【B2-Speaking】05 Persuading someone to do something-说服某人做某事

【B2-Speaking】05 Persuading someone to do something-说服某人做某事

In this video, Noelia tries to convince Paul to DJ at the office party. Listen to the language Noelia uses for persuading Paul to do something and practise saying the useful phrases.
在这段视频中,诺埃利亚试图说服保罗在办公室聚会上担任 DJ。听诺埃莉亚用来说服保罗做某事的语言,并练习说有用的短语。

Do the preparation exercise first. Then watch the video and do the exercises to check your understanding and practise the language.先做准备练习。然后观看视频并做练习以检查您对语言的理解和练习。


Persuading someone to do something – preparation

Decide which sentences are asking or persuading someone to do something.

  • Question

Choose five sentences.

I’d really appreciate your help with this.
Why don’t you give it a go?
I’m not very good at that.
You’d really be helping me out.
I don’t usually do that kind of thing.
You’d be brilliant at it!
Come on! There’s nothing to lose!
OK, I’ll think about it.

  • Answer

Choose five sentences.

✔I’d really appreciate your help with this.
✔Why don’t you give it a go?
I’m not very good at that.
✔You’d really be helping me out.
I don’t usually do that kind of thing.
✔You’d be brilliant at it!
✔Come on! There’s nothing to lose!
OK, I’ll think about it.




Ana: Hi! I’m Ana. Welcome to What to Say!

Do you know what to say when you want to persuade someone to do something? Listen out for useful language for persuading someone to do something. Then, we’ll practise saying the new phrases – after this.

Paul: OK. Yeah, all right. I’ll send them over tomorrow. OK, yep, bye. People are always asking for favours. Paul, can you do this? Paul, can you do that?

Noelia: Hey, Paul, have you got a minute?

Paul: Go on, then.

Noelia: I’ve got a small favour to ask you.

Paul: Right.

Noelia: So … how would you feel about DJing at the office party next week?

Paul: Office party? I don’t usually do work parties.

Noelia: Oh, right. So where do you usually DJ then?

Paul: No, I mean I don’t usually go to work parties, let alone DJ at them.

Noelia: Come on, I think you’d be brilliant at it!

Paul: Oh, I don’t know …

Noelia: Look, I wouldn’t usually ask, but you are the only DJ I know.

Paul: I’m not a very good one though. My music taste is … quite strange. Everyone will probably hate it.

Noelia: Come on! These guys will dance to anything when they are at a party! Why don’t you give it a go? You’ll be great!

Paul: Urgh … I think I’m probably busy that day anyway.

Noelia: Come on! There’s nothing to lose!

Paul: Except my reputation and credibility …

Noelia: Paul, you’d really be helping me out.

Paul: OK, I’ll think about it.

Noelia: Great! Thanks, Paul!

Ana: Hello again! It’s very difficult to say no to Noelia! So, did you notice the useful phrases used for persuading someone to do something? Listen to me and then repeat.

I’ve got a small favour to ask you.

How would you feel about DJing?

You’d be brilliant at it.

I wouldn’t usually ask, but you’re the only DJ I know.

Why don’t you give it a go?

There’s nothing to lose.

You’d really be helping me out.

OK, I’ll think about it.

Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you want to persuade someone to do something in English. Bye for now!


Ana: Hi! I’m Ana. Welcome to What to Say!

Do you know what to say when you want to persuade someone to do something? Listen out for useful language for persuading someone to do something. Then, we’ll practise saying the new phrases – after this.

Paul: OK. Yeah, all right. I’ll send them over tomorrow. OK, yep, bye. People are always asking for favours. Paul, can you do this? Paul, can you do that?

Noelia: Hey, Paul, have you got a minute?

Paul: Go on, then.

Noelia: I’ve got a small favour to ask you.

Paul: Right.

Noelia: So … how would you feel about DJing at the office party next week?

Paul: Office party? I don’t usually do work parties.

Noelia: Oh, right. So where do you usually DJ then?
诺埃利亚:哦,对了。那么你通常在哪里 DJ 呢?

Paul: No, I mean I don’t usually go to work parties, let alone DJ at them.
保罗:不,我的意思是我通常不去参加工作聚会,更不用说在聚会上当 DJ。

Noelia: Come on, I think you’d be brilliant at it!

Paul: Oh, I don’t know …

Noelia: Look, I wouldn’t usually ask, but you are the only DJ I know.
Noelia:听着,我通常不会问,但你是我认识的唯一 DJ。

Paul: I’m not a very good one though. My music taste is … quite strange. Everyone will probably hate it.

Noelia: Come on! These guys will dance to anything when they are at a party! Why don’t you give it a go? You’ll be great!

Paul: Urgh … I think I’m probably busy that day anyway.

Noelia: Come on! There’s nothing to lose!

Paul: Except my reputation and credibility …

Noelia: Paul, you’d really be helping me out.

Paul: OK, I’ll think about it.

Noelia: Great! Thanks, Paul!

Ana: Hello again! It’s very difficult to say no to Noelia! So, did you notice the useful phrases used for persuading someone to do something? Listen to me and then repeat.

I’ve got a small favour to ask you.我有一件小事想拜托你。

How would you feel about DJing?你对 DJ 感觉如何?

You’d be brilliant at it.你会很擅长的。

I wouldn’t usually ask, but you’re the only DJ I know. 我通常不会问,但你是我认识的唯一 DJ。

Why don’t you give it a go?你为什么不尝试一下呢?

There’s nothing to lose.没有什么可失去的。

You’d really be helping me out.你真的会帮我的。

OK, I’ll think about it. 好的,我会考虑一下。

Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you want to persuade someone to do something in English. Bye for now!



Task 1-任务1

Persuading someone to do something – 1

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

  • Question
  1. Noelia wants Paul to DJ at a party for
    a. her friends.
    b. the people they work with.
    c. their customers.
  2. Noelia says Paul would
    a. be good at it.
    b. enjoy it.
    c. learn something new from it.
  3. Paul thinks his music taste is
    a. excellent.
    b. out of date.
    c. weird.
  4. Noelia says their colleagues will dance to
    a. any pop music.
    b. any type of music.
    c. anything from the 90s.
  5. Paul is worried about
    a. his DJ equipment.
    b. missing the party while he’s DJing.
    c. what people will think of him.
  6. In the end, Paul says
    a. yes.
    b. no.
    c. maybe.
  • Answer
  1. Noelia wants Paul to DJ at a party for
    a. her friends.
    ✔b. the people they work with.
    c. their customers.
  2. Noelia says Paul would
    ✔a. be good at it.
    b. enjoy it.
    c. learn something new from it.
  3. Paul thinks his music taste is
    a. excellent.
    b. out of date.
    ✔c. weird.
  4. Noelia says their colleagues will dance to
    a. any pop music.
    ✔b. any type of music.
    c. anything from the 90s.
  5. Paul is worried about
    a. his DJ equipment.
    b. missing the party while he’s DJing.
    ✔c. what people will think of him.
  6. In the end, Paul says
    a. yes.
    b. no.
    ✔c. maybe.

Task 2-任务2

Persuading someone to do something – 2

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

  • Question
  1. got a ask you. small I’ve favour to
  2. you feel would about DJing? How
  3. brilliant at it. be You’d
  4. DJ I know. I the only ask, wouldn’t usually but you’re
  5. it give Why don’t you a go?
  6. to nothing There’s lose.
  7. You’d out. be helping me really
  8. OK, it. think I’ll about
  • Answer
  1. I’ve got a small favour to ask you.
  2. How would you feel about DJing?
  3. You’d be brilliant at it.
  4. I wouldn’t usually ask, but you’re the only DJ I know.
  5. Why don’t you give it a go?
  6. There’s nothing to lose.
  7. You’d really be helping me out.
  8. OK, I’ll think about it.

Task 3-任务3

Persuading someone to do something – 3

Write one word to fill the gaps.

  • Question

A: Hey, Sunil, have you got a minute? I’ve got a small (1) to ask you.
B: OK.
A: How would you (2) about presenting the marketing awards ceremony with me?
B: Presenting? I’ve never done anything like that before.
A: You’re a great speaker! And funny. I think you’d (3) brilliant (4) it.
B: Oh, I don’t know …
A: Look, I wouldn’t (5) ask, but you’re the only person who could do it. Why don’t you (6) it a go?
B: Urgh … But what if I make a bad joke?
A: Come on! There’s (7) to lose!
B: Mmm …
A: Sunil, you’d really be helping me (8) .

  • Answer

A: Hey, Sunil, have you got a minute? I’ve got a small (favour|favor|thing) to ask you.
B: OK.
A: How would you (feel) about presenting the marketing awards ceremony with me?
B: Presenting? I’ve never done anything like that before.
A: You’re a great speaker! And funny. I think you’d (be) brilliant (at) it.
B: Oh, I don’t know …
A: Look, I wouldn’t (usually|normally) ask, but you’re the only person who could do it. Why don’t you (give) it a go?
B: Urgh … But what if I make a bad joke?
A: Come on! There’s (nothing) to lose!
B: Mmm …
A: Sunil, you’d really be helping me (out) .


Are you good at persuading people to do things?

【B2-Speaking】05 Persuading someone to do something-说服某人做某事