【B1-Reading】14 Planning an event-策划活动

【B1-Reading】09 Planning an event-策划活动

Chinese emigration to Malaysia doubles on student and investment surge由于学生和投资激增,马来西亚的中国移民人数翻了一番

Middle-class families seek more affordable destination amid slowing economy at home

A temple in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Many new Chinese arrivals are middle-class families who see south-east Asia as a more affordable destination © Wong Fok Loy/SOPA Images/LightRocket/Getty Images

Kathrin Hille in Taipei
AUGUST 5 2024

The number of Chinese citizens living in Malaysia has almost doubled over the past three years, driven by a jump in students and new investors, according to government officials, academics, schools, and business and community associations.

“Today, there are easily 150,000, and it could even be 200,000” Chinese citizens in Malaysia, said Ngeow Chow Bing, director at the Institute of China Studies at the University of Malaya, up from about 82,000 in 2022, which he called a “very conservative estimate”.
马来亚大学中国研究所所长 Ngeow Chow Bing 表示,“如今,马来西亚的中国公民轻松有 15 万,甚至可能达到 20 万”,而 2022 年这一数字约为 8.2 万,他称之为“非常保守的估计”。

China’s slowing economic growth as well as a more heavy-handed approach to business have driven more of its citizens to seek new lives abroad. Wealthy Chinese citizens have flocked to destinations such as Singapore and Malta where they have acquired citizenship through investment, and they make up the largest source of golden visa applicants in Portugal and Greece. Chinese citizens also form one of the largest groups of illegal migrants attempting to enter the US from Latin America.

In Malaysia, the picture is different. The country is home to a centuries-old Chinese diaspora that makes up about 23 per cent of its 34mn citizens. Most new Chinese arrivals are middle-class families who see south-east Asia as a more affordable destination, or students shying away from anti-China sentiment in the west, making Chinese people the largest group of foreign students and long-stay residents in Malaysia.
在马来西亚,情况有所不同。该国拥有数百年历史的华人侨民,约占该国 3400 万公民的 23%。大多数新来的中国人是中产阶级家庭,他们认为东南亚是一个更负担得起的目的地,或者是回避西方反华情绪的学生,这使得中国人成为马来西亚最大的外国学生和长期居民群体。

Universities and international schools in Malaysia are reporting soaring demand. The nation’s higher education institutions had 44,043 Chinese students enrolled last year, up 35 per cent from 2021, according to the education ministry. Financial Times research showed that the number of Chinese pupils in international schools more than doubled in the same timeframe from 2021 to 2023.
马来西亚的大学和国际学校报告需求激增。根据教育部的数据,去年全国高等教育机构招收了 44,043 名中国学生,比 2021 年增长了 35%。英国《金融时报》的研究显示,2021年至2023年同期,国际学校的中国学生人数增加了一倍多。

More than 56,000 Chinese immigrants now hold Malaysia My Second Home long-stay visas, more than double last year’s number.

Chinese investors are also contributing to the boom in expatriate numbers. There are about 45,000 owners, managers and workers of Chinese companies in Malaysia, up from an estimated 10,000 in 2021, according to a Chinese trade official.
中国投资者也为外籍人士数量的激增做出了贡献。据一位中国贸易官员称,马来西亚约有 45,000 名中资企业所有者、经理和工人,高于 2021 年的估计 10,000 人。

“New people are arriving every week,” said a representative of the China Entrepreneurs Association in Malaysia, who pointed to electronics and electric vehicle industry suppliers seeking to increase capacity outside China to evade US tariffs. Another official at the group said there was also a jump in entrepreneurs cultivating durian for export to China.

Many Chinese students are attracted by lower fees and less competition for university places. “I didn’t do well in the university entrance exam back home. I could have only gotten into a mediocre school and it would have been more expensive,” said Xiaofei, a student at National University of Malaysia, who asked to only go by his first name.
许多中国学生被较低的学费和较少的大学入学竞争所吸引。 “我在家乡高考成绩不好。 “我只能进入一所平庸的学校,而且学费会更高。”马来西亚国立大学的学生小飞说,他要求只透露自己的名字。

The growth is even steeper across secondary schools, albeit from a lower base. Officials at 15 international schools put the percentage of Chinese pupils in their respective student bodies between 10 per cent and 30 per cent, adding up to 2,500 children — almost triple the number recorded in 2021.
尽管基数较低,但中学的增长幅度更大。 15 所国际学校的官员称,中国学生在各自学生群体中的比例在 10% 至 30% 之间,总计 2,500 名儿童,几乎是 2021 年记录数字的三倍。

Since Malaysia has more than 250 international schools, their total Chinese student population is likely much higher than that sample, said an official at a Chinese community association in Malaysia.

The rise in Chinese residents mirrors an earlier trend in Thailand. Sivarin Lertpusit at Thammasat University in Bangkok said the number of new Chinese immigrants in Thailand was “rapidly increasing”, reaching 110,000-130,000 living in the country in 2022, most of them entrepreneurs, employees, students and their family members as well as lifestyle migrants.
中国居民的增长反映了泰国早期的趋势。曼谷法政大学的 Sivarin Lertpusit 表示,泰国的中国新移民数量正在“迅速增加”,到 2022 年将达到 11 万至 13 万,其中大多数是企业家、雇员、学生及其家庭成员以及生活方式移民。

“The majority come from low- to middle-income families,” she said.


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But the trend could have a bigger impact in Malaysia, which has a population half the size of its neighbour and where ethnic divisions are more sensitive.

Unlike in Thailand, Malaysia’s Chinese diaspora has not assimilated and the Muslim Malay majority is resistant to any increase in the influence of ethnic Chinese residents.

The inflow is set to continue. Over the first five months of 2024, the number of Chinese applicants to Malaysian universities increased 25 per cent compared with the same period last year, according to Education Malaysia Global Services, which markets Malaysia’s universities abroad.
资金流入预计将继续。根据负责向海外推销马来西亚大学的马来西亚教育全球服务公司的数据,2024 年前 5 个月,马来西亚大学的中国申请者数量与去年同期相比增加了 25%。

“Many Chinese students no longer feel welcome in the US or Australia,” said an official at a Chinese community organisation in Malaysia. “Here, there is no China-bashing,” he added, making Malaysia a good option for students who “do not want to be singled out and demonised every day”.

【B1-Reading】14 Planning an event-策划活动