【B1-Speaking】03 Keeping a conversation going-保持对话继续

【B1-Speaking】03 Keeping a conversation going-保持对话继续

In this video, Noelia and Bob talk about Spain. Listen to the language they use for keeping a conversation going and practise saying the useful phrases.在这段视频中,诺埃莉亚和鲍勃谈论了西班牙。聆听他们用来维持对话的语言,并练习说出有用的短语。

Do the preparation exercise first. Then watch the video and do the exercises to check your understanding and practise the language.先做准备练习。然后观看视频并做练习来检查您的理解和练习语言。


Keeping a conversation going – preparation

Match the words to make phrases.

  • Question

1.What’s __
2.Let me __
3.Nothing __
4.How about __
5.How’s it __
6.By the __
7.I wanted __
8.I know __

e.to ask you …
h.what you mean.

  • Answer

1.What’s new?
2.Let me think.
3.Nothing much.
4.How about you?
5.How’s it going?
6.By the way.
7.I wanted to ask you…
8.I know what you mean.




Ana: Hi! I’m Ana. Welcome to What to Say!

Do you know what to say when you want to keep a conversation going? Listen out for useful language for keeping a conversation going. Then, we’ll practise saying the new phrases – after this.

Noelia: Hi, Bob!

Bob: Oh, morning, Noelia.

Noelia: So, what’s new?

Bob: New, hmm, let me think. Hmm … Nothing much. Oh, hang on. My dog Bertie had his 14th birthday on Monday!

Noelia: Oh, he’s getting old then?

Bob: I guess so … but not as old as his owner.

Noelia: Haha … er, anyway …

Bob: How about you, Noelia? How’s it going?

Noelia: Great, actually. Yeah … all good.

Bob: By the way, I wanted to ask you, where in Spain are you from?

Noelia: I’m from Santander.

Bob: Oh, lovely. Wonderful to grow up near the sea.

Noelia: Yeah, it was perfect. Ah, I miss the sea.

Bob: I know what you mean. I used to live in Spain and I absolutely loved it.

Noelia: Really? I didn’t know that, Bob!

Bob: Yeah, I had a little bar on the Costa Brava.

Noelia: Wow! So do you speak Spanish then?

Bob: Oh, not much. Ah, those were the days! Excuse me. Perdona, Noelia. Tengo que irme. Me necesitan en el segundo piso. ¡Hasta pronto! [Excuse me, Noelia. I’ve got to go. They need me on the second floor. See you soon!]

Noelia: Wow!

Ana: Hello again! Wow! Bob is full of surprises. So, did you notice the useful phrases used for keeping a conversation going? Listen to me and then repeat.

So, what’s new?

Let me think …

Nothing much.

Anyway …

How about you, Noelia?

How’s it going?

By the way, I wanted to ask you …

I know what you mean.

Really? I didn’t know that!

Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you want to keep a conversation going in English. Bye for now!


Ana: Hi! I’m Ana. Welcome to What to Say!安娜:嗨!我是安娜。欢迎来到说什么!

Do you know what to say when you want to keep a conversation going? Listen out for useful language for keeping a conversation going. Then, we’ll practise saying the new phrases – after this.当您想继续谈话时,您知道该说什么吗?倾听有助于保持对话继续的有用语言。然后,我们将练习说新短语——在此之后。

Noelia: Hi, Bob!诺埃莉亚:嗨,鲍勃!

Bob: Oh, morning, Noelia.鲍勃:噢,早上好,诺莉亚。

Noelia: So, what’s new? 诺莉亚:那么,有什么新鲜事吗?

Bob: New, hmm, let me think. Hmm … Nothing much. Oh, hang on. My dog Bertie had his 14th birthday on Monday! 鲍勃:新的,嗯,让我想想。嗯……没什么。哦,坚持住。周一,我的狗伯蒂 (Bertie) 度过了 14 岁生日!

Noelia: Oh, he’s getting old then?诺莉亚:哦,那么他就老了?

Bob: I guess so … but not as old as his owner. 鲍勃:我想是的……但没有他的主人那么老。

Noelia: Haha … er, anyway …诺莉亚:哈哈……呃,总之……

Bob: How about you, Noelia? How’s it going? 鲍勃:你呢,诺莉亚?怎么样了?

Noelia: Great, actually. Yeah … all good.诺埃莉亚:实际上,太好了。是的……一切都好。

Bob: By the way, I wanted to ask you, where in Spain are you from?鲍勃:顺便问一下,我想问你,你来自西班牙哪里?

Noelia: I’m from Santander.诺埃利亚:我来自桑坦德。

Bob: Oh, lovely. Wonderful to grow up near the sea. 鲍勃:噢,可爱的。在海边长大真是太好了。

Noelia: Yeah, it was perfect. Ah, I miss the sea. 诺莉亚:是的,太完美了。啊,我想念大海。

Bob: I know what you mean. I used to live in Spain and I absolutely loved it.鲍勃:我知道你的意思。我曾经住在西班牙,我非常喜欢它。

Noelia: Really? I didn’t know that, Bob! 诺莉亚:真的吗?我不知道,鲍勃!

Bob: Yeah, I had a little bar on the Costa Brava.鲍勃:是的,我在布拉瓦海岸有一家小酒吧。

Noelia: Wow! So do you speak Spanish then?诺埃利亚:哇!那你会说西班牙语吗?

Bob: Oh, not much. Ah, those were the days! Excuse me. Perdona, Noelia. Tengo que irme. Me necesitan en el segundo piso. ¡Hasta pronto! [Excuse me, Noelia. I’ve got to go. They need me on the second floor. See you soon!]鲍勃:噢,不多。啊,那些日子啊!打扰一下。佩尔多纳,诺埃莉亚。 Tengo que irme。我需要第二个。 ¡快点! [对不起,诺埃莉亚。我得走了。他们需要我在二楼。再见!]

Noelia: Wow! 诺埃利亚:哇!

Ana: Hello again! Wow! Bob is full of surprises. So, did you notice the useful phrases used for keeping a conversation going? Listen to me and then repeat.安娜:你好!哇!鲍勃充满了惊喜。那么,您是否注意到用于保持对话继续的有用短语?听我说,然后重复。

So, what’s new? 那么,有什么新内容吗?

Let me think … 让我想想 …

Nothing much. 没什么。

Anyway …反正 …

How about you, Noelia? 你呢,诺莉亚?

How’s it going? 怎么样了?

By the way, I wanted to ask you … 顺便说一句,我想问你…

I know what you mean.我明白你的意思。

Really? I didn’t know that! 真的吗?我不知道!

Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you want to keep a conversation going in English. Bye for now! 安娜:下次当你想用英语继续对话时,尝试使用其中一些短语。暂时再见!



Task 1-任务1

Agreeing and disagreeing – 1Keeping a conversation going – 1

Put the conversation topics in order.

  • Question

Write a number (1–6) to put the conversation topics in order.
Bob says he used to have a bar in Spain.
Noelia says that she misses living by the sea.
Bob asks Noelia where she’s from in Spain.
Noelia asks Bob if he speaks Spanish.
Bob says it was his dog’s birthday.
Noelia says that everything is fine with her.

  • Answer

Write a number (1–6) to put the conversation topics in order.
(5)Bob says he used to have a bar in Spain.
(4)Noelia says that she misses living by the sea.
(3)Bob asks Noelia where she’s from in Spain.
(6)Noelia asks Bob if he speaks Spanish.
(1)Bob says it was his dog’s birthday.
(2)Noelia says that everything is fine with her.

Task 2-任务2

Keeping a conversation going – 2

Match the replies (a–f) with the sentences (1–6).

  • Question

1.What’s new?
2.How about you? How’s it going?
3.Your dog’s getting old then?
4.Where in Spain are you from?
5.I used to live in Spain.
6.Do you speak Spanish then?

a.Great actually. All good.
b.I guess so, but not as old as his owner!
c.I’m from Santander.
d.Let me think … nothing much.
e.No, not much.
f.Really? I didn’t know that!

  • Answer
  1. What’s new?
    Let me think … nothing much.
  2. How about you? How’s it going?
    Great actually. All good.
  3. Your dog’s getting old then?
    I guess so, but not as old as his owner!
  4. Where in Spain are you from?
    I’m from Santander.
  5. I used to live in Spain.
    Really? I didn’t know that!
  6. Do you speak Spanish then?
    No, not much.

Task 3-任务3

Keeping a conversation going – 3

Choose the best reply.

  • Question

Choose the best reply.

  1. So, what’s new?
    a. All good.
    b. Not much!
    c. Really?
  2. What about you? How’s it going?
    a. Anyway …
    b. Great, thanks.
    c. I’m going to Spain next month.
  3. By the way, where in Peru are you from?
    a. I’m from Cusco.
    b. I didn’t know that!
    c. Yes, I am.
  4. I miss the mountains.
    a. I know what you mean.
    b. Oh lovely.
    c. Oh, nothing much.
  5. I used to live in Peru.
    a. I know what you mean.
    b. Really? I didn’t know that!
    c. Yes, I did.
  6. Do you speak Spanish?
    a. Nothing much.
    b. Wow!
    c. Yes, I do.
  • Answer

Choose the best reply.

  1. So, what’s new?
    a. All good.
    ✔b. Not much!
    c. Really?
  2. What about you? How’s it going?
    a. Anyway …
    ✔b. Great, thanks.
    c. I’m going to Spain next month.
  3. By the way, where in Peru are you from?
    ✔a. I’m from Cusco.
    b. I didn’t know that!
    c. Yes, I am.
  4. I miss the mountains.
    ✔a. I know what you mean.
    b. Oh lovely.
    c. Oh, nothing much.
  5. I used to live in Peru.
    a. I know what you mean.
    ✔b. Really? I didn’t know that!
    c. Yes, I did.
  6. Do you speak Spanish?
    a. Nothing much.
    b. Wow!
    ✔c. Yes, I do.


Do you live near the sea?

【B1-Speaking】03 Keeping a conversation going-保持对话继续