【B1-Speaking】02 Asking a favour-请求帮忙

【B1-Speaking】02 Asking a favour-请求帮忙

In this video, Noelia asks Paul for some help. Listen to the language Noelia uses to ask a favour and practise saying the useful phrases.在这段视频中,诺埃莉亚向保罗寻求帮助。聆听诺埃莉亚请求帮助时使用的语言,并练习说出有用的短语。

Do the preparation exercise first. Then watch the video and do the exercises to check your understanding and practise the language.先做准备练习。然后观看视频并做练习来检查您的理解和练习语言。


Asking a favour – preparation

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

  • Question
  1. Have you got a …………?
    a. bit
    b. minute
    c. time
  2. I need a ………… .
    a. favour
    b. rescue
    c. service
  3. What can I ………… you with?
    a. attend
    b. guide
    c. help
  4. I’m really ………… about this but …
    a. bad
    b. bored
    c. sorry
  5. Would you be ………… to work tomorrow?
    a. able
    b. easy
    c. possible
  6. I’m not really ………… if I can.
    a. clear
    b. decided
    c. sure
  7. Is there any ………… you could work late?
    a. chance
    b. luck
    c. opportunity
  8. I would if I …………, but I can’t.
    a. can
    b. could
    c. will
  • Answer
  1. Have you got a …………?
    a. bit
    ✔b. minute
    c. time
  2. I need a ………… .
    ✔a. favour
    b. rescue
    c. service
  3. What can I ………… you with?
    a. attend
    b. guide
    ✔c. help
  4. I’m really ………… about this but …
    a. bad
    b. bored
    ✔c. sorry
  5. Would you be ………… to work tomorrow?
    ✔a. able
    b. easy
    c. possible
  6. I’m not really ………… if I can.
    a. clear
    b. decided
    ✔c. sure
  7. Is there any ………… you could work late?
    ✔a. chance
    b. luck
    c. opportunity
  8. I would if I …………, but I can’t.
    a. can
    ✔b. could
    c. will




Ana: Hi! I’m Ana. Welcome to What to Say!

Do you know what to say when you want to ask a favour? Listen out for useful language for asking a favour. Then, we’ll practise saying the new phrases – after this.

Noelia: Paul, have you got a minute? I need a favour.

Paul: I’m a bit busy, but sure, what can I help you with?

Noelia: So, you know the branding job for Active Arctic?

Paul: Of course. It was so good to finally finish that project. It went on and on and on …

Noelia: Yeah, so … look, I’m really sorry about this, but they want some more changes made.

Paul: Seriously? I’ve already rewritten that copy, I don’t know, like, 20 times?

Noelia: I know. I’m so sorry. Would you be able to work on it this afternoon?

Paul: Well, I’m not really sure if I can, Noelia. I’m finishing the Moosh Monkey social media campaign and they’re expecting it by the end of the day.

Noelia: I’d forgotten about that. Is there any chance you could work late tonight?

Paul: Sorry, Noelia. I would if I could, but I can’t.

Noelia: Please?

Paul: I’m taking my niece to the cinema for her birthday. It’s been planned for ages.

Noelia: OK. Well, then could you come in early tomorrow? I’ll make it up to you!

Paul: OK. How?

Noelia: Name your price.

Paul: An extra day’s holiday?

Noelia: Can you get in for 5 a.m.?

Paul: 7 a.m.

Noelia: 6 a.m.

Paul: Deal.

Noelia: Deal.

Ana: Hello again! Looks like that’s an early start for Paul tomorrow, then! So, did you notice the useful phrases used for asking a favour? Listen to me and then repeat.

Have you got a minute?

I need a favour.

What can I help you with?

I’m really sorry about this, but they want some changes.

Would you be able to work this afternoon**?**

I’m not really sure if I can.

Is there any chance you could work late**?**

I would if I could, but I can’t.

Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you want to ask a favour in English. Bye for now!


Ana: Hi! I’m Ana. Welcome to What to Say!安娜:嗨!我是安娜。欢迎来到说什么!

Do you know what to say when you want to ask a favour? Listen out for useful language for asking a favour. Then, we’ll practise saying the new phrases – after this.当你想请求帮助时,你知道该说什么吗?留意寻求帮助时有用的语言。然后,我们将练习说新短语——在此之后。

Noelia: Paul, have you got a minute? I need a favour.诺莉亚:保罗,你有时间吗?我需要帮忙。

Paul: I’m a bit busy, but sure, what can I help you with?保罗:我有点忙,但是当然,我能帮你什么忙呢?

Noelia: So, you know the branding job for Active Arctic?诺埃利亚:那么,您知道 Active Arctic 的品牌工作吗?

Paul: Of course. It was so good to finally finish that project. It went on and on and on … 保罗:当然。终于完成那个项目真是太好了。它一直持续着……

Noelia: Yeah, so … look, I’m really sorry about this, but they want some more changes made.诺埃莉亚:是的,所以……听着,我对此感到非常抱歉,但他们希望做出更多改变。

Paul: Seriously? I’ve already rewritten that copy, I don’t know, like, 20 times?保罗:认真的吗?我已经重写了那个副本,我不知道,大概,20 次?

Noelia: I know. I’m so sorry. Would you be able to work on it this afternoon?诺埃利亚:我知道。我很抱歉。今天下午你能做这件事吗?

Paul: Well, I’m not really sure if I can, Noelia. I’m finishing the Moosh Monkey social media campaign and they’re expecting it by the end of the day.保罗:嗯,我不太确定我是否可以,诺莉亚。我正在完成 Moosh Monkey 社交媒体活动,他们期待着今天结束。

Noelia: I’d forgotten about that. Is there any chance you could work late tonight?诺莉亚:我都忘了这件事了。今晚你有机会工作到很晚吗?

Paul: Sorry, Noelia. I would if I could, but I can’t.保罗:对不起,诺莉亚。如果可以的话我愿意,但我不能。

Noelia: Please?诺埃莉亚:请问?

Paul: I’m taking my niece to the cinema for her birthday. It’s been planned for ages.保罗:我要带我侄女去电影院庆祝她的生日。它已经计划了很多年了。

Noelia: OK. Well, then could you come in early tomorrow? I’ll make it up to you!诺埃利亚:好的。嗯,那你明天早点来可以吗?我会补偿你的!

Paul: OK. How?保罗:好的。如何?

Noelia: Name your price.诺埃利亚:说出你的价格。

Paul: An extra day’s holiday?保罗:多放一天假?

Noelia: Can you get in for 5 a.m.?诺莉亚:你早上 5 点可以进来吗?

Paul: 7 a.m.保罗:早上 7 点

Noelia: 6 a.m.诺埃利亚:早上 6 点

Paul: Deal.保罗:成交。

Noelia: Deal.诺莉亚:成交。

Ana: Hello again! Looks like that’s an early start for Paul tomorrow, then! So, did you notice the useful phrases used for asking a favour? Listen to me and then repeat. 安娜:你好!看来保罗明天起得早了!那么,您注意到用于请求帮助的有用短语了吗?听我说,然后重复。

Have you got a minute?你有时间吗?

I need a favour.我需要帮忙。

What can I help you with?有什么可以帮您?

I’m really sorry about this, but they want some changes. 我对此感到非常抱歉,但他们希望做出一些改变。

Would you be able to work this afternoon**?**今天下午可以上班吗?

I’m not really sure if I can.我不太确定我是否可以。

Is there any chance you could work late**?**你有可能工作到很晚吗?

I would if I could, but I can’t.如果可以的话我愿意,但我不能。

Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you want to ask a favour in English. Bye for now!安娜:下次你想用英语请求帮助时,尝试使用其中一些短语。暂时再见!



Task 1-任务1

Asking a favour – 1

Are the sentences true or false?

  • Question
  1. Paul is relaxing, having a break from work.
  2. Paul enjoyed the Active Arctic project.
  3. Noelia wants Paul to do more work on the Active Arctic project.
  4. Paul has another project to finish urgently.
  5. Paul has arranged to take his daughter to the cinema.
  6. Paul wants to be paid for the extra work.
  • Answer
  1. Paul is relaxing, having a break from work.
  2. Paul enjoyed the Active Arctic project.
  3. Noelia wants Paul to do more work on the Active Arctic project.
  4. Paul has another project to finish urgently.
  5. Paul has arranged to take his daughter to the cinema.
  6. Paul wants to be paid for the extra work.

Task 2-任务2

Asking a favour – 2

Complete the dialogue.

  • Question

able can chance could help I need a minute sorry sure would

Noelia: Paul, have you got a (1)? (2) favour.
Paul: I’m a bit busy, but sure, what can I (3) you with?
Noelia: So, you know the branding job for Active Arctic?
Paul: Yes?
Noelia: Yeah, so … look, I’m really (4) about this, but they want some more changes made.
Paul: Seriously? I’ve already rewritten that copy, I don’t know, like, 20 times?
Noelia: I know. I’m so sorry. Would you be (5) to work on it this afternoon?
Paul: Well, I’m not really (6) if I (7), Noelia.
Noelia: Is there any (8) you could work late tonight?
Paul: Sorry, Noelia. I (9) if I (10), but I can’t.

  • Answer

Noelia: Paul, have you got a (minute)? (I need a) favour.
Paul: I’m a bit busy, but sure, what can I (help) you with?
Noelia: So, you know the branding job for Active Arctic?
Paul: Yes?
Noelia: Yeah, so … look, I’m really (sorry) about this, but they want some more changes made.
Paul: Seriously? I’ve already rewritten that copy, I don’t know, like, 20 times?
Noelia: I know. I’m so sorry. Would you be (able) to work on it this afternoon?
Paul: Well, I’m not really (sure) if I (can), Noelia.
Noelia: Is there any (chance) you could work late tonight?
Paul: Sorry, Noelia. I (would) if I (could), but I can’t.

Task 3-任务3

Asking a favour – 3

Write one word to fill the gap.

  • Question

Noelia: Emir, have you (1) a minute?
Emir: Yeah, sure.
Noelia: Look, I’m really sorry (2) this, but I need (3) favour.
Emir: What (4) I help you (5)?
Noelia: I’m so sorry, but Lemontree want to meet tomorrow morning. Would you (6) able (7) prepare the presentation for then?
Emir: For tomorrow morning? I’m (8) really sure (9) I can.
Noelia: Is there (10) chance you could work on it this afternoon?
Emir: I’m sorry. I (11) if I (12), but I can’t.

  • Answer

Noelia: Emir, have you (got) a minute?
Emir: Yeah, sure.
Noelia: Look, I’m really sorry (about) this, but I need (a|this|that) favour.
Emir: What (can|might|may) I help you (with)?
Noelia: I’m so sorry, but Lemontree want to meet tomorrow morning. Would you (be) able (to) prepare the presentation for then?
Emir: For tomorrow morning? I’m (not) really sure (if|that|whether) I can.
Noelia: Is there (any|a) chance you could work on it this afternoon?
Emir: I’m sorry. I (would) if I (could), but I can’t.


When was the last time you did someone a favour?

【B1-Speaking】02 Asking a favour-请求帮忙