【A2-Listening】07 Instructions for an assignment-作业说明

【A2-Listening】07 Instructions for an assignment-作业说明

Listen to a university teacher giving instructions for an assignment to practise and improve your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.


Instructions for an assignment – preparation

Match the words with the definitions.

  • Question

1.__ a deadline
2.__ a quote
3.__ to hand in
4.__ an essay
5.__ a subheading
6.__ an assignment
7.__ to reference
8.__ alphabetical order

a. a piece of writing
b. the date you have to finish something
c. a piece of work for school or university
d. to give to a teacher
e. the exact words another person has said
f. the order A, B, C, D …
g. to show who an idea belongs to
h. the title for a section of a piece of writing

  • Answer





I want to explain a few things about your essay.

First of all, the deadline. The deadline for this essay is October the 18th. Not the 19th, not the 28th, not two days later because your dog was ill or your computer broke – the 18th. If it’s late, I won’t mark it. I won’t even read it – you’ll fail the assignment! So, please hand it in on time. You can even hand it in early, if you like!

You can email me the essays at j.hartshorn@lmu.ac.uk. That’s H-A-R-T-S-H-O-R-N. I’ll reply to say I’ve got it. If I don’t reply within a day, it might mean I didn’t get it, so please email me again to make sure. You can also bring a paper copy of the essay to my office, but let’s be kind to the trees, OK? Email is better for the trees and for me.

Don’t forget that you must reference every idea or quote you use that isn’t your own idea. And the last page of your essay should be a list of all the books you used, in alphabetical order, not in the order you used them!

And lastly, make it easy for me to read! That means use a clear font. Arial is best, but Times New Roman is fine too. Not Comic Sans please! Size 12 font for the essay, and size 14 for the titles and subheadings. And use page numbers. Any questions?


I want to explain a few things about your essay.

First of all, the deadline. The deadline for this essay is October the 18th. Not the 19th, not the 28th, not two days later because your dog was ill or your computer broke – the 18th. If it’s late, I won’t mark it. I won’t even read it – you’ll fail the assignment! So, please hand it in on time. You can even hand it in early, if you like!
首先,截止日期。这篇论文的截止日期是10月18日。不是 19 号,不是 28 号,也不是两天后,因为你的狗生病了或者你的电脑坏了——是 18 号。如果晚了我就不批改了。我甚至都不会读它——你作业会不及格!所以,请您按时上交。如果你愿意的话,你甚至可以提前交!

You can email me the essays at j.hartshorn@lmu.ac.uk. That’s H-A-R-T-S-H-O-R-N. I’ll reply to say I’ve got it. If I don’t reply within a day, it might mean I didn’t get it, so please email me again to make sure. You can also bring a paper copy of the essay to my office, but let’s be kind to the trees, OK? Email is better for the trees and for me.
您可以通过电子邮件将论文发送至 j.hartshorn@lmu.ac.uk。那是 H-A-R-T-S-H-O-R-N。我会回复说我已经拿到了。如果我在一天内没有回复,可能意味着我没有收到,所以请再次给我发送电子邮件以进行确认。您也可以将论文的纸质副本带到我的办公室,但让我们善待树木,好吗?电子邮件对树木和我来说都更好。

Don’t forget that you must reference every idea or quote you use that isn’t your own idea. And the last page of your essay should be a list of all the books you used, in alphabetical order, not in the order you used them!

And lastly, make it easy for me to read! That means use a clear font. Arial is best, but Times New Roman is fine too. Not Comic Sans please! Size 12 font for the essay, and size 14 for the titles and subheadings. And use page numbers. Any questions?
最后,让我更容易阅读!这意味着使用清晰的字体。 Arial 最好,但 Times New Roman 也不错。请不要使用 Comic Sans!文章字体为 12 号,标题和副标题字体为 14 号。并使用页码。任何问题?


Leaving a message

Are the sentences true or false?

  • Question
  1. What day should you hand in your essay?
    18 October
    19 October
    28 October
  2. It’s OK to …
    give it to the teacher two days late.
    give it to the teacher a week late.
    give it to the teacher early.
  3. How do you write the teacher’s email address?
  4. What goes on the last page of the essay?
    The alphabet
    The books you used
    Quotes and ideas
  5. Which font should you write the essay with?
    Comic Sans
  6. What size font should you use for the essay?
    Any size is OK.
  • Answer
  1. What day should you hand in your essay?
    ✔18 October
    19 October
    28 October
  2. It’s OK to …
    give it to the teacher two days late.
    give it to the teacher a week late.
    ✔give it to the teacher early.
  3. How do you write the teacher’s email address?
  4. What goes on the last page of the essay?
    The alphabet
    ✔The books you used
    Quotes and ideas
  5. Which font should you write the essay with?
    Comic Sans
  6. What size font should you use for the essay?
    Any size is OK.


Instructions for an assignment – 2

Match the phrases to make sentences.

Are the sentences true or false?

  • Question

First part
1.__If your essay is late,
2.__If your computer breaks,
3.__If the teacher doesn’t write back to you,
4.__If you want to be kind to trees,
5.__If you use other people’s ideas,
6.__If you want to make your essay easy to read,

Second part
a. you still have to hand the essay in on time.
b. don’t print your assignment.
c. you won’t pass the assignment.
d. use font size 12, subheadings and page numbers.
e. you can email him to check he got your essay.
f. you have to say where you get them from.

  • Answer
  1. If your essay is late, you won’t pass the assignment.
  2. If your computer breaks, you still have to hand the essay in on time.
  3. If the teacher doesn’t write back to you, you can email him to check he got your essay.
  4. If you want to be kind to trees, don’t print your assignment.
  5. If you use other people’s ideas, you have to say where you get them from.
  6. If you want to make your essay easy to read, use font size 12, subheadings and page numbers.


What do you find difficult about writing essays?你觉得写论文有哪些困难?

【A2-Listening】07 Instructions for an assignment-作业说明