【A2-Listening】09 Missing a class-缺课了

【A2-Listening】09 Missing a class-缺课了

Listen to a student explain why she can’t come to class to practise and improve your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.


Missing a class – preparation

Complete the phrases with the words.

  • Question

links appointment know assignment test term

  1. a doctor’s __
  2. a homework __
  3. to let someone __
  4. to post __ online
  5. a practice __
  6. a mid-__ exam
  • Answer

​ term

  1. a doctor’s __appointment
  2. a homework __assignment
  3. to let someone __know
  4. to post __links online
  5. a practice __test
  6. a mid-__term exam




Student: Excuse me, Ms Henderson?

Teacher: Yes, Diana. How can I help you?

Student: I’m sorry, but I can’t come to class next Wednesday. I have a doctor’s appointment.

Teacher: OK. Thanks for letting me know.

Student: Is there anything to do at home?

Teacher: Let me just check my notebook. OK, first of all … you need to read chapters 17, 19 and 20 in the book. There are also some articles and a video to watch – those are online. I’ll post the links online in the usual place.

Student: Chapters 17 to 20.

Teacher: Yes, except chapter 18. Chapters 17, 19 and 20.

Student: Ah, OK. Um … is there a deadline?

Teacher: Yes, this Friday. But there’s something else. I was going to give you all a practice test.

Student: A practice test?

Teacher: Yes, to help people prepare for the mid-term exam.

Student: Ah. All right.

Teacher: Don’t worry, I can send you the practice test by email on Wednesday. Can you send it to me before Friday?

Student: Sure, no problem.

Teacher: And don’t forget to bring a certificate from the doctor to the office.

Student: Thanks, Ms Henderson! I’ll do that.

Teacher: You’re welcome, Diana. Take care.


Student: Excuse me, Ms Henderson?

Teacher: Yes, Diana. How can I help you?

Student: I’m sorry, but I can’t come to class next Wednesday. I have a doctor’s appointment.

Teacher: OK. Thanks for letting me know.

Student: Is there anything to do at home?

Teacher: Let me just check my notebook. OK, first of all … you need to read chapters 17, 19 and 20 in the book. There are also some articles and a video to watch – those are online. I’ll post the links online in the usual place.
老师:让我检查一下我的笔记本。好的,首先……你需要阅读本书的第 17、19 和 20 章。还有一些文章和视频可供观看——这些都是在线的。我将在通常的地方发布在线链接。

Student: Chapters 17 to 20.
学生:第 17 章至第 20 章。

Teacher: Yes, except chapter 18. Chapters 17, 19 and 20.
老师:是的,除了第 18 章,第 17、19 和 20 章。

Student: Ah, OK. Um … is there a deadline?

Teacher: Yes, this Friday. But there’s something else. I was going to give you all a practice test.

Student: A practice test?

Teacher: Yes, to help people prepare for the mid-term exam.

Student: Ah. All right.

Teacher: Don’t worry, I can send you the practice test by email on Wednesday. Can you send it to me before Friday?

Student: Sure, no problem.

Teacher: And don’t forget to bring a certificate from the doctor to the office.

Student: Thanks, Ms Henderson! I’ll do that.

Teacher: You’re welcome, Diana. Take care.


Missing a class – 1

Choose the best answer.

  • Question
  1. Diana can’t come to class because …
    she has a different class.
    she has a mid-term exam.
    she has a doctor’s appointment.
  2. For homework, she has to read …
    chapters 17, 18, 19 and 20.
    chapters 17, 19 and 20.
    chapters 17 and 20.
  3. The articles and video are available …
    via email.
    in the library.
  4. The deadline for the homework is …
  5. The teacher can give Diana the practice test …
    on Friday.
    by email.
    after the mid-term exam.
  6. The office needs …
    a note from the doctor.
    an email from Diana.
    the mid-term exam.
  • Answer
  1. Diana can’t come to class because …
    she has a different class.
    she has a mid-term exam.
    ✔she has a doctor’s appointment.
  2. For homework, she has to read …
    chapters 17, 18, 19 and 20.
    ✔chapters 17, 19 and 20.
    chapters 17 and 20.
  3. The articles and video are available …
    via email.
    in the library.
  4. The deadline for the homework is …
  5. The teacher can give Diana the practice test …
    on Friday.
    ✔by email.
    after the mid-term exam.
  6. The office needs …
    ✔a note from the doctor.
    an email from Diana.
    the mid-term exam.


Missing a class – 2

Put the words in order to make sentences.

Are the sentences true or false?

  • Question
  1. but sorry to class. I I’m can’t come
  2. Can me give the homework you assignment?
  3. to chapters 17 read 20. You need to
  4. I should do? What
  5. links the post I’ll online.
  6. the practice you give I can test.
  • Answer
  1. I’m sorry but I can’t come to class.
  2. Can you give me the homework assignment?
  3. You need to read chapters 17 to 20.
  4. What should I do?
  5. I’ll post the links online.
  6. I can give you the practice test.


Do you have a lot of homework? What kind of homework do you like?

【A2-Listening】09 Missing a class-缺课了