【A2-Listening】10 Transport announcements-交通公告

【A2-Listening】10 Transport announcements-交通公告

Listen to some transport announcements to practise and improve your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.


Transport announcements – preparation

Match the definitions with the words in CAPITAL letters in the sentences.

  • Question


2.a section of a train
3.to leave
4.to get on a plane, train or boat
5.to end
6.to be careful about
7.more or less

a. Move to the front of the CARRIAGE.
b. APPROXIMATELY five minutes.
c. Your plane is BOARDING at Gate 1.
d. Your plane will DEPART soon.
e. Some RAIL services are delayed.
f. MIND where you walk.
g. There is a GAP between the platform and the train.
h. This train TERMINATES here.

  • Answer






The next train to arrive at Platform 2 is the 12.20 to Bristol Temple Meads, calling at Reading, Oxford and Bristol Parkway. Platform 2 for the 12.20 to Bristol. First class is in the rear carriage.


This is a platform announcement for passengers for the 12.20 service to Bristol Temple Meads. This train is delayed by approximately 8 minutes. The train will now depart from Platform 9. Passengers for the 12.20 train to Bristol, please make your way to Platform 9.


Passengers for Flight EB380 to Paris please make your way to Gate 13 for boarding. Gate 13 for flight EB380 to Paris. Please have your passports and boarding passes ready. Your flight is ready to board.


This is a London Underground service to Liverpool Street. The next station is Liverpool Street. Upon arrival, the first set of doors will not open. Customers in the first carriage, please move towards the rear doors to leave the train. The next station is Liverpool Street. Change here for Central Line, Circle Line, Hammersmith & City Line and Metropolitan Line and Main Line Suburban rail services. Please mind the gap between the train and the platform. This train terminates at Redbridge.


The next train to arrive at Platform 2 is the 12.20 to Bristol Temple Meads, calling at Reading, Oxford and Bristol Parkway. Platform 2 for the 12.20 to Bristol. First class is in the rear carriage.
下一趟到达 2 号站台的火车是 12.20 开往 Bristol Temple Meads 的火车,途经 Reading、Oxford 和 Bristol Parkway。 2 号站台为 12.20 前往布里斯托尔。头等舱位于后车厢。


This is a platform announcement for passengers for the 12.20 service to Bristol Temple Meads. This train is delayed by approximately 8 minutes. The train will now depart from Platform 9. Passengers for the 12.20 train to Bristol, please make your way to Platform 9.
这是针对 12.20 前往布里斯托尔坦普尔米兹 (Bristol Temple Meads) 车站的乘客的平台公告。这趟列车晚点约 8 分钟。火车现在将从 9 号站台出发。乘坐 12.20 开往布里斯托尔的火车的乘客,请前往 9 号站台。


Passengers for Flight EB380 to Paris please make your way to Gate 13 for boarding. Gate 13 for flight EB380 to Paris. Please have your passports and boarding passes ready. Your flight is ready to board.
搭乘EB380航班飞往巴黎的旅客请前往13号登机口登机。飞往巴黎的 EB380 航班的 13 号登机口。请准备好您的护照和登机牌。您的航班已准备好登机。


This is a London Underground service to Liverpool Street. The next station is Liverpool Street. Upon arrival, the first set of doors will not open. Customers in the first carriage, please move towards the rear doors to leave the train. The next station is Liverpool Street. Change here for Central Line, Circle Line, Hammersmith & City Line and Metropolitan Line and Main Line Suburban rail services. Please mind the gap between the train and the platform. This train terminates at Redbridge.


Transport announcements – 1

Are the sentences true or false?

  • Question
  1. The Bristol train is at 20.12.
    True False
  2. First class is at the back of the train.
    True False
  3. Passengers for Oxford are delayed by 8 minutes.
    True False
  4. The Paris flight is EV318.
    True False
  5. People in the front of the train carriage can get out easily at Liverpool Street.
    True False
  6. The back doors won’t open.
    True False
  7. Liverpool Street has lots of other underground lines.
    True False
  8. Redbridge is the last stop.
    True False
  • Answer
  1. The Bristol train is at 20.12.
    True ✔False
  2. First class is at the back of the train.
    ✔True False
  3. Passengers for Oxford are delayed by 8 minutes.
    ✔True False
  4. The Paris flight is EV318.
    True ✔False
  5. People in the front of the train carriage can get out easily at Liverpool Street.
    True ✔False
  6. The back doors won’t open.
    True ✔False
  7. Liverpool Street has lots of other underground lines.
    ✔True False
  8. Redbridge is the last stop.
    ✔True False


Transport announcements – 2

Match the numbers with the information.

  • Question

13 9 8 3

  1. The number of stops before Bristol Temple Meads.
  2. The number of minutes delay to the Bristol train.
  3. The new platform for the Bristol train.
  4. The gate for the Paris flight.
  • Answer
  1. The number of stops before Bristol Temple Meads. 3
  2. The number of minutes delay to the Bristol train. 8
  3. The new platform for the Bristol train. 9
  4. The gate for the Paris flight. 13


How often do you travel by plane or train? 您多久乘飞机或火车旅行?



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  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

    rail/reɪl/|CET4 TEM4
    1.N-COUNT A rail is a horizontal bar attached to posts or around the edge of something as a fence or support. 栏杆

    • They had to walk across an emergency footbridge, holding onto a rope that served as a rail.

    2.N-COUNT A rail is a horizontal bar that you hang things on. (挂物用的) 横杆

    • This pair of curtains will fit a rail up to 7 ft 6 in wide.

    3.N-COUNT Rails are the steel bars which trains run on. 铁轨

    • The train left the rails but somehow forced its way back onto the line.

    4.N-UNCOUNT If you travel or send something by rail, you travel or send it on a train. 乘火车; 用火车 (运送)

    • The president travelled by rail to his home town.

    5.N any of various small wading birds of the genus Rallus and related genera: family Rallidae, order Gruiformes (cranes, etc). They have short wings, long legs, and dark plumage 普通秧鸡

    6.V to provide with a rail or railings 提供护栏

    7.V to complain bitterly or vehemently 强烈抗议

    • to rail against fate
    8.PHRASE If something is back on the rails, it is beginning to be successful again after a period when it almost failed. 东山再起

    • It may take some time to get the economy back on the rails.

    9.PHRASE If someone goes off the rails, they start to behave in a way that other people think is unacceptable or very strange, for example, they start taking drugs or breaking the law. 行为出轨

    • They’ve got to do something about these children because clearly they’ve gone off the rails. 他们必须对这些孩子采取点行动,因为很明显他们的行为已经出轨了。


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高中 | CET4 | CET6 | IELTS | SAT | 商务英语

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

used to show that sth is almost, but not completely, accurate or correct大概;大约;约莫
•The journey took approximately seven hours.旅程大约花了七个小时。

  1. The flight takes approximately three hours.飞行时间大约需要三小时。

  2. The tickets cost about £20 each.票价每张约20英镑。

  3. The repairs will cost $200, give or take a few dollars.修理费要花200元,出入不过几元。

  4. How much will it cost, more or less ?这个大概得花多少钱?

  5. We are expecting thirty or so people to come.我们预计要来三十人左右。

  6. She must be 25 or thereabouts .她肯定在25岁上下。

  7. Profits have fallen by roughly 15%.利润下降了大约15%。

  8. You can expect to earn round about £40,000 a year.你可望一年赚4万英镑左右。

  9. The price is somewhere around $800.价格在800元上下。

  10. She earns somewhere in the region of £25,000.她大约挣25 000英镑。

  11. All these words and phrases are used in both speaking and writing; about is the most common and approximately the most formal.上述各词和短语在口语和书面语中均可使用,about最通用,approximately最正式。


  • 简易

n.(尤指建筑物或车辆等的)后部,背部(the rear);(队列的)后方,后尾部队(或舰队);<非正式>臀部,屁股(=rear end)


v.养育,饲养;栽种,培植;(动物)用后腿直立;(建筑、山等)高耸;(人)发火,暴跳(rear up)



  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

rear/rɪə/|CET4 TEM4
rearing reared rears
1.N-SING The rear of something such as a building or vehicle is the back part of it. (建筑物或机动车等的) 后部

• He settled back in the rear of the taxi.

2.ADJ Rear is also an adjective. 后部的

• Manufacturers have been obliged to fit rear seat belts in all new cars.

3.N-SING If you are at the rear of a moving line of people, you are the last person in it. (队列的) 尾部

• Musicians played at the front and rear of the procession.

4.N-COUNT Your rear is the part of your body that you sit on. 臀部

• I saw him pat a waitress on her rear.

5.V-T If you rear children, you take care of them until they are old enough to take care of themselves. 抚养

• She reared sixteen children, six her own and ten her husband’s.

6.V-T If you rear a young animal, you keep and take care of it until it is old enough to be used for work or food, or until it can look after itself. 饲养

• She spends a lot of time rearing animals.

7.V-I When a horse rears, it moves the front part of its body upward, so that its front legs are high in the air and it is standing on its back legs. (指马) 后腿直立

• The horse reared and threw off its rider.

8.PHRASE If a person or vehicle is bringing up the rear, they are the last person or vehicle in a moving line of them. 殿后

• …police motorcyclists bringing up the rear of the procession.

calling at

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【名】 (Call)(瑞典、罗)卡尔,(英)考尔(人名)

初中 | 高中 | CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | 商务英语

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

V-I When a train, bus, or ship calls somewhere, it stops there for a short time to allow people to get on or off. (火车、公共汽车或船只) 停靠

• The steamer calls at several palm-fringed ports along the way.


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CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | GRE | 商务英语

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

oblige/əˈblaɪdʒ/|CET4 TEM4
obliging obliged obliges

  1. V-T If you are obliged to do something, a situation, rule, or law makes it necessary for you to do that thing. 迫使

    • The storm got worse and worse. Finally, I was obliged to abandon the car and continue on foot.

  2. V-T/V-I To oblige someone means to be helpful to them by doing what they have asked you to do. (通过满足要求而) 帮助

    • Mr. Oakley has always been ready to oblige journalists with information.

    • We called up three economists to ask how to eliminate the deficit and they obliged with very straightforward answers.

  3. CONVENTION If you tell someone that you would be obliged or should be obliged if they would do something, you are telling them in a polite but firm way that you want them to do it. (如蒙…) 将不胜感激

    • I would be obliged if you could read it to us.

【A2-Listening】10 Transport announcements-交通公告