【A1-A2-Vocabulary】01 Accessories-配件

【A1-A2-Vocabulary】01 Accessories-配件

Do the exercises to learn the words for some accessories.

  • Question

belt rucksack hat gloves earrings necklace pocket bracelet scarf bag glasses cap

  • Answer

Task 1

Accessories - Spelling

Listen and put the letters in order.


Task 2

Accessories - Descriptions

Choose the best answer.

  • Question
  1. This holds your trousers up. It goes around your waist.
    belt cap necklace

  2. You wear this on your head. It protects your head and eyes from the sun.
    bag cap earrings

  3. You wear these to see better.
    glasses pocket scarf

  4. You wear this on your back.
    gloves necklace rucksack

  5. You wear this to keep warm. It goes around your neck.
    bracelet hat scarf

  6. This is a place in your trousers or shirt. You can put things like your phone and money here.
    cap hat pocket

  7. You wear these on your hands when it’s cold.
    earrings gloves hat

  8. You wear these on your ears.
    bag earrings necklace

  • Answer
  1. This holds your trousers up. It goes around your waist.
    ✓belt cap necklace

  2. You wear this on your head. It protects your head and eyes from the sun.
    bag ✓cap earrings

  3. You wear these to see better.
    ✓glasses pocket scarf

  4. You wear this on your back.
    gloves ✓necklace rucksack

  5. You wear this to keep warm. It goes around your neck.
    bracelet hat ✓scarf

  6. This is a place in your trousers or shirt. You can put things like your phone and money here.
    cap hat ✓pocket

  7. You wear these on your hands when it’s cold.
    earrings ✓gloves hat

  8. You wear these on your ears.
    bag ✓earrings necklace

Task 3

Accessories - Odd one out

Choose the things that DO NOT belong.选择不属于的东西。

  1. Things we wear on our head or neck
    cap earrings glasses ✓pocket scarf

  2. Things for carrying other things
    bag ✓cap pocket rucksack

  3. We usually wear only one of these
    belt cap ✓earring rucksack scarf

Task 4

Accessories - Write the words

Write the words to complete the sentences.

  • Question
  1. You can wear a [] around your waist to hold your trousers up.
  2. [] are jewellery for your ears.
  3. You can wear [] on your hands to keep them warm.
  4. The place in your trousers, jacket, etc. where you can put things is called a [] .
  5. A [] is a bag that you wear on your back.
  6. You can wear a [] to protect your head and eyes from the sun.
  7. Some women put things in a [] to carry them.
  8. A piece of jewellery for your neck is called a [].
  9. [] help you to see better.
  10. You can wear a [] around your neck to keep warm.
  • Answer
  1. You can wear a [belt] around your waist to hold your trousers up.
  2. [Earrings] are jewellery for your ears.
  3. You can wear [gloves] on your hands to keep them warm.
  4. The place in your trousers, jacket, etc. where you can put things is called a [pocket] .
  5. A [rucksack] is a bag that you wear on your back.
  6. You can wear a [cap|hat] to protect your head and eyes from the sun.
  7. Some women put things in a [bag|pocket|rucksack] to carry them.
  8. A piece of jewellery for your neck is called a [necklace].
  9. [Glasses] help you to see better.
  10. You can wear a [scarf] around your neck to keep warm.

Task 5

Accessories - Shopping

Complete the sentences with the words.

  • Question
  • Answer


Do you have an accessory that is special in some way? Tell us about it.您有某种特别的配件吗?告诉我们吧。



  • 简易

英/belt/美/belt/n.腰带,皮带;传送带;地带;v.用腰带系紧;狠打,猛击;(尤指出于惩罚用皮带)抽打,打击(某人);<非正式>飞驰【名】 (Belt)(英、法、德、西)贝尔特(人名)

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  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

belt/bɛlt/|CET4 TEM4
belting belted belts
1.N-COUNT A belt is a strip of leather or cloth that you fasten around your waist. 腰带; 皮带

• He wore a belt with a large brass buckle.

2.→see also safety belt→see also seat belt

safety belt
N-COUNT A safety belt is a strap attached to a seat in a car or aeroplane. You fasten it around your body and it stops you from being thrown forward if there is an accident. 安全带

• Please return to your seats and fasten your safety belts.

seat belt
N-COUNT A seat belt is a strap attached to a seat in a car or an aircraft. You fasten it across your body in order to prevent yourself being thrown out of the seat if there is a sudden movement or stop. (汽车、飞机座椅上的) 安全带

• The fact I was wearing a seat belt saved my life.

3.N-COUNT A belt in a machine is a circular strip of rubber that is used to drive moving parts or to move objects along. 输送带

• The turning disc is connected by a drive belt to an electric motor.

4.→see also conveyor belt

conveyor belt/kənˈveɪə bɛlt/
N-COUNT A conveyor belt or a conveyor is a continuously moving strip of rubber or metal which is used in factories for moving objects along so that they can be dealt with as quickly as possible. 传送带

• The damp bricks went along a conveyor belt into another shed to dry.

5.N-COUNT A belt of land or sea is a long, narrow area of it that has some special feature. 狭长地带

• Miners in Zambia’s northern copper belt have gone on strike.

6.→see also commuter belt→see also green belt

commuter belt
N-COUNT A commuter belt is the area surrounding a large city, where many people who work in the city live. (大城市周边的) 通勤者居住带

• …people who live in the commuter belt around the capital.

7.V-T If someone belts you, they hit you very hard. If someone belts something, they hit it very hard. 狠揍; 猛打

• “Is it right she belted old George in the gut?” she asked.

• Torrealba belted the ball into the left-field bleachers.

8.N-COUNT Belt is also a noun. 狠揍; 猛打

• Father would give you a belt over the head with the scrubbing brush.

9.V-I If you belt somewhere, you move or travel there very fast. 飞奔

• Darren and I belted down the stairs and ran out of the house.

10.PHRASE Something that is below the belt is cruel and unfair. 不公正的

• Do you think it’s a bit below the belt what they’re doing?

11.PHRASE If you have to tighten your belt, you have to spend less money and manage without things because you have less money than you used to have. 省吃俭用

• Clearly, if you are spending more than your income, you’ll need to tighten your belt.

12.PHRASE If you have something under your belt, you have already achieved it or done it. 已成囊中之物

• Clare is now a full-time author with six books, including four novels, under her belt.


  • 简易



  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

N-COUNT A rucksack is a bag with straps that go over your shoulders, so that you can carry things on your back, for example when you are walking or climbing. 双肩背

In his rucksack he carried, besides pencils and notebooks, poetry.在他的帆布背包里,除了铅笔、笔记本外,他还带了诗集。

My rucksack seems to have gone walkabout.我的旅行包好像是丢了。


  • 简易

英/stræp/美/stræp/n.带子,皮带;铁皮条,金属带,铰链片;鞭打(the strap);拉手吊带,拉手吊环;v.(用带子)束住,捆绑;用绷带包扎(伤口);用皮鞭抽打,鞭打

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  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

strap/stræp/|CET4 TEM4
strapping strapped straps
1.N-COUNT A strap is a narrow piece of leather, cloth, or other material. Straps are used to carry things, fasten things together, or to hold a piece of clothing in place. 带子

• Nancy gripped the strap of her beach bag.

• She pulled the strap of her nightgown onto her shoulder.

2.V-T If you strap something somewhere, you fasten it there with a strap. 用带子绑

• She strapped the baby seat into the car.


  • 简易



  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

bracelet/ˈbreɪslɪt/|CET6+ TEM4
N-COUNT A bracelet is a chain or band, usually made of metal, that you wear around your wrist as jewellery. 手镯

Hanging from his right wrist is a heavy gold bracelet.
Inside was a gold charm bracelet, with one charm on it - a star.


  • 简易

英/skɑːf/美/skɑːrf/n.围巾,披巾,头巾;(嵌接的)斜面,斜嵌槽;鲸脂的切口;v.<美,非正式>狼吞虎咽地吃;嵌接,斜接(木材,金属);切割(鲸)脂;【名】 (Scarf)(英)斯卡夫(人名)

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  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

scarf/skɑːf/|CET6+ TEM4
N-COUNT A scarf is a piece of cloth that you wear around your neck or head, usually to keep yourself warm. 围巾

• He reached up to loosen the scarf around his neck.

【A1-A2-Vocabulary】01 Accessories-配件