【A2-Speaking】05 Talking about your job-谈论你的工作

【A2-Speaking】05 Talking about your job-谈论你的工作

In this video, Vanya, Emir and Paul have a training session. Listen to the language they use for talking about their jobs and practise saying the useful phrases.
在这段视频中,Vanya、Emir 和 Paul 正在进行训练。聆听他们谈论工作时使用的语言,并练习说出有用的短语。

Do the preparation exercise first. Then watch the video and do the exercises to check your understanding and practise the language.


Talking about your job – preparation

Put the questions in the correct groups.

  • Question

a. How are you?
b. What do you do?
c. Where do you live?
d. What’s your role in the company?
e. Do you like the people you work with?
f. How was your weekend?
g. What do you like doing in your free time?
h. What’s the best part of your job?

  • Answer

About your job
1.What do you do?
2.What’s your role in the company?
3.What’s the best part of your job?
4.Do you like the people you work with?

General questions
1.How are you?
2.What do you like doing in your free time?
3.How was your weekend?
4.Where do you live?




Ana: Hi! I’m Ana. Welcome to What to Say!

Do you know what to say when you talk about your job? Listen out for useful language for talking about your job. Then, we’ll practise saying the new phrases – after this.

Patrick: Life is hard. Business is harder. I’m here to help you win. Do you want to be the best?

Vanya: Yeah.

Patrick: I said, DO YOU WANT TO BE THE BEST?

Paul, Emir, Vanya: Yes.

Patrick: Good. You – what’s your role in the company?

Emir: I’m the head of design. I manage artists and graphic designers.

Patrick: Good. What about you?

Paul: I’m a content producer.

Patrick: What does that mean?

Paul: It means I’m responsible for writing.

Patrick: Nice. And you – what do you do?

Vanya: Social media and marketing.

Patrick: Do you like your job?

Vanya: Yeah, I love it!

Patrick: Good. BUT NOT GOOD ENOUGH! Now listen. I’m here to make you the best. And I’ve got four hours to do it. Stand up! Let’s all close our eyes, breathe deeply and think about these two important questions. One: What’s the best part of your job? And two: Do you like the people you work with? Keep those eyes closed … breathe deep … and think …

Ana: Hello again! I don’t think Emir is enjoying the training very much. So, did you notice the useful phrases used for talking about your job? Listen to me and then repeat.

What’s your role in the company?

I’m the head of design.

I manage artists and graphic designers.

What about you?

I’m a content producer.

I’m responsible for writing.

What do you do?

Do you like your job?

Yes, I love it!

What’s the best part of your job?

Do you like the people you work with?

Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you talk about your job in English. Bye for now!


Ana: Hi! I’m Ana. Welcome to What to Say!

Do you know what to say when you talk about your job? Listen out for useful language for talking about your job. Then, we’ll practise saying the new phrases – after this.

Patrick: Life is hard. Business is harder. I’m here to help you win. Do you want to be the best?

Vanya: Yeah.

Patrick: I said, DO YOU WANT TO BE THE BEST?

Paul, Emir, Vanya: Yes.

Patrick: Good. You – what’s your role in the company?

Emir: I’m the head of design. I manage artists and graphic designers.

Patrick: Good. What about you?

Paul: I’m a content producer.

Patrick: What does that mean?

Paul: It means I’m responsible for writing.

Patrick: Nice. And you – what do you do?

Vanya: Social media and marketing.

Patrick: Do you like your job?

Vanya: Yeah, I love it!

Patrick: Good. BUT NOT GOOD ENOUGH! Now listen. I’m here to make you the best. And I’ve got four hours to do it. Stand up! Let’s all close our eyes, breathe deeply and think about these two important questions. One: What’s the best part of your job? And two: Do you like the people you work with? Keep those eyes closed … breathe deep … and think …

Ana: Hello again! I don’t think Emir is enjoying the training very much. So, did you notice the useful phrases used for talking about your job? Listen to me and then repeat.

What’s your role in the company?

I’m the head of design.

I manage artists and graphic designers.

What about you?

I’m a content producer.

I’m responsible for writing.

What do you do?

Do you like your job?

Yes, I love it!

What’s the best part of your job?

Do you like the people you work with?

Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you talk about your job in English. Bye for now!



Task 1任务1

Talking about your job – 1

Choose the correct answer.

  • Question
  1. The trainer is there to help them ………
    a. relax.
    b. win.
  2. Emir is head of ………
    a. design.
    b. writing.
  3. Paul is responsible for ………
    a. design.
    b. writing.
  4. Vanya does ………
    a. graphic design.
    b. social media.
  5. Vanya ………
    a. loves her job.
    b. thinks her job is OK.
  6. The training session is ………
    a. an hour long.
    b. four hours long.
  • Answer
  1. The trainer is there to help them ………
    a. relax.
    ✔b. win.
  2. Emir is head of ………
    ✔a. design.
    b. writing.
  3. Paul is responsible for ………
    a. design.
    ✔b. writing.
  4. Vanya does ………
    a. graphic design.
    ✔b. social media.
  5. Vanya ………
    ✔a. loves her job.
    b. thinks her job is OK.
  6. The training session is ………
    a. an hour long.
    ✔b. four hours long.

Task 2任务2

Talking about your job – 2

Match the sentences that have the same meaning.

  • Question

Sentence 1
1.What do you do?
2.I’m the head of design.
3.I’m responsible for writing content.
4.What’s your role in the company?
5.What’s the best part of your job?
6.Do you like the people you work with?
Sentence 2
a.I manage the design department.
b.What exactly do you do?
c.Do you like your colleagues?
d.What’s your job?
e.I’m a content writer.
f.What do you like most about your job?

  • Answer

1.What do you do? – What’s your job?
2.I’m the head of design. – I manage the design department.
3.I’m responsible for writing content. – I’m a content writer.
4.What’s your role in the company? – What exactly do you do?
5.What’s the best part of your job? – What do you like most about your job?
6.Do you like the people you work with? – Do you like your colleagues?

Task 3任务3

Talking about your job – 3

Write the word to fill the gap.

  • Question

A: What (1) you do?
B: I work in a primary school. I’m (2) teacher.
A: What’s (3) role (4) the school?
B: I’m (5) head of Year One. I’m responsible (6) all the
children in their first year.
A: Do (7) like your job?
B: I do. It’s hard work but I love (8) .
A: What’s (9) best part (10) your job?
B: The children! They’re great.
A: Do you like (11) people you work (12) ?
B: Yes. I manage some excellent teachers, and the head of the school is great.

  • Answer

A: What (do) you do?
B: I work in a primary school. I’m (a) teacher.
A: What’s (your) role (in) the school?
B: I’m (the) head of Year One. I’m responsible (for) all the children in their first year.
A: Do (you) like your job?
B: I do. It’s hard work but I love (it) .
A: What’s (the) best part (of) your job?
B: The children! They’re great.
A: Do you like (the) people you work (with) ?
B: Yes. I manage some excellent teachers, and the head of the school is great.


What do you do? Do you like your job? 你做什么工作?你喜欢你的工作吗?

【A2-Speaking】05 Talking about your job-谈论你的工作