【A2-Speaking】04 Talking about personal interests-谈论个人兴趣

【A2-Speaking】04 Talking about personal interests-谈论个人兴趣

In this video, Emir asks Paul about his hobbies. Listen to the language they use for talking about personal interests and practise saying the useful phrases.

Do the preparation exercise first. Then watch the video and do the exercises to check your understanding and practise the language.


Talking about personal interests – preparation

Match the two parts of the sentences.

  • Question

First part
1.What do you do
2.Have you got
3.How often do
4.I practise
5.I normally meditate once
6.Sometimes it’s hard

Second part
a. any hobbies?
b. you practise?
c. or twice a week.
d. to find time.
e. when you’re not working?
f. most mornings.

  • Answer

1.What do you do (when you’re not working?)
2.Have you got (any hobbies?)
3.How often do (you practise?)
4.I practise (most mornings.)
5.I normally meditate once (or twice a week.)
6.Sometimes it’s hard (to find time.)




Ana: Hi! I’m Ana. Welcome to What to Say!

Do you know what to say when you talk about your personal interests? Listen out for useful language for talking about personal interests. Then, we’ll practise saying the new phrases – after this.

Emir: Hi, Paul. I made you a cup of tea. Just how you like it, milk and two sugars.

Paul: Oh, thanks, Emir.

Emir: You’re welcome. So what do you do when you’re not working?

Paul: Oh, umm, not much. I’m always really tired in the evenings and at weekends.

Emir: Haven’t you got any hobbies?

Paul: Well, I’ve recently started doing meditation.

Emir: I didn’t know you did meditation. I do too!

Paul: Oh, right. So, um, how often do you practise?

Emir: Most mornings usually, but if it’s really busy, then sometimes it’s hard to find time.

Paul: Yeah, I know what you mean. I normally meditate once or twice a week. I never have enough time to do it more than that.

Emir: What are you doing now?

Paul: Nothing much, just drinking my tea …

Ana: Hello again! Now that’s something you don’t see in the office every day! So, did you notice the useful phrases used for talking about your personal interests? Listen to me and then repeat.

What do you do when you’re not working?

I didn’t know you did meditation.

I do too!

How often do you practise?

Most mornings, usually.

Sometimes it’s hard to find time.

I normally meditate once or twice a week.

I never have enough time.

Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you talk about your personal interests in English. Bye for now!


Ana: Hi! I’m Ana. Welcome to What to Say!

Do you know what to say when you talk about your personal interests? Listen out for useful language for talking about personal interests. Then, we’ll practise saying the new phrases – after this.

Emir: Hi, Paul. I made you a cup of tea. Just how you like it, milk and two sugars.

Paul: Oh, thanks, Emir.

Emir: You’re welcome. So what do you do when you’re not working?
埃米尔: 不客气。那么当你不工作的时候你会做什么呢?

Paul: Oh, umm, not much. I’m always really tired in the evenings and at weekends.

Emir: Haven’t you got any hobbies?

Paul: Well, I’ve recently started doing meditation.

Emir: I didn’t know you did meditation. I do too!

Paul: Oh, right. So, um, how often do you practise?

Emir: Most mornings usually, but if it’s really busy, then sometimes it’s hard to find time.

Paul: Yeah, I know what you mean. I normally meditate once or twice a week. I never have enough time to do it more than that.

Emir: What are you doing now?

Paul: Nothing much, just drinking my tea …

Ana: Hello again! Now that’s something you don’t see in the office every day! So, did you notice the useful phrases used for talking about your personal interests? Listen to me and then repeat.

What do you do when you’re not working?

I didn’t know you did meditation.

I do too!

How often do you practise?

Most mornings, usually.

Sometimes it’s hard to find time.

I normally meditate once or twice a week.

I never have enough time.

Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you talk about your personal interests in English. Bye for now!



Task 1任务1

Talking about personal interests – 1

Choose the best summary of the video.

  • Question

    Choose the best summary of the video.

Emir and Paul talk about all the different things they do when they aren’t working.
Paul asks Emir if he would like to try meditation.
Emir and Paul find out that they have the same hobby – meditation.

  • Answer

Emir and Paul talk about all the different things they do when they aren’t working.
Paul asks Emir if he would like to try meditation.
✔Emir and Paul find out that they have the same hobby – meditation.

Task 2任务2

Talking about personal interests – 2

Put the words in the correct order.

  • Question
  1. do when working? not do you What you’re
  2. at in weekends. I’m always the evenings and really tire
  3. doing started meditation. recently I’ve
  4. know meditation. I you did do too! I didn’t
  5. do How practise? you often
  6. but sometimes time. it’s hard mornings usually, Most to find
  7. meditate a I week. twice normally once or
  8. have than that. I more never to do it enough time
  • Answer
  1. What do you do when you’re not working.
  2. I’m always really tired in the evenings and at weekends.
  3. I’ve recently started doing meditation.
  4. I didn’t know you did meditation. I do too!
  5. How often do you practise?
  6. Most mornings usually, but sometimes it’s hard to find time.
  7. I normally meditate once or twice a week.
  8. I never have enough time to do it more than that.

Task 3任务3

Talking about personal interests – 3

Complete the sentences.

  • Question

How often I do See you What do you do
enough time What about recently hard to find

A: (1) when you’re not working?
B: I’ve (2) started swimming.
A: I didn’t know you go swimming. (3) too!
B: (4) do you swim?
A: I swim most evenings, usually. (5) you?
B: Once or twice a week. I don’t have (6) to go more than that.
A: I know what you mean. It’s (7) the time. I’m going swimming this evening.
B: Me too! (8) at the swimming pool!

  • Answer

A: (What do you do) when you’re not working?
B: I’ve (recently) started swimming.
A: I didn’t know you go swimming. (I do) too!
B: (How often) do you swim?
A: I swim most evenings, usually. (What about) you?
B: Once or twice a week. I don’t have (enough time) to go more than that.
A: I know what you mean. It’s (hard to find) the time. I’m going swimming this evening.
B: Me too! (See you) at the swimming pool!


What do you do when you’re not working? 当你不工作的时候你会做什么?



  • 简易


    考研 | IELTS | GRE

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

    N-UNCOUNT Meditation is the act of remaining in a silent and calm state for a period of time, as part of a religious training, or so that you are more able to deal with the problems of everyday life. 沉思

    • Many busy executives have begun to practise yoga and meditation.


  • 简易

v.(宗教中)默想,冥想;思考,沉思(meditate on/upon);暗自策划,谋划

考研 | TOEFL | GRE | SAT

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

meditating meditated meditates

  1. V-I If you meditate on something, you think about it very carefully and deeply for a long time. 深思

    • On the day her son began school, she meditated on the uncertainties of his future.

  2. V-I If you meditate you remain in a silent and calm state for a period of time, as part of a religious training or so that you are more able to deal with the problems and difficulties of everyday life. 冥想

    • I was meditating, and reached a higher state of consciousness.

【A2-Speaking】04 Talking about personal interests-谈论个人兴趣