【B2-Speaking】02 Dealing with a problem-处理问题

【B2-Speaking】02 Dealing with a problem-处理问题

In this video, Vanya goes to Yuna with a problem. Listen to the language they use for dealing with a problem and practise saying the useful phrases.在这段视频中,Vanya 向尤娜提出了一个问题。聆听他们用于处理问题的语言并练习说出有用的短语。

Do the preparation exercise first. Then watch the video and do the exercises to check your understanding and practise the language.先做准备练习。然后观看视频并做练习以检查您对语言的理解和练习。


Responding to news – preparation

Put the phrases in the correct groups

  • Question

Telling someone about a problem
Helping someone who has a problem

a. Don’t worry, these things happen.
b. I’ve made a mistake
c. What’s the matter?
d. I’ve got a bit of a problem.
e. I’m sure we can work it out.
f. Thanks for letting me know.
g. Oh, it was such a silly thing to do!
h. I feel so much better now I’ve told you.

  • Answer

Telling someone about a problem

  1. I’ve got a bit of a problem.
  2. I’ve made a mistake
  3. Oh, it was such a silly thing to do!
  4. I feel so much better now I’ve told you.

Helping someone who has a problem

  1. What’s the matter?
  2. I’m sure we can work it out.
  3. Don’t worry, these things happen.
  4. Thanks for letting me know.




Ana: Hi! I’m Ana. Welcome to What to Say!

Do you know what to say when you need to deal with a problem? Listen out for useful language for dealing with a problem. Then, we’ll practise saying the new phrases – after this.

Vanya: Yuna!

Yuna: Oh, morning!

Vanya: I’ve got a bit of a problem.

Yuna: What’s wrong?

Vanya: Can we talk in private?

Yuna: Of course.

Yuna: Right, so, what’s the matter?

Vanya: Well, I’ve made a mistake. A big mistake.

Yuna: OK. I’m sure we can work it out.

Vanya: It was such a silly thing to do!

Yuna: I’m getting worried now. What’s going on here?

Vanya: OK. It was late last night and I was tired. I wasn’t concentrating and I accidentally used my company credit card instead of my own to buy something!

Yuna: Don’t worry, these things happen. There’s a procedure to deal with this. How much did you spend?

Vanya: It was quite expensive.

Yuna: How expensive?

Vanya: It was very expensive.

Yuna: Vanya, how expensive?

Vanya: £3,782 … and 56 pence.

Yuna: What? You spent £3,782?!

Vanya: … and 56 pence.

Yuna: What was it? Vanya?

Vanya: Just a weekend break! I just like a really nice hotel!

Yuna: OK, I see. Thanks for letting me know.

Vanya: Ah! I feel so much better now I’ve told you. Please don’t tell Noelia.

Yuna: Oh, I’m definitely going to tell her!

Noelia: Hi!

Vanya: Hi!

Ana: Hello again! Wow, that’s a lot of money for a weekend break. So, did you notice the useful phrases used for dealing with a problem? Listen to me and then repeat.

What’s wrong?

I’ve got a bit of a problem.

Could we talk in private?

What’s the matter?

I’ve made a mistake.

I’m sure we can work it out.

Don’t worry, these things happen.

Thanks for letting me know.

I feel so much better now I’ve told you.

Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you need to deal with a problem in English. Bye for now!


Ana: Hi! I’m Ana. Welcome to What to Say! 安娜:嗨!我是安娜。欢迎来到说什么!

Do you know what to say when you need to deal with a problem? Listen out for useful language for dealing with a problem. Then, we’ll practise saying the new phrases – after this.当你需要处理问题时,你知道该说什么吗?倾听对处理问题有用的语言。然后,我们将练习说新短语——在此之后。

Vanya: Yuna!万尼亚:尤娜!

Yuna: Oh, morning!尤娜:噢,早上好!

Vanya: I’ve got a bit of a problem. 万尼亚:我遇到了一点问题。

Yuna: What’s wrong?尤娜:怎么了?

Vanya: Can we talk in private?万尼亚:我们可以私下谈谈吗?

Yuna: Of course.尤娜:当然。

Yuna: Right, so, what’s the matter? Yuna:好吧,那么,有什么事吗?

Vanya: Well, I’ve made a mistake. A big mistake.万尼亚:好吧,我犯了一个错误。一个大错误。

Yuna: OK. I’m sure we can work it out.尤娜:好的。我确信我们能解决这个问题。

Vanya: It was such a silly thing to do! 万尼亚:这样做真是太愚蠢了!

Yuna: I’m getting worried now. What’s going on here? Yuna:我现在开始担心了。这里发生了什么?

Vanya: OK. It was late last night and I was tired. I wasn’t concentrating and I accidentally used my company credit card instead of my own to buy something! 万尼亚:好的。昨晚很晚了,我很累。我注意力不集中,不小心用了公司的信用卡而不是自己的信用卡去买东西!

Yuna: Don’t worry, these things happen. There’s a procedure to deal with this. How much did you spend? Yuna:别担心,这些事情都会发生。有一个程序可以处理这个问题。你花了多少钱?

Vanya: It was quite expensive.万尼亚:相当昂贵。

Yuna: How expensive?尤娜: 有多贵?

Vanya: It was very expensive.万尼亚:非常昂贵。

Yuna: Vanya, how expensive?尤娜:万尼亚,多少钱?

Vanya: £3,782 … and 56 pence.Vanya:3,782 英镑……56 便士。

Yuna: What? You spent £3,782?! 尤娜:什么?你花了 3,782 英镑?!

Vanya: … and 56 pence. Vanya:……还有 56 便士。

Yuna: What was it? Vanya?尤娜:那是什么?万尼亚?

Vanya: Just a weekend break! I just like a really nice hotel!万尼亚:只是周末休息!我只是喜欢一家非常好的酒店!

Yuna: OK, I see. Thanks for letting me know.尤娜:好的,我明白了。谢谢你让我知道。

Vanya: Ah! I feel so much better now I’ve told you. Please don’t tell Noelia.万尼亚:啊!我告诉你之后我感觉好多了。请不要告诉诺莉亚。

Yuna: Oh, I’m definitely going to tell her!Yuna:噢,我一定要告诉她!

Noelia: Hi!诺埃利亚:嗨!

Vanya: Hi!万尼亚:嗨!

Ana: Hello again! Wow, that’s a lot of money for a weekend break. So, did you notice the useful phrases used for dealing with a problem? Listen to me and then repeat. 安娜:你好!哇,周末休息可得花不少钱啊。那么,您是否注意到用于处理问题的有用短语?听我说,然后重复。

What’s wrong?怎么了?

I’ve got a bit of a problem.我有一点问题。

Could we talk in private?我们可以私下谈谈吗?

What’s the matter?怎么了?

I’ve made a mistake.我犯了一个错误。

I’m sure we can work it out.我确信我们能解决这个问题。

Don’t worry, these things happen.别担心,这些事情都会发生。

Thanks for letting me know.谢谢你让我知道。

I feel so much better now I’ve told you.我告诉你之后我感觉好多了。

Ana安娜: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you need to deal with a problem in English. Bye for now!:下次您需要处理英语问题时,尝试使用其中一些短语。暂时再见!



Task 1-任务1

Dealing with a problem – 1

Put the events from the story in order.

  • Question

()Vanya asks Yuna if they can talk.
()Yuna tells Vanya not to worry and says there’s a solution.
()Yuna is shocked to hear how much Vanya spent.
()Yuna wants to know what the mistake was.
()Vanya tells Yuna there’s a problem.
()Vanya tells Yuna she used the company credit card by accident.

  • Answer

(2)Vanya asks Yuna if they can talk.
(5)Yuna tells Vanya not to worry and says there’s a solution.
(6)Yuna is shocked to hear how much Vanya spent.
(3)Yuna wants to know what the mistake was.
(1)Vanya tells Yuna there’s a problem.
(4)Vanya tells Yuna she used the company credit card by accident.

Task 2-任务2

Dealing with a problem – 2

Complete the dialogue.

  • Question

First part
1.I can’t __
2.Congratulations! That’s __
3.I’m really pleased __
4.Oh __
5.Oh no, that’s __
6.Well __
7.What a __
8.Can I __

Second part
b.believe it!
d.do anything to help?
f.for you.

  • Answer

Vanya: Yuna!
Yuna: Oh, morning!
Vanya: I’ve got (a bit of a) problem.
Yuna: What’s (wrong)?
Vanya: Can we talk (in private)?
Yuna: Of course.
Yuna: Right, so, (what’s the matter)?
Vanya: Well, I’ve (made) a mistake. A big mistake.
Yuna: OK. I’m sure we can (work it out) .
Vanya: It was such a silly thing to do!
Yuna: I’m getting (worried) now. What’s going on here?
Vanya: OK. It was late last night and I was tired. I accidentally used my company credit card instead of my own to buy something!
Yuna: Don’t worry, these (things happen) . There’s a procedure to deal with this.
Vanya: Ah! I feel (so much better) now I’ve told you.
Yuna: Thanks for (letting me know) .

Task 3-任务3

Dealing with a problem – 3

Write one word to fill the gap.

  • Question

A: Are you OK? What’s wrong?
B: I’ve got a (1) of a problem.
A: Oh. What’s (2) matter?
B: Can we talk (3) private?
A: (4) course. Are you OK?
B: Well, I’ve (5) a mistake. A big mistake.
A: OK. I’m sure we can work it (6) .
B: I emailed the financial report to Mark Banthorpe instead (7) Mark Babingall.
A: Don’t worry, (8) things happen. It could be worse! Just recall the email.
B: Ah! Thanks. I feel so (9) better now I’ve told you.
A: Thanks for (10) me know.

  • Answer

A: Are you OK? What’s wrong?
B: I’ve got a (bit) of a problem.
A: Oh. What’s (the) matter?
B: Can we talk (in) private?
A: (Of) course. Are you OK?
B: Well, I’ve (made) a mistake. A big mistake.
A: OK. I’m sure we can work it (out) .
B: I emailed the financial report to Mark Banthorpe instead (of) Mark Babingall.
A: Don’t worry, (these) things happen. It could be worse! Just recall the email.
B: Ah! Thanks. I feel so (much) better now I’ve told you.
A: Thanks for (letting) me know.


When was the last time you helped someone with a problem at work?

【B2-Speaking】02 Dealing with a problem-处理问题