【A2-Listening】06 Four conversations-四次对话

【A2-Listening】06 Four conversations-四次对话

Listen to four conversations to practise and improve your listening skills.听四个对话来练习和提高您的听力技巧。

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.先做好准备工作。然后听音频并做练习。


Four conversations – preparation

Put the words and phrases in the correct group.

  • Question

kilometres to cross canal
goods trade ship
waterway ocean commercial

  • Answer





Man: How did it go?

Woman: Umm, I think it went quite well. I did a lot of research and prepared a lot. I was in there for … I don’t know … half an hour?

Man: And? What did they say?

Woman: Nothing much. At the end I asked them, ‘What happens now?’, and the woman said, ‘We’ll call you back with news in three or four days.’

Man: Really?

Woman: Yeah, I think I’ve got the job. There weren’t a lot of other people there. I was the only interview that day, you know?

Man: Well, good luck with it.


Man: Anyway, you were saying …

Woman: Oh, yeah, um … let’s see. Yes, so I was in the museum and there were, I don’t know, a hundred people waiting to get into the room. Finally, I got in, and I tried to see the Mona Lisa but I couldn’t look at it.

Man: Why not?

Woman: Because the room was filled with people taking photographs of it!

Man: Oh, right.

Woman: Yes! And selfies.

Man: Wait a minute. You can take photos while you’re in there?

Woman: Yes, but you can’t use flash. I don’t know … Why do we take photos of everything we see when we travel?

Man: I know. And we never look at the photos after.

Woman: Exactly! I’m tired of always taking photos. I don’t feel I’m enjoying things.


Man: Who took this?

Woman: I can’t remember. Hmmm …

Man: What am I doing?

Woman: You’re sitting on the sofa, watching TV and eating chocolates. Nothing changes!

Man: Ha! Very funny. You look very young, though.

Woman: I know. Look at my hair – it was so long!

Man: Mine too, look at me! Hey … I think I know who took this photo.

Woman: Umm … who? Was it Dad?

Man: No, it wasn’t Dad or Mum. Do you remember Barry?

Woman: No.

Man: Yes, YES! You do remember. Barry, your boyfriend at high school. You were seventeen and he was sixteen and he was so very polite: ‘Hello, I’m Barry. It’s very nice to meet you …’

Woman: Stop it! He was nice.

Man: Yeah, well, he took the photo.


Woman: Let’s see. OK. I’m glad we could talk about this. It’s not easy to say.

Man: What?

Woman: Well, you’re not in our group – for the class project.

Man: What do you mean? You know I’m always in a group with you.

Woman: I know. It’s just that this time … this time we made the group differently and because you were late …

Man: I see. You don’t want me in the group?

Woman: No, no. It isn’t that. It’s that we’ve already made the group, see? There’s four of us already.

Man: So? We can’t be a group of five?

Woman: Well, the teacher said four people per group.

Man: Oh.

Woman: It’s not about you or your work or anything like that. It’s … errrr … well, we already have the group.

Man: So I have to find another group.

Woman: I’m sorry.



Man: How did it go?男:进展如何?

Woman: Umm, I think it went quite well. I did a lot of research and prepared a lot. I was in there for … I don’t know … half an hour?女:嗯,我觉得进展得很顺利。我做了很多研究,也做了很多准备。我在那里呆了……我不知道……半个小时?

Man: And? What did they say?男人:然后呢?他们说了什么?

Woman: Nothing much. At the end I asked them, ‘What happens now?’, and the woman said, ‘We’ll call you back with news in three or four days.’女:没什么。最后我问他们,“现在发生了什么?”,那位女士说,“我们会在三四天内给你回电话告诉你消息。”

Man: Really?男:真的吗?

Woman: Yeah, I think I’ve got the job. There weren’t a lot of other people there. I was the only interview that day, you know?女:是的,我想我得到了这份工作。那里没有很多其他人。我是那天唯一接受采访的人,你知道吗?

Man: Well, good luck with it.男:嗯,祝你好运。


Man: Anyway, you were saying …男人:不管怎样,你是说……

Woman: Oh, yeah, um … let’s see. Yes, so I was in the museum and there were, I don’t know, a hundred people waiting to get into the room. Finally, I got in, and I tried to see the Mona Lisa but I couldn’t look at it.女人:哦,是的,嗯……让我们看看。是的,所以我在博物馆里,我不知道,有一百个人在等待进入房间。最后,我进去了,我想看看《蒙娜丽莎》,但我看不到。

Man: Why not?男人:为什么不呢?

Woman: Because the room was filled with people taking photographs of it!女士:因为房间里挤满了拍照的人!

Man: Oh, right.男人:哦,对了。

Woman: Yes! And selfies.女人:是的!还有自拍。

Man: Wait a minute. You can take photos while you’re in there?男:等一下。进去的时候可以拍照吗?

Woman: Yes, but you can’t use flash. I don’t know … Why do we take photos of everything we see when we travel?女:可以,但不能使用闪光灯。我不知道……为什么我们要拍摄旅行时看到的一切?

Man: I know. And we never look at the photos after.男人:我知道。之后我们再也不会看照片了。

Woman: Exactly! I’m tired of always taking photos. I don’t feel I’m enjoying things.女人:没错!我厌倦了总是拍照。我不觉得我正在享受事情。


Man: Who took this?男:这是谁拿的?

Woman: I can’t remember. Hmmm …女:我不记得了。嗯…

Man: What am I doing?男:我在做什么?

Woman: You’re sitting on the sofa, watching TV and eating chocolates. Nothing changes!女:你坐在沙发上,一边看电视,一边吃巧克力。没有什么变化!

Man: Ha! Very funny. You look very young, though.男:哈!很搞笑。不过你看起来很年轻。

Woman: I know. Look at my hair – it was so long!女:我知道。看看我的头发——好长啊!

Man: Mine too, look at me! Hey … I think I know who took this photo.男:我的也是,看我!嘿……我想我知道是谁拍了这张照片。

Woman: Umm … who? Was it Dad?女人:嗯……谁?是爸爸吗?

Man: No, it wasn’t Dad or Mum. Do you remember Barry?男:不,不是爸爸或妈妈。你还记得巴里吗?

Woman: No.女:没有。

Man: Yes, YES! You do remember. Barry, your boyfriend at high school. You were seventeen and he was sixteen and he was so very polite: ‘Hello, I’m Barry. It’s very nice to meet you …’男人:是的,是的!你确实记得。巴里,你高中时的男朋友。你十七岁,他十六岁,他非常有礼貌:“你好,我是巴里。”很高兴认识你……”

Woman: Stop it! He was nice.女:别说了!他很好。

Man: Yeah, well, he took the photo.男:是的,好吧,他拍了照片。


Woman: Let’s see. OK. I’m glad we could talk about this. It’s not easy to say.女:让我们看看。好的。我很高兴我们能谈论这个。这并不容易说。

Man: What?男:什么?

Woman: Well, you’re not in our group – for the class project.女:嗯,你不属于我们的班级项目组。

Man: What do you mean? You know I’m always in a group with you.男:你什么意思?你知道我总是和你在一起。

Woman: I know. It’s just that this time … this time we made the group differently and because you were late …女:我知道。只是这次……这次我们组的方式不同,因为你迟到了……

Man: I see. You don’t want me in the group?男:我明白了。你不想让我进群吗?

Woman: No, no. It isn’t that. It’s that we’ve already made the group, see? There’s four of us already.女:不,不。不是那样的。我们已经组好了,明白吗?我们已经有四个人了。

Man: So? We can’t be a group of five?男:所以呢?我们不能五人一组吗?

Woman: Well, the teacher said four people per group.女:嗯,老师说每组四个人。

Man: Oh.男:哦。

Woman: It’s not about you or your work or anything like that. It’s … errrr … well, we already have the group.女:这与你或你的工作或类似的事情无关。这是…呃…好吧,我们已经有了这个小组。

Man: So I have to find another group.男:所以我必须找到另一个小组。

Woman: I’m sorry.女:对不起。


Four conversations – 1

Match the topics with each conversation.

  • Question
  • Answer


Four conversations – 2

Are the sentences true or false?

  • Question
  1. (Conversation A) The woman was in the interview for 15 minutes.
    True False
  2. (Conversation A) The woman thinks she is going to get the job.
    True False
  3. (Conversation B) The woman was trying to look at art.
    True False
  4. (Conversation B) The woman is thinking about not taking photos on holiday any more.
    True False
  5. (Conversation C) The man and the woman grew up in the same family.
    True False
  6. (Conversation C) The girl had an older boyfriend at school.
    True False
  7. (Conversation D) The man is not in the group because the others don’t like his work.
    True False
  8. (Conversation D) The man needs to find another group.
    True False
  • Answer
  1. (Conversation A) The woman was in the interview for 15 minutes.
    True ✔False
  2. (Conversation A) The woman thinks she is going to get the job.
    ✔True False
  3. (Conversation B) The woman was trying to look at art.
    ✔True False
  4. (Conversation B) The woman is thinking about not taking photos on holiday any more.
    ✔True False
  5. (Conversation C) The man and the woman grew up in the same family.
    ✔True False
  6. (Conversation C) The girl had an older boyfriend at school.
    True ✔False
  7. (Conversation D) The man is not in the group because the others don’t like his work.
    True ✔False
  8. (Conversation D) The man needs to find another group.
    ✔True False

【A2-Listening】06 Four conversations-四次对话