【B2-Speaking】03 Discussing advantages and disadvantages-讨论优点和缺点

【B2-Speaking】03 Discussing advantages and disadvantages-讨论优点和缺点

In this video, Noelia and Yuna talk about how to encourage creativity in the office. Listen to the language they use to discuss advantages and disadvantages and practise saying the useful phrases.在这段视频中,诺埃莉亚和尤娜谈论了如何鼓励办公室的创造力。聆听他们用来讨论优点和缺点的语言,并练习说出有用的短语。

Do the preparation exercise first. Then watch the video and do the exercises to check your understanding and practise the language.先做准备练习。然后观看视频并做练习以检查您对语言的理解和练习。


Responding to news – preparation

Put the phrases in the correct groups

  • Question

1.Responding to good news
2.Responding to bad news

a.I’m really pleased for you.
b.I’m so sorry.
c.Oh dear.
d.Oh no, that’s awful.
e.Oh wow! Congratulations!
f.That’s wonderful!
g.Well done.
h.What a shame.

  • Answer

Responding to good news
Oh wow! Congratulations!
That’s wonderful!
That’s wonderful!
I’m really pleased for you.

Responding to bad news
Oh dear.
Oh no, that’s awful.
I’m so sorry.
What a shame.




Ana: Hi! I’m Ana. Welcome to What to Say!

Do you know what to say when you respond to news? Listen out for useful language for responding to news. Then, we’ll practise saying the new phrases – after this.

Noelia: Yes, yes, yes. Ah, I did it!

Yuna: Good news, then?

Noelia: Yes! I won the award!

Yuna: Oh wow! Congratulations!

Noelia: Thank you! It’s so exciting. I can’t believe it!

Yuna: I know! That’s wonderful! Well done, Noelia. I’m really pleased for you.

Noelia: WHAT? You cannot be serious!

Yuna: Oh dear. What’s happened?

Noelia: They sent me the wrong email. I didn’t win. Someone else won.

Yuna: Oh no, that’s awful!

Noelia: Yes. It. Is.

Yuna: I’m so sorry, Noelia. What a shame. Can I do anything to help?

Noelia: Please pass me that magazine. Thanks.

Ana: Hello again! Oh, poor Noelia! That’s really disappointing. So, did you notice the useful phrases used for responding to news? Listen to me and then repeat.

Oh wow! Congratulations!

I can’t believe it.

That’s wonderful!

Well done. I’m really pleased for you.

Oh dear. What’s happened?

Oh no, that’s awful.

I’m so sorry.

What a shame.

Can I do anything to help?

Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you respond to news in English. Bye for now!


Ana: Hi! I’m Ana. Welcome to What to Say! 安娜:嗨!我是安娜。欢迎来到说什么!

Do you know what to say when you discuss advantages and disadvantages? Listen out for useful language for discussing advantages and disadvantages. Then, we’ll practise saying the new phrases – after this.当你讨论优点和缺点时,你知道该说什么吗?倾听有用的语言来讨论优点和缺点。然后,我们将练习说新短语——在此之后。

Noelia: So, table tennis, bean bags, board games, video games! Hey, how about a trampoline?诺埃利亚:那么,乒乓球、豆袋椅、棋盘游戏、电子游戏!嘿,蹦床怎么样?

Yuna: Stop right there. I love your ideas, Noelia, but a trampoline? Really?尤娜:就停在那里。我喜欢你的想法,诺莉亚,但是蹦床呢?真的吗?

Noelia: Absolutely. When do you have your best ideas?诺埃利亚:当然。你什么时候有最好的想法?

Yuna: I don’t know. Usually when I’m cooking, I suppose.尤娜:我不知道。我想通常是我做饭的时候。

Noelia: Exactly. We often have our best ideas when we are away from our desks. The other day I was on a trampoline and the vision for the creativity room came to me.诺莉亚:没错。当我们离开办公桌时,我们常常会产生最好的想法。有一天,我在蹦床上,突然想到了创意室。

Yuna: Why were you on a trampo…? Never mind. Look, on the one hand it’s a lovely idea and it fits with our brand, but on the other hand it could be noisy and chaotic and maybe too much fun!Yuna:你为什么要在蹦床上……?没关系。听着,一方面这是一个可爱的想法,而且它符合我们的品牌,但另一方面它可能会很吵闹和混乱,而且可能太有趣了!

Noelia: But having fun helps you be creative, and being creative is vital to our business! 诺埃莉亚:但是享受乐趣可以帮助你发挥创造力,而发挥创造力对我们的业务至关重要!

Yuna: I see what you mean, but I’m just not sure if a trampoline is necessary. Also, there could be an issue with the clients arriving at the office and seeing us all jumping around.尤娜:我明白你的意思,但我只是不确定是否需要蹦床。此外,客户到达办公室并看到我们都在跳来跳去时,可能会出现问题。

Noelia: I see where you’re coming from, but I think our clients will love it! And there are lots of advantages to trampolining. It’s good for the body and the mind.诺埃利亚:我知道你来自哪里,但我认为我们的客户会喜欢它!蹦床有很多优点。这对身体和心灵都有好处。

Yuna: Maybe, but I can also see the disadvantages. What if someone hurts themselves?Yuna:也许吧,但我也看到了缺点。如果有人伤害自己怎么办?

Noelia: But we’re all adults. And we can get extra insurance. Come on! It’s a great idea!诺莉亚:但我们都是成年人了。我们还可以获得额外的保险。快点!这是个好主意!

Yuna: OK, I’ll think about it. Yuna:好的,我会考虑一下。

Noelia: Perfect. I’ll email you some links!诺埃利亚:完美。我会通过电子邮件给您发送一些链接!

Yuna: I haven’t said yes! Oh, Noelia! 尤娜:我还没答应呢!哦,诺埃莉亚!

Ana: Hello again! A trampoline in the office? Well, there’s an idea! So, did you notice the useful phrases used for discussing advantages and disadvantages? Listen to me and then repeat. 安娜:你好!办公室里有蹦床吗?嗯,有一个主意!那么,您是否注意到用于讨论优点和缺点的有用短语?听我说,然后重复。

On the one hand …, but on the other hand …一方面……,但另一方面……

I see what you mean, but I’m just not sure.我明白你的意思,但我只是不确定。

There could be an issue with that. 这可能有问题。

I see where you’re coming from, but I think they’ll love it. 我知道你来自哪里,但我想他们会喜欢的。

There are lots of advantages.有很多优点。

Maybe, but I can also see the disadvantages.也许吧,但我也能看到缺点。

Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you discuss advantages and disadvantages in English. Bye for now!安娜:下次用英语讨论优点和缺点时,尝试使用其中一些短语。暂时再见!



Task 1-任务1

Responding to news – 1

Write a number (1–6) to put the events in the story in order.

  • Question

()Noelia finds out she’s won a prize.
()Noelia finds out that she hasn’t won the award.
()Noelia is waiting for an email.
()Noelia destroys the magazine in anger.
()Yuna tries to make Noelia feel better.
()Yuna congratulates Noelia.

  • Answer

(2)Noelia finds out she’s won a prize.
(4)Noelia finds out that she hasn’t won the award.
(1)Noelia is waiting for an email.
(6)Noelia destroys the magazine in anger.
(5)Yuna tries to make Noelia feel better.
(3)Yuna congratulates Noelia.

Task 2-任务2

Responding to news – 2

Match the two parts of the phrases.

  • Question

First part
1.I can’t __
2.Congratulations! That’s __
3.I’m really pleased __
4.Oh __
5.Oh no, that’s __
6.Well __
7.What a __
8.Can I __

Second part
b.believe it!
d.do anything to help?
f.for you.

  • Answer

1.I can’t believe it!
2.Congratulations! That’s wonderful!
3.I’m really pleased for you.
4.Oh dear.
5.Oh no, that’s awful.
6.Well done!
7.What a shame.
8.Can I do anything to help?

Task 3-任务3

Responding to news – 3

Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

  • Question

awful believe Congratulations dear happened pleased shame wonderful

A: Hey! Good news. They liked the presentation!
B: Oh wow! (1)…!
A: Thank you! I was so nervous. I can’t (2)… it!
B: That’s (3)… . Well done. I’m really (4)… for you.
A: How are you anyway?
B: Not so great, actually.
A: Oh (5)… . What’s (6)…?
B: I didn’t get the job.
A: Oh no, that’s (7)…!
B: It’s OK.
A: I’m so sorry, really. What a (8)…!
B: Thanks. Anyway … we should celebrate your presentation!

  • Answer

A: Hey! Good news. They liked the presentation!
B: Oh wow! (Congratulations)…!
A: Thank you! I was so nervous. I can’t (believe)… it!
B: That’s (wonderful)… . Well done. I’m really (pleased)… for you.
A: How are you anyway?
B: Not so great, actually.
A: Oh (dear)… . What’s (happened)…?
B: I didn’t get the job.
A: Oh no, that’s (awful)…!
B: It’s OK.
A: I’m so sorry, really. What a (shame)…!
B: Thanks. Anyway … we should celebrate your presentation!


Have you had any good news recently?

【B2-Speaking】03 Discussing advantages and disadvantages-讨论优点和缺点