【A2-Listening】02 An invitation to a party-聚会邀请

【A2-Listening】02 An invitation to a party-聚会邀请

Listen to some phone messages with directions to practise and improve your listening skills.收听一些电话留言,其中包含练习和提高听力技巧的说明。

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.


An invitation to a party – preparation

Match the phrases with the signs.

  • Question
  • Answer




Automated message: You have two new messages. Message number one, received today at 3.45 p.m.

Hi, it’s me. How’s it going? I guess you’re at work and you don’t have your phone on, right? First of all, thank you, THANK YOU for the birthday card and message. I received it this morning. That’s so nice of you. I’m organising a little party for my birthday. It’s nothing very big – only a few of my best and closest friends. That means you too! We’re going to have it at my cousin’s house. She lives in the countryside in a nice big house with a swimming pool. I’d love to see you there. It’s going to be this Friday. I’ll send you the instructions on how to get there later, OK?

Anyway, have fun at work. Don’t work too hard, OK? Talk soon.

Automated message: You have two new messages. Message number two, received today at 5.15 p.m.

Aw, you’re still not answering your phone! OK, here are the instructions to get to my cousin’s house for the party. Are you going to take your car? If you take the car, drive straight on Forest Road until you get to the motorway. Drive past Brownsville and take exit 13A. That’s 13A. You drive down the road there and turn left. It’s the first big house on the right. OK? If you’re taking a bus, you can get the number 80 to Brownsville. Call me when you get there and somebody can pick you up in a car. I can’t wait. This is going to be so great!


Automated message: You have two new messages. Message number one, received today at 3.45 p.m.
自动消息: 您有两条新消息。第一条消息,今天下午 3.45 收到。

Hi, it’s me. How’s it going? I guess you’re at work and you don’t have your phone on, right? First of all, thank you, THANK YOU for the birthday card and message. I received it this morning. That’s so nice of you. I’m organising a little party for my birthday. It’s nothing very big – only a few of my best and closest friends. That means you too! We’re going to have it at my cousin’s house. She lives in the countryside in a nice big house with a swimming pool. I’d love to see you there. It’s going to be this Friday. I’ll send you the instructions on how to get there later, OK?

Anyway, have fun at work. Don’t work too hard, OK? Talk soon.

Automated message: You have two new messages. Message number two, received today at 5.15 p.m.
自动消息:您有两条新消息。第二条消息,今天下午 5 点 15 分收到。

Aw, you’re still not answering your phone! OK, here are the instructions to get to my cousin’s house for the party. Are you going to take your car? If you take the car, drive straight on Forest Road until you get to the motorway. Drive past Brownsville and take exit 13A. That’s 13A. You drive down the road there and turn left. It’s the first big house on the right. OK? If you’re taking a bus, you can get the number 80 to Brownsville. Call me when you get there and somebody can pick you up in a car. I can’t wait. This is going to be so great!
哎呀,你还不接电话!好的,这是前往我表弟家参加聚会的说明。你要开你的车吗?如果您开车,请沿森林路直行,直至到达高速公路。驶过布朗斯维尔 (Brownsville) 并从 13A 号出口驶出。那是13A。你沿着那条路行驶然后左转。这是右边第一座大房子。好的?如果您乘坐公共汽车,可以乘坐 80 路巴士前往布朗斯维尔。当你到达那里时给我打电话,有人可以开车来接你。我等不及了。这将会非常棒!


An invitation to a party – 1

Put the sentences in the correct group.

  • Question
  • Answer


An invitation to a party – 2

Choose the best answer.

  • Question
  1. She is having a party for …
    her family.
    her very good friends.
    everybody at work.

  2. The party is at …
    the swimming pool at her house.
    her cousin’s house.

  3. To get to the party, drive …
    straight on Forest Road.
    right on Forest Road.
    left on Forest Road.

  4. The motorway exit you need is …

  5. The house is the first big house …
    on the right.
    on the left.
    down at the end of the road.

  6. If you go by public transport, take …
    bus 18 to Brownsville.
    bus 80 to Forest Road.
    bus 80 to Brownsville.

  7. The woman received the birthday card …
    this morning.
    last night.
    yesterday morning.

  8. If you take a bus, …
    you can walk from the town to the house.
    somebody will drive you from the town to the house.
    there is a bus stop outside the house.

  • Answer
  1. She is having a party for …
    her family.
    ✓her very good friends.
    everybody at work.

  2. The party is at …
    the swimming pool at her house.
    ✓her cousin’s house.

  3. To get to the party, drive …
    ✓straight on Forest Road.
    right on Forest Road.
    left on Forest Road.

  4. The motorway exit you need is …

  5. The house is the first big house …
    ✓on the right.
    on the left.
    down at the end of the road.

  6. If you go by public transport, take …
    bus 18 to Brownsville.
    bus 80 to Forest Road.
    ✓bus 80 to Brownsville.

  7. The woman received the birthday card …
    ✓this morning.
    last night.
    yesterday morning.

  8. If you take a bus, …
    you can walk from the town to the house.
    ✓somebody will drive you from the town to the house.
    there is a bus stop outside the house.

【A2-Listening】02 An invitation to a party-聚会邀请