【B2-Speaking】01 Challenging someone's ideas-挑战某人的想法

【B2-Speaking】01 Challenging someone’s ideas-挑战某人的想法

In this video, Vanya tells Paul and Emir about her latest idea. Listen to the language they use for challenging someone’s ideas and practise saying the useful phrases.在这段视频中,Vanya 向 Paul 和 Emir 讲述了她的最新想法。聆听他们用来挑战他人想法的语言,并练习说出有用的短语。

Do the preparation exercise first. Then watch the video and do the exercises to check your understanding and practise the language.先做准备练习。然后观看视频并做练习以检查您对语言的理解和练习。


Challenging someone’s ideas – preparation

Match the two parts of the sentences.

  • Question

1.I’m a bit lost. What …………
2.Have you considered …………
3.I take your …………
4.I see where …………
5.I think I agree …………
6.How exactly …………
7.I’m very aware …………
8.You have to look at it from …………

a.do you see this working?
b.are you talking about?
c.with you here.
d.point, but I’m not really sure.
e.both sides.
f.the fact that Monday’s a national holiday?
g.you’re coming from.
h.of the challenges here, but it’s worth a try.

  • Answer
  1. I’m a bit lost. What are you talking about?
  2. Have you considered the fact that Monday’s a national holiday?
  3. I take your point, but I’m not really sure.
  4. I see where you’re coming from.
  5. I think I agree with you here.
  6. How exactly do you see this working?
  7. I’m very aware of the challenges here, but it’s worth a try.
  8. You have to look at it from both sides.




Ana: Hi! I’m Ana. Welcome to What to Say!

Do you know what to say when you want to challenge someone’s ideas? Listen out for useful language for challenging someone’s ideas. Then, we’ll practise saying the new phrases – after this.

Vanya: Guys! I’ve got it! I’ve figured it out!

Emir: Figured what out?

Paul: That it’s polite to knock on the door before coming in?

Vanya: This idea is just too good, Paul! It’s too good!

Paul: Go on, then.

Vanya: So! Cats!

Emir: I’m a bit lost. What are you talking about?

Vanya: Videos. Cat videos! For our social media account. Hundreds of them. Everyone loves cats!

Paul: I hate cats.

Vanya: Everyone except you, Paul.

Paul: Have you considered the fact that we’re a branding agency, not a pet shop?

Vanya: I take your point, Paul, but, come on, be imaginative! Cat videos are some of the most searched videos on the internet.

Emir: I see where you’re coming from, Vanya, but I think I agree with Paul here. How is this relevant for a branding agency?

Vanya: Look. Social media, it’s a numbers game. If we share dozens of cat videos each day, then we get more followers.

Emir: That’s true. So how exactly do you see this working? I mean, who’s going to find all these videos?

Vanya: Erm, OK, I’m very aware of the challenges here, but I’m convinced this is going to work.

Paul: I’m not so sure.

Emir: Well, I guess you have to look at it from both sides. Why don’t we try it for a couple of weeks and see if there’s any impact?

Vanya: Great! We are going to get so many more followers. I’m absolutely positive!

Paul: Good luck with that! I hope it doesn’t turn out to be a cat-astrophe … What? … It’s a good joke.

Ana: Hello again! Well, I thought that was a good joke! So, did you notice the useful phrases used for challenging someone’s ideas? Listen to me and then repeat.

I’m a bit lost. What are you talking about?

Have you considered the fact that we’re a branding agency, not a pet shop**?**

I take your point, but be imaginative.

I see where you’re coming from.

I think I agree with Paul here.

How exactly do you see this working?

I’m very aware of the challenges here, but I’m convinced this will work.

You have to look at it from both sides.

Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you want to challenge someone’s ideas in English. Bye for now!


Ana: Hi! I’m Ana. Welcome to What to Say! 安娜:嗨!我是安娜。欢迎来到说什么!

Do you know what to say when you want to challenge someone’s ideas? Listen out for useful language for challenging someone’s ideas. Then, we’ll practise saying the new phrases – after this.当你想挑战别人的想法时你知道该说什么吗?倾听有用的语言来挑战别人的想法。然后,我们将练习说新短语——在此之后。

Vanya: Guys! I’ve got it! I’ve figured it out!万尼亚:伙计们!我懂了!我已经想通了!

Emir: Figured what out?埃米尔:想出什么办法了吗?

Paul: That it’s polite to knock on the door before coming in? 保罗:进来之前先敲门是有礼貌的吗?

Vanya: This idea is just too good, Paul! It’s too good!万尼亚:这个主意太好了,保罗!太好了!

Paul: Go on, then.保罗:那么,继续吧。

Vanya: So! Cats!万尼亚:那么!猫!

Emir: I’m a bit lost. What are you talking about?埃米尔:我有点迷失了。你在说什么?

Vanya: Videos. Cat videos! For our social media account. Hundreds of them. Everyone loves cats! 万尼亚:视频。猫视频!对于我们的社交媒体帐户。其中有数百个。每个人都喜欢猫!

Paul: I hate cats.保罗:我讨厌猫。

Vanya: Everyone except you, Paul.万尼亚:除了你之外的所有人,保罗。

Paul: Have you considered the fact that we’re a branding agency, not a pet shop?保罗:你有没有考虑过我们是一家品牌代理公司,而不是一家宠物店?

Vanya: I take your point, Paul, but, come on, be imaginative! Cat videos are some of the most searched videos on the internet.万尼亚:我同意你的观点,保罗,但是,来吧,发挥想象力!猫视频是互联网上搜索次数最多的视频之一。

Emir: I see where you’re coming from, Vanya, but I think I agree with Paul here. How is this relevant for a branding agency?埃米尔:我明白你的观点,万尼亚,但我想我同意保罗的观点。这与品牌代理机构有什么关系?

Vanya: Look. Social media, it’s a numbers game. If we share dozens of cat videos each day, then we get more followers. 万尼亚:看。社交媒体,这是一场数字游戏。如果我们每天分享数十个猫视频,那么我们就会获得更多关注者。

Emir: That’s true. So how exactly do you see this working? I mean, who’s going to find all these videos?埃米尔:确实如此。那么您到底如何看待这项工作呢?我的意思是,谁会找到所有这些视频?

Vanya: Erm, OK, I’m very aware of the challenges here, but I’m convinced this is going to work.Vanya:嗯,好吧,我非常清楚这里面临的挑战,但我相信这会奏效。

Paul: I’m not so sure.保罗:我不太确定。

Emir: Well, I guess you have to look at it from both sides. Why don’t we try it for a couple of weeks and see if there’s any impact?埃米尔:嗯,我想你必须从两方面来看。我们为什么不尝试几周,看看是否有任何影响?

Vanya: Great! We are going to get so many more followers. I’m absolutely positive! 万尼亚:太好了!我们将会获得更多的追随者。我绝对相信这一点!

Paul: Good luck with that! I hope it doesn’t turn out to be a cat-astrophe … What? … It’s a good joke.保罗:祝你好运!我希望这不会成为一场猫灾难……什么? ……这是一个很好的笑话。

Ana: Hello again! Well, I thought that was a good joke! So, did you notice the useful phrases used for challenging someone’s ideas? Listen to me and then repeat. 安娜:你好!好吧,我认为这是一个很好的笑话!那么,您是否注意到用于挑战某人的想法的有用短语?听我说,然后重复。

I’m a bit lost. What are you talking about?我有点失落。你在说什么?

Have you considered the fact that we’re a branding agency, not a pet shop**?**您是否考虑过我们是一家品牌代理机构,而不是一家宠物店?

I take your point, but be imaginative. 我同意你的观点,但要有想象力。

I see where you’re coming from.我知道你来自哪里。

I think I agree with Paul here.我想我同意保罗的观点。

How exactly do you see this working?您究竟如何看待这项工作?

I’m very aware of the challenges here, but I’m convinced this will work. 我非常清楚这里面临的挑战,但我相信这会奏效。

You have to look at it from both sides.你必须从两方面来看。

Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you want to challenge someone’s ideas in English. Bye for now! 安娜:下次当你想用英语挑战某人的想法时,尝试使用其中一些短语。暂时再见!



Task 1-任务1

Challenging someone’s ideas – 1

Are the sentences true or false?

  • Question
  1. Vanya is very excited about her new idea.
  2. She wants to add a few cat videos to their social media account.
  3. Paul loves the idea.
  4. Emir isn’t sure about the idea at first.
  5. Vanya believes that sharing cat videos will increase their number of social media followers.
  6. Emir wants to know more details about Vanya’s plan.
  7. Vanya already knows who’s going to find the cat videos.
  8. In the end, Emir thinks they should try a different idea.
  • Answer
  1. Vanya is very excited about her new idea.
  2. She wants to add a few cat videos to their social media account.
  3. Paul loves the idea.
  4. Emir isn’t sure about the idea at first.
  5. Vanya believes that sharing cat videos will increase their number of social media followers.
  6. Emir wants to know more details about Vanya’s plan.
  7. Vanya already knows who’s going to find the cat videos.
  8. In the end, Emir thinks they should try a different idea.

Task 2-任务2

Challenging someone’s ideas – 2

Put the words in the correct order.

  • Question
  1. talking about? lost. What are you bit I’m a
  2. considered we’re a branding agency, the fact that not a pet shop? Have you
  3. your point, be imaginative. but I take
  4. from. you’re coming where I see
  5. with agree Paul here. I think I
  6. this working? do you How exactly see
  7. but this will work. the challenges here, I’m very aware I’m convinced of
  8. look from You have to both sides. at it
  • Answer
  1. I’m a bit lost. What are you talking about?
  2. Have you considered the fact that we’re a branding agency, not a pet shop?
  3. I take your point, but be imaginative.
  4. I see where you’re coming from.
  5. I think I agree with Paul here.
  6. How exactly do you see this working?
  7. I’m very aware of the challenges here, but I’m convinced this will work.
  8. You have to look at it from both sides.

Task 3-任务3

Challenging someone’s ideas – 3

Complete the dialogue.

  • Question

about both challenges coming exactly fact lost point

A: Food! Fridays!
B: I’m a bit (1) . What are you talking (2)?
A: Food Fridays! Every Friday, someone brings in some food they’ve made for the office to share. Healthy, of course. I think it will really improve the mood in the office.
B: Oh. Have you considered the (3) that some people don’t like cooking?
A: Yes, of course. People could buy something instead. And we’d make a list of what people can’t eat and things like that too.
B: I see where you’re (4) from, but how is this going to improve people’s mood if they have to spend money?
A: I take your (5), but l’m sure we could make arrangements with the finance department so that people can get the money back.
B: Perhaps. So how (6) do you see this working?
A: Well, we set up a calendar and people write their name next to the Friday when they want to bring something.
B: But what if some people don’t write their names? Or forget to bring the food?
A: I’m very aware of the (7) here, but I think enough people will love the idea, and we really need something positive right now!
B: OK, I guess you have to look at it from (8) sides. Once it starts, people who don’t like the idea now might change their minds … OK, let’s try it!

  • Answer

A: Food! Fridays!
B: I’m a bit (lost) . What are you talking (about)?
A: Food Fridays! Every Friday, someone brings in some food they’ve made for the office to share. Healthy, of course. I think it will really improve the mood in the office.
B: Oh. Have you considered the (fact) that some people don’t like cooking?
A: Yes, of course. People could buy something instead. And we’d make a list of what people can’t eat and things like that too.
B: I see where you’re (coming) from, but how is this going to improve people’s mood if they have to spend money?
A: I take your (point), but l’m sure we could make arrangements with the finance department so that people can get the money back.
B: Perhaps. So how (exactly) do you see this working?
A: Well, we set up a calendar and people write their name next to the Friday when they want to bring something.
B: But what if some people don’t write their names? Or forget to bring the food?
A: I’m very aware of the (challenges) here, but I think enough people will love the idea, and we really need something positive right now!
B: OK, I guess you have to look at it from (both) sides. Once it starts, people who don’t like the idea now might change their minds … OK, let’s try it!


Have you ever tried any unusual ideas at work?

【B2-Speaking】01 Challenging someone's ideas-挑战某人的想法