【B2-Speaking】04 Giving advice-提建议

【B2-Speaking】04 Giving advice-提建议

In this video, Paul and Bob try to help Noelia with a problem. Listen to the language they use for giving advice and practise saying the useful phrases.在这段视频中,保罗和鲍勃试图帮助诺埃莉亚解决问题。聆听他们用于提供建议的语言并练习说出有用的短语。

Do the preparation exercise first. Then watch the video and do the exercises to check your understanding and practise the language.先做准备练习。然后观看视频并做练习来检查您对语言的理解和练习。


Giving advice – preparation

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

  • Question
  1. do What should I do? you think
  2. I’d were If I talk to her. you,
  3. a sure good idea. that’s I’m not
  4. try could you Perhaps phoning them.
  5. resetting Why the password? you try don’t
  6. you I suggested. tried what
  • Answer
  1. What do you think I should do?
  2. If I were you, I’d talk to her.
  3. I’m not sure that’s a good idea.
  4. Perhaps you could try phoning them.
  5. Why don’t you try resetting the password?
  6. I tried what you suggested.




Ana: Hi! I’m Ana. Welcome to What to Say!

Do you know what to say when you respond to news? Listen out for useful language for responding to news. Then, we’ll practise saying the new phrases – after this.

Noelia: Yes, yes, yes. Ah, I did it!

Yuna: Good news, then?

Noelia: Yes! I won the award!

Yuna: Oh wow! Congratulations!

Noelia: Thank you! It’s so exciting. I can’t believe it!

Yuna: I know! That’s wonderful! Well done, Noelia. I’m really pleased for you.

Noelia: WHAT? You cannot be serious!

Yuna: Oh dear. What’s happened?

Noelia: They sent me the wrong email. I didn’t win. Someone else won.

Yuna: Oh no, that’s awful!

Noelia: Yes. It. Is.

Yuna: I’m so sorry, Noelia. What a shame. Can I do anything to help?

Noelia: Please pass me that magazine. Thanks.

Ana: Hello again! Oh, poor Noelia! That’s really disappointing. So, did you notice the useful phrases used for responding to news? Listen to me and then repeat.

Oh wow! Congratulations!

I can’t believe it.

That’s wonderful!

Well done. I’m really pleased for you.

Oh dear. What’s happened?

Oh no, that’s awful.

I’m so sorry.

What a shame.

Can I do anything to help?

Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you respond to news in English. Bye for now!


Ana: Hi! I’m Ana. Welcome to What to Say!

Do you know what to say when you give advice? Listen out for useful language for giving advice. Then, we’ll practise saying the new phrases – after this.

Noelia: Argh, this is just ridiculous!

Paul: Susan again?

Noelia: Yeah, Susan. She just keeps emailing me about things that have nothing to do with work and nothing to do with me. What do you think I should do?

Paul: Well, if I were you, I’d email and ask her to stop sending them.

Noelia: I’m not sure that’s a good idea. I have to be careful what I say as she’s quite an important client.

Paul: Erm, I’m not sure then. Perhaps you could try talking to Yuna about it?

Bob: Er .. why don’t you try doing nothing?

Noelia: Sorry?

Bob: Perhaps you could just … do nothing?

Noelia: Really? I’m not too sure about that.

Bob: Well, I remember this guy I used to work with, Mark, and he kept emailing again and again and again, about all sorts, mostly unrelated to work. Well, I kept responding politely and he kept sending them. In the end, I stopped replying to his emails unless they were only about work.

Paul: And what happened?

Bob: He stopped sending them. It’s a bit like being faced with a dangerous snake. If you move quickly, it’ll bite you, but if you keep very still and do nothing, eventually it’ll move away and leave you alone. I had to learn the hard way.

Noelia: Hey, Bob. Have you got a minute?

Bob: Yeah.

Noelia: So, I tried what you suggested and I only responded to Susan’s emails about work for a few days. Then guess what?

Bob: The irrelevant emails stopped.

Noelia: Yes! Now she only sends me work-related ones.

Bob: Well, that’s very good news.

Noelia: All thanks to you, Bob.

Bob: Any time, Noelia, any time! All in a day’s work. Ahh!

Ana: Hello again! It looks like Bob is in Noelia’s good books. So, did you notice the useful phrases used for giving advice? Listen to me and then repeat.

What do you think I should do?你觉得我应该怎么做?

If I were you, I’d ask her.如果我是你,我就会问她

I’m not sure that’s a good idea.我不确定这是个好主意。

Perhaps you could try talking to Yuna.也许你可以尝试和尤娜谈谈。

Why don’t you try doing nothing?你为什么不尝试什么都不做呢?

I’m not too sure about that.我对此不太确定。

I tried what you suggested. 我尝试了你的建议。

Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you give advice in English. Bye for now!



Task 1-任务1

Giving advice – 1

Are the sentences true or false?

  • Question
  1. Noelia is stressed because a client keeps emailing her about unimportant things.
  2. Noelia thinks she should ask the client to stop sending emails.
  3. Noelia likes Bob’s suggestion at first.
  4. Bob had a similar problem in a previous job.
  5. Bob suggests that the scar on his neck is from a snake bite.
  6. Noelia follows Bob’s advice and it works.
  • Answer
  1. Noelia is stressed because a client keeps emailing her about unimportant things.
  2. Noelia thinks she should ask the client to stop sending emails.
  3. Noelia likes Bob’s suggestion at first.
  4. Bob had a similar problem in a previous job.
  5. Bob suggests that the scar on his neck is from a snake bite.
  6. Noelia follows Bob’s advice and it works.

Task 2-任务2

Giving advice – 2

Decide which option is more polite.

  • Question

Choose the more polite option.

Tell me what to say!
What do you think I should say?

I’m not sure that’s a good idea.
That’s a really bad idea.

  1. Just call her office!
    Perhaps you could try calling her office.

  2. Why don’t you try doing nothing?
    You’ve done enough.

  3. Check with Sam before you do anything.
    If I were you, I’d check with Sam first.

  4. Fine. Good.
    Oh, that’s very good news.

  • Answer

Choose the more polite option.

  1. Tell me what to say!
    ✔What do you think I should say?

  2. ✔I’m not sure that’s a good idea.
    That’s a really bad idea.

  3. Just call her office!
    ✔Perhaps you could try calling her office.

  4. ✔Why don’t you try doing nothing?
    You’ve done enough.

  5. Check with Sam before you do anything.
    ✔If I were you, I’d check with Sam first.

  6. Fine. Good.
    ✔Oh, that’s very good news.

Task 3-任务3

Giving advice – 3

Complete the sentences.

  • Question

do doing should suggested sure too try were

  1. What do you think I __ do?
  2. If I __ you, I’d ask her to stop.
  3. I’m not __ that’s a good idea.
  4. Perhaps you could __ talking to Noelia about it.
  5. Why don’t you try __ nothing?
  6. Perhaps you could just __ nothing.
  7. I’m not __ sure about that.
  8. So, I tried what you __ .
  • Answer
  1. What do you think I should do?
  2. If I were you, I’d ask her to stop.
  3. I’m not sure that’s a good idea.
  4. Perhaps you could try talking to Noelia about it.
  5. Why don’t you try doing nothing?
  6. Perhaps you could just do nothing.
  7. I’m not too sure about that.
  8. So, I tried what you suggested .


Who do you ask for advice and why?

【B2-Speaking】04 Giving advice-提建议