caters an occasion such as a wedding or a party, they provide food and drink for all the people there. (在婚礼、派对等场合) 提供餐饮服务; 承办酒席

      • …a full-service restaurant equipped to cater large events.

    4. →see also catering


  • 简易


v.提供餐饮服务,承办酒席;满足,迎合(cater 的现在分词)

高中 | CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | IELTS | TOEFL | GRE | GMAT | 商务英语

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

N-UNCOUNT Catering is the activity of providing food and drink for a large number of people, for example, at weddings and parties. (婚礼、派对等的) 餐饮供应; 酒席承办

• His catering business made him a millionaire at 41.


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    高中 | CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | IELTS | TOEFL | GRE | GMAT | SAT | 商务英语

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

    negotiate/nɪˈɡəʊʃɪˌeɪt/|CET4 TEM4
    negotiating negotiated negotiates

    1. V-RECIP If people negotiate with each other or negotiate an agreement, they talk about a problem or a situation such as a business arrangement in order to solve the problem or complete the arrangement. 谈判

      • It is not clear whether the president is willing to negotiate with the Democrats.

      • When you have two adversaries negotiating, you need to be on neutral territory.

      • The local government and the army negotiated a truce.

      • Western governments have this week urged him to negotiate and avoid force.

    2. V-T If you negotiate an area of land, a place, or an obstacle, you successfully travel across it or around it. 成功越过

      • Frank Mariano negotiates the desert terrain in his battered pickup.

• I negotiated the corner on my motorcycle and pulled to a stop.


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  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

emceeing emceed emcees

  1. N-COUNT An emcee is the same as a . 同master of ceremonies

  2. V-T/V-I To emcee an event or performance of something means to act as master of ceremonies for it. 担任…的司仪; 主持

    • I’m going to be emceeing a costume contest.

    • That first night I emceed I was absolutely terrified.

set up-组织

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英/ˈset ʌp/美/ˈset ʌp/


  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

set up
setting sets

  1. PHRASAL VERB If you set something up, you create or arrange it. 安排; 创建

    • The two sides agreed to set up a commission to investigate claims.

    • …an organization which sets up meetings about issues of interest to women.

  2. N-UNCOUNT 设置; 成立

    • The government announced the setting up of a special fund.

  3. PHRASAL VERB If you set up a temporary structure, you place it or build it somewhere. 设立; 设置

    • They took to the streets, setting up roadblocks of burning tyres.

  4. PHRASAL VERB If you set up a device or piece of machinery, you do the things that are necessary for it to be able to start working. 调试 (设备、机器等)

    • Setting up the camera can be tricky.

  5. PHRASAL VERB If you set up somewhere or set yourself up somewhere, you establish yourself in a new business or new area. 开办; 开创事业

    • The mayor’s plan offers incentives to firms setting up in lower Manhattan.

    • He worked as a dance instructor in London before setting himself up in Bucharest.

    • Grandfather set them up in a printing business.

  6. PHRASAL VERB If you set up house or home or set up shop, you buy a house or business of your own and start living or working there. (购置房子) 自立门户; 自行开业

    • They married, and set up home in Atlanta.

  7. PHRASAL VERB If you are set up by someone, they make it seem that you have done something wrong when you have not. 陷害; 诬陷

    • He claimed yesterday that he had been set up after drugs were discovered at his home.

  8. →see also setup


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n.枯枝,枝条;条状物,棍状物;(用于某特定用途的)棍,条,签;球棍,球棒;变速杆,操纵杆;批评,惩罚;<非正式>边远地区(the sticks);<非正式>(家具的)件;非常瘦的人(或四肢);画着短细直线的;<非正式>球门柱(the sticks);(股票)大宗死股

【名】 (Stick)(芬)斯蒂克(人名)

初中 | 高中 | CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | TOEFL

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

stick/stɪk/|CET4 TEM4

  1. N-COUNT A stick is a thin branch which has fallen off a tree. 枝条

    • …people carrying bundles of dried sticks to sell for firewood.

  2. N-COUNT A stick is a long thin piece of wood which is used for a particular purpose. 棍

    • …lollipop sticks.

    • …drum sticks.

  3. N-COUNT Some long thin objects that are used in sports are called sticks. 球棒

    • …lacrosse sticks.

    • …hockey sticks.

  4. N-COUNT A stick of something is a long thin piece of it. 条状物

    • …a stick of celery.

  5. N-COUNT A stick is a long thin piece of wood which is used for supporting someone’s weight or for hitting people or animals. 拐杖; (袭击用的) 棍子

    • He wore a grey suit and leaned heavily on his stick.

  6. PHRASE If someone gets the wrong end of the stick or gets hold of the wrong end of the stick, they do not understand something correctly and get the wrong idea about it. 误解

    • I think someone has got the wrong end of the stick. They should have established the facts before speaking out.

sticking stuck sticks

  1. V-T If you stick something somewhere, you put it there in a rather casual way. 随意放置

    • He folded the papers and stuck them in his desk drawer.

  2. V-T/V-I If you stick a pointed object in something, or if it sticks in something, it goes into it or through it by making a cut or hole. 使扎入; 扎入

• They sent in loads of male nurses and stuck a needle in my back.

  1. V-I If something is sticking out from a surface or object, it extends up or away from it. If something is sticking into a surface or object, it is partly in it. 伸出

    • They lay where they had fallen from the crane, sticking out of the water.


  1. V-T If you stick one thing to another, you attach it using glue, Scotch tape, or another sticky substance. 粘贴

    • Don’t forget to clip the token and stick it on your card.

  2. V to support (a plant) with sticks; stake 用小棍支撑(植物)

  3. V-I If one thing sticks to another, it becomes attached to it and is difficult to remove. 粘住

    • The soil sticks to the blade and blocks the plough.


• Peel away the waxed paper if it has stuck to the bottom of the cake.

  1. V-I If something sticks in your mind, you remember it for a long time. 经久留驻

    • The incident stuck in my mind because it was the first example I had seen of racism in that country.

  2. V-I If something which can usually be moved sticks, it becomes fixed in one position. 卡住

• The needle on the dial went right around to fifty feet, which was as far as it could go, and there it stuck.

  1. →see also stuck

【B1-Reading】09 Planning an event-策划活动