【A2-Speaking】02 Giving instructions-给予指导

【A2-Speaking】02 Giving instructions-给予指导

In this video, Vanya helps Emir learn how to use a new coffee machine. Listen to the language Vanya uses to give instructions and practise saying the useful phrases. 在这段视频中,Vanya 帮助 Emir 学习如何使用新咖啡机。聆听 Vanya 用于发出指示的语言并练习说出有用的短语。

Do the preparation exercise first. Then watch the video and do the exercises to check your understanding and practise the language. 先做准备练习。然后观看视频并做练习来检查您的理解和练习语言。


Giving instructions – preparation

Put the instructions for replying to an email in the correct order.

  • Question

Write a number (1–6) to put the instructions for replying to an email in the correct order.
( )Correct any mistakes you see and read it again to have a last check.
( )Then think carefully about what you need to say.
( )Next, write the email.
( )First, choose ‘reply’ on the email you need to respond to.
( )Finally, choose ‘send’.
( )After that, check the email by reading it carefully.

  • Answer

(5)Correct any mistakes you see and read it again to have a last check.
(2)Then think carefully about what you need to say.
(3)Next, write the email.
(1)First, choose ‘reply’ on the email you need to respond to.
(6)Finally, choose ‘send’.
(4)After that, check the email by reading it carefully.




Ana: Hi! I’m Ana. Welcome to What to Say!

Do you know what to say when you give instructions? Listen out for useful language for giving instructions. Then, we’ll practise saying the new phrases – after this.

Emir: Argh! It’s not working.

Vanya: Are you OK?

Emir: Do you know how to use this machine?

Vanya: Yeah, I’ll show you.

Emir: Ah, thanks.

Vanya: OK. First, you have to put the correct amount of coffee in here.

Emir: Aha.

Vanya: Then you press it down with this.

Emir: I see.

Vanya: Right, OK. Next, you put this here and turn it until it’s quite tight.

Emir: Right.

Vanya: After that, you just press this button.

Emir: OK, that seems clear.

Vanya: Great! Now it’s your turn.

Emir: Is this OK?

Vanya: Yes, that’s right. Now press it down.

Emir: Like this?

Vanya: Yeah, you’re doing well.

Emir: Thanks! What do I do next?

Vanya: Connect it to the machine.

Emir: Is there anything else?

Vanya: That’s it. Just press the button.

Vanya: Well?

Emir: Delicious! Thank you.

Vanya: You’re welcome.

Ana: Hello again! Oh, I love a good coffee! So, did you notice the useful phrases used for giving instructions? Listen to me and then repeat.

First, you have to put the coffee here.

Then you press it down with this.

I see.

Right, OK. Next, you put this here.

After that, you just press this button.

OK, that seems clear.

Is this OK?

Yes, that’s right.

Like this?

You’re doing well.

What do I do next?

Is there anything else?

Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you give instructions in English. Bye for now!


Ana: Hi! I’m Ana. Welcome to What to Say! 安娜:嗨!我是安娜。欢迎来到说什么!

Do you know what to say when you give instructions? Listen out for useful language for giving instructions. Then, we’ll practise saying the new phrases – after this.当你发出指示时你知道该说什么吗?倾听用于发出指示的有用语言。然后,我们将练习说新短语——在此之后。

Emir: Argh! It’s not working. 埃米尔:啊啊!它不起作用。

Vanya: Are you OK?万尼亚:你还好吗?

Emir: Do you know how to use this machine?埃米尔:你知道如何使用这台机器吗?

Vanya: Yeah, I’ll show you.万尼亚:是的,我会告诉你。

Emir: Ah, thanks.埃米尔:啊,谢谢。

Vanya: OK. First, you have to put the correct amount of coffee in here.万尼亚:好的。首先,您必须在此处放入适量的咖啡。

Emir: Aha.埃米尔:啊哈。

Vanya: Then you press it down with this.Vanya:然后你用这个把它压下去。

Emir: I see.埃米尔:我明白了。

Vanya: Right, OK. Next, you put this here and turn it until it’s quite tight.万尼亚:好的,好的。接下来,你把它放在这里并转动它直到它非常紧。

Emir: Right.埃米尔:对。

Vanya: After that, you just press this button.Vanya:之后,你只需按这个按钮即可。

Emir: OK, that seems clear.埃米尔:好的,这看起来很清楚。

Vanya: Great! Now it’s your turn. 万尼亚:太好了!现在轮到你了。

Emir: Is this OK?埃米尔:这样可以吗?

Vanya: Yes, that’s right. Now press it down.万尼亚:是的,没错。现在按下它。

Emir: Like this? 埃米尔:像这样?

Vanya: Yeah, you’re doing well.万尼亚:是的,你做得很好。

Emir: Thanks! What do I do next?埃米尔:谢谢!接下来我该怎么办?

Vanya: Connect it to the machine.Vanya:将其连接到机器上。

Emir: Is there anything else?埃米尔:还有其他事吗?

Vanya: That’s it. Just press the button.万尼亚:就是这样。只需按下按钮即可。

Vanya: Well?万尼亚:嗯?

Emir: Delicious! Thank you.埃米尔:好吃!谢谢。

Vanya: You’re welcome. 万尼亚:不客气。

Ana: Hello again! Oh, I love a good coffee! So, did you notice the useful phrases used for giving instructions? Listen to me and then repeat. 安娜:你好!哦,我喜欢一杯好咖啡!那么,您注意到用于发出指示的有用短语了吗?听我说,然后重复。

First, you have to put the coffee here. 首先,你必须把咖啡放在这里。

Then you press it down with this.然后你用这个按下它。

I see.我懂了。

Right, OK. Next, you put this here.对,好的。接下来,你把这个放在这里。

After that, you just press this button.之后,您只需按此按钮即可。

OK, that seems clear.好吧,这似乎很清楚。

Is this OK?这个可以吗?

Yes, that’s right.恩,那就对了。

Like this?像这样?

You’re doing well.你做得很好。

What do I do next?接下来我该怎么办?

Is there anything else?还有别的事吗?

Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you give instructions in English. Bye for now!安娜:下次用英语给出指示时,尝试使用其中一些短语。暂时再见!

Task 1任务1

Giving instructions – 1

Are the sentences true or false?

  • Question
  1. Emir doesn’t know how the new coffee machine works.
  2. Vanya arrives and offers to show Emir how it works.
  3. Vanya’s instructions are long and complicated.
  4. Vanya tells Emir to try to make a coffee.
  5. Emir doesn’t want to try to follow the instructions himself.
  6. The coffee Emir makes is terrible.
  • Answer
  1. Emir doesn’t know how the new coffee machine works.
    ✔True False
  2. Vanya arrives and offers to show Emir how it works.
    ✔True False
  3. Vanya’s instructions are long and complicated.
    True ✔False
  4. Vanya tells Emir to try to make a coffee.
    ✔True False
  5. Emir doesn’t want to try to follow the instructions himself.
    True ✔False
  6. The coffee Emir makes is terrible.
    True ✔False

Task 2任务2

Giving instructions – 2

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

  • Question
  1. put First, the coffee here. you have to
  2. with this. you Then press it down
  3. put you this here. Next,
  4. you just press After that, button. this
  5. OK, clear. seems that
  6. right. that’s Yes,
  7. do I do What next?
  8. anything Is else? there
  • Answer
  1. First, you have to put the coffee here.
  2. Then you press it down with this.
  3. Next, you put this here.
  4. After that, you just press this button.
  5. OK, that seems clear.
  6. Yes, that’s right.
  7. I do next?
  8. Is there anything else?

Task 3任务3

Giving instructions – 3

Write the word to fill the gap.

  • Question
  1. First, you ___ to put the coffee here.
  2. After ___ , you just press this button.
  3. OK, that ___ clear.
  4. Is this ___ ?
  5. Yes, that’s ___ .
  6. You’re ___ well.
  7. ___ do I do next?
  8. Is there anything ___ ?
  • Answer

First, you (have / need) to put the coffee here.

  1. After (that) , you just press this button.
  2. OK, that (seems / is / ’s) clear.
  3. Is this (OK / good / right) ?
  4. Yes, that’s (right / good / fine / OK) .
  5. You’re (doing / going) well.
  6. (What) do I do next?
  7. Is there anything (else / more) ?


When was the last time you gave instructions in English?您最后一次用英语发出指示是什么时候?

【A2-Speaking】02 Giving instructions-给予指导