【A1-A2-Vocabulary】04 Bedrooms-卧室

【A1-A2-Vocabulary】04 Bedrooms-卧室

Do these exercises to learn words to talk about your bedroom.做这些练习来学习谈论你的卧室的词语。

Match the words and pictures.

  • Question
  • Answer

Task 1

Bedrooms - Alphabetical order

Put the words in alphabetical order.

  • Question


  • Answer

Task 2

Bedrooms - Spelling

Listen and write the words.


Task 3

Bedrooms - Definitions

  • Question

    Choose the best answer.

  1. One person sleeps in this.
    alarm clock double bed single bed

  2. Two people can sleep in this.
    lamp double bed single bed

  3. This thin cloth covers a bed.
    carpet duvet sheet

  4. This is on the floor. It is soft.
    blanket carpet sheet

  5. This is a soft bed cover. It has feathers inside.
    blanket double bed duvet

  6. This is a warm cloth. We use it when it is cold, especially for the bed.
    blanket carpet duvet

  7. This is a big cupboard for your clothes.
    lamp single bed wardrobe

  8. People put their head on this in bed.
    duvet pillow wardrobe

  9. You turn this on to see at night.
    carpet lamp sheet

  10. This makes a noise to wake you up.
    alarm clock blanket pillow

  • Answer
  1. One person sleeps in this.
    alarm clock double bed ✔single bed
  2. Two people can sleep in this.
    lamp ✔double bed single bed
  3. This thin cloth covers a bed.
    carpet duvet ✔sheet
  4. This is on the floor. It is soft.
    blanket ✔carpet sheet
  5. This is a soft bed cover. It has feathers inside.
    blanket double bed ✔duvet
  6. This is a warm cloth. We use it when it is cold, especially for the bed.
    ✔blanket carpet duvet
  7. This is a big cupboard for your clothes.
    lamp single bed ✔wardrobe
  8. People put their head on this in bed.
    duvet ✔pillow wardrobe
  9. You turn this on to see at night.
    carpet ✔lamp sheet
  10. This makes a noise to wake you up.
    ✔alarm clock blanket pillow

Task 4

Bedrooms - True or false

  • Question

    Choose the best answer.

  1. A pillow is usually soft. True False
  2. We often use a blanket in hot weather. True False
  3. We normally eat breakfast and lunch at a bedside table. True False
  4. You hang your shirts in the chest of drawers. True False
  5. We use a duvet in cold weather. True False
  6. A single bed is big enough for two people. True False
  7. You usually hang your socks and underwear in the wardrobe. True False
  8. You take the sheet off the bed when you sleep. True False
  9. The alarm clock tells the time and wakes you up. True False
  10. You usually turn on your lamp in the middle of the day. True False
  • Answer
  1. A pillow is usually soft. True✔ False
  2. We often use a blanket in hot weather. True False✔
  3. We normally eat breakfast and lunch at a bedside table. True False✔
  4. You hang your shirts in the chest of drawers. True False✔
  5. We use a duvet in cold weather. True✔ False
  6. A single bed is big enough for two people. True False✔
  7. You usually hang your socks and underwear in the wardrobe. True False✔
  8. You take the sheet off the bed when you sleep. True False✔
  9. The alarm clock tells the time and wakes you up. True✔ False
  10. You usually turn on your lamp in the middle of the day. True False ✔

Task 5

Bedrooms - Grouping

  • Question

    Put the words in the groups.

  • Answer

Task 6

Bedrooms - Plural forms

  • Question

    Choose the correct plural form.选择正确的复数形式

  1. alarm clock
    alarms clock alarm clocks alarms clocks
  2. bedside table
    bedsides table bedside tables bedsides tables
  3. chest of drawers
    chests of drawers chests of drawer
  4. single bed
    singles bed single beds singles beds
  • Answer
  1. alarm clock
    alarms clock ✔alarm clocks alarms clocks
  2. bedside table
    bedsides table ✔bedside tables bedsides tables
  3. chest of drawers
    ✔chests of drawers chests of drawer
  4. single bed
    singles bed ✔single beds singles beds


What do you have in your bedroom?你的卧室里有什么?



  • 简易

英/ˈduːveɪ/美/ˈduːveɪ/n.羽绒被(等于 continental quilt);羽绒衫(等于 duvet jacket);绒毛状生长物;n.(Duvet)人名;(法)迪韦


  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

N-COUNT A duvet is a large cover filled with feathers or similar material that you use like a blanket. (羽绒或其他类似材料填充的) 夹被。

1.There’s an extra duvet in the bottom drawer of the cupboard.在柜子最下层的抽屉里还有一床羽绒被。

2.He fell asleep in the front room so I covered him up with a duvet.他在前屋睡着了,所以我给他盖上了一床羽绒被。

chest of drawers

  • 简易


  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

chest of drawers
N-COUNT A chest of drawers is a low, flat piece of furniture with drawers in which you keep clothes and other things. 五屉柜。

The door swung inwards to crash against a chest of drawers behind it.门摆向里面,砰的一声猛力撞上了门后的五斗橱。


  • 简易

英/ˈkɑːpɪt/美/ˈkɑːrpɪt/n.地毯;覆盖地面的一层厚东西;<美,非正式>人工球场;地毯衣蛾;v.给……铺地毯;厚厚地铺上;<英,非正式>训斥,斥责;【名】 (Carpet)(美、巴、印、法、比)卡尔佩特(人名)

高中 | CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | GMAT | 商务英语

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

carpet/ˈkɑːpɪt/|CET4 TEM4
carpeting carpeted carpets
1.N-VAR A carpet is a thick covering of soft material which is laid over a floor or a staircase. 地毯

• They put down wooden boards, and laid new carpets on top.

2.V-T If a floor or a room is carpeted, a carpet is laid on the floor. 铺地毯

• The room had been carpeted and the windows glazed with coloured glass. 房间里铺上了地毯,彩色的玻璃令窗户闪闪发亮。

My bare feet were soundless over the carpet.我光脚踩在地毯上没有声音。
The carpet of pine needles was soft underfoot.松针铺成的地毯在脚下软软的。


  • 简易

英/ʃiːt/美/ʃiːt/n.床单,被单;布罩,盖布;纸片,纸张;(Excel 中的)工作表;简要记录,纪要;一整版邮票;(尤指大地区系列地图的一部分的)一张地图;薄板,薄片;(冰或水的)一大片;(雨或火)一大片;拉帆绳,帆脚索;敞舱船的首尾区域;v.(用布)盖上,裹上;把(帆)扣紧(或放松);(雨)倾盆(或瓢泼)而下;【名】 (Sheet)(英)希特(人名)

高中 | CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | IELTS

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

sheet/ʃiːt/|CET4 TEM4
1.N-COUNT A sheet is a large rectangular piece of cotton or other cloth that you sleep on or cover yourself with in a bed. 床单; 被单

• Once a week, a maid changes the sheets.

2.N-COUNT A sheet of paper is a rectangular piece of paper. (一) 张 (纸)

• …a sheet of newspaper.

3.N-COUNT You can use sheet to refer to a piece of paper which gives information about something. (一份) 资料

• …information sheets on each country in the world.

4.N-COUNT A sheet of glass, metal, or wood is a large, flat, thin piece of it. (一) 块 (玻璃、金属或木头等)

• …a cracked sheet of glass.

• Overhead cranes were lifting giant sheets of steel.

5.N-COUNT A sheet of something is a thin wide layer of it over the surface of something else. (一) 大层 (覆盖物)

• …a sheet of ice.

6.V to provide with, cover, or wrap in a sheet 包裹

7.V (of rain, snow, etc) to fall heavily (雨,雪等)下得很大

8.→see also balance sheet→see also broadsheet→see also fact sheet→see also spreadsheet→see also worksheet

His head was swathed in bandages made from a torn sheet.他的头上缠满了许多用床单撕成的绷带。

I placed a sheet of plastic over the top of the container.我在容器的上面盖了一层塑料纸。

Once the decision is reached, he can date and sign the sheet.一旦做出决定,他就可以在那张表上签上日期和名字。

This sheet contained a list of problems a patient might like to raise with the doctor.这张纸写有一个病人可能想向医生提出的问题清单。

【A1-A2-Vocabulary】04 Bedrooms-卧室