【A2-Listening】05 Facts and figures-事实与数据

【A2-Listening】05 Facts and figures-事实与数据

Listen to the lecturer giving some facts and figures to practise and improve your listening skills.聆听讲师提供一些事实和数据,以练习和提高您的听力技巧。

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.先做好准备工作。然后听音频并做练习。


Facts and figures – preparation

Put the words in the correct group.

  • Question

kilometres to cross canal
goods trade ship
waterway ocean commercial

  • Answer




… and the next part of this talk is on the Panama Canal. It’s amazing how this one small section of a small country can be so important to the world. Let’s learn a little bit about the canal itself, before we look at how it connects to everything else.

The Panama Canal is an artificial waterway in the Central American country of Panama that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. It is only 82 kilometres long. If you go around South America by ship then you need to travel another 15,000 kilometres. So the canal saves a lot of travel time. It takes around 8 to 10 hours to cross the canal.

The French started building the canal in 1881, but they couldn’t finish it. The project was started again in 1904 by the United States and the canal was finally finished in 1914. Many people died while they were building the canal, some say up to 25,000. For the rest of the 20th century, the United States controlled the canal, but gave control back to Panama in 2000.

Every year, around 40,000 ships come through the canal. These are mostly commercial ships. They transport goods for trade between Asia and America, or Europe. In 2016 the government of Panama made the canal bigger, so that now 99 per cent of ships can pass through it.

Let’s now turn to the role of the Panama Canal in the global economy …


… and the next part of this talk is on the Panama Canal. It’s amazing how this one small section of a small country can be so important to the world. Let’s learn a little bit about the canal itself, before we look at how it connects to everything else.……本次演讲的下一部分是关于巴拿马运河的。令人惊奇的是,一个小国家的一小部分对世界如此重要。在我们了解运河如何与其他一切相连之前,让我们先了解一下运河本身。

The Panama Canal is an artificial waterway in the Central American country of Panama that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. It is only 82 kilometres long. If you go around South America by ship then you need to travel another 15,000 kilometres. So the canal saves a lot of travel time. It takes around 8 to 10 hours to cross the canal.巴拿马运河是中美洲国家巴拿马的一条人工水道,连接大西洋和太平洋。全长仅82公里。如果乘船环游南美洲,则还需要行驶 15,000 公里。所以运河节省了大量的旅行时间。穿越运河大约需要8到10个小时。

The French started building the canal in 1881, but they couldn’t finish it. The project was started again in 1904 by the United States and the canal was finally finished in 1914. Many people died while they were building the canal, some say up to 25,000. For the rest of the 20th century, the United States controlled the canal, but gave control back to Panama in 2000.法国人于1881年开始修建运河,但未能完工。 1904年,美国再次启动这项工程,运河终于在1914年竣工。在修建运河的过程中,有很多人死亡,有人说多达25000人。在 20 世纪余下的时间里,美国控制着这条运河,但在 2000 年将控制权交还给了巴拿马。

Every year, around 40,000 ships come through the canal. These are mostly commercial ships. They transport goods for trade between Asia and America, or Europe. In 2016 the government of Panama made the canal bigger, so that now 99 per cent of ships can pass through it.每年约有 40,000 艘船只通过运河。这些大多是商船。他们运输亚洲和美洲或欧洲之间的贸易货物。 2016 年,巴拿马政府扩建了运河,现在 99% 的船只可以通过。

Let’s now turn to the role of the Panama Canal in the global economy …现在让我们谈谈巴拿马运河在全球经济中的作用……


Facts and figures – 1

Put the topics in order.

  • Question
  • Answer


Facts and figures – 2

Complete the sentences with the correct numbers.

  • Question
  1. The Panama Canal connects ____ oceans.
  2. It is ____ kilometres long.
  3. It is ____ kilometres to travel around South America.
  4. It takes ____ hours to cross the canal.
  5. The canal was started in ____ .
  6. It was finished in ____ .
  7. Almost ____ people died while they were building the canal.
  8. The control of the canal returned to Panama in ____ .
  9. Every year, about ____ ships come through the canal.
  10. Now the canal is bigger, and ____ per cent of ships can pass through it.
  • Answer

【A2-Listening】05 Facts and figures-事实与数据