【B1-Listening】01 A phone call from a customer-一个客户的电话

【B1-Listening】01 A phone call from a customer-一个客户的电话

Listen to the phone call from a customer to practise and improve your listening skills.聆听客户的电话,练习并提高您的听力技巧。

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.先做好准备工作。然后听音频并做练习。

A phone call from a customer – preparation

Match the words and the definitions.

  • Question

1.an exception
2.payment terms
3.an invoice
4.an extension
5.delivery confirmation
6.cash flow
7.a regulation
8.to appreciate

a. proof that a delivery has been made
b. the conditions of when a customer should make payment
c. when more time is allowed for something
d. an official or organisational rule
e. a document which shows how much a customer has to pay, for what and by when
f. when something doesn’t follow the usual rule
g. to show someone you are grateful for something they have done
h. the timing and amount of money coming in and going out of a company

  • Answer

1.an exception – when something doesn’t follow the usual rule
2.payment terms – the conditions of when a customer should make payment
3.an invoice – a document which shows how much a customer has to pay, for what and by when
4.an extension – when more time is allowed for something
5.delivery confirmation – proof that a delivery has been made
6.cash flow – the timing and amount of money coming in and going out of a company
7.a regulation – an official or organisational rule
8.to appreciate – to show someone you are grateful for something they have done

2.付款条件 —— 客户应付款的条件




Junko: Hello, Junko Mori speaking. How can I help you?

Andrea: Hi, Junko, it’s Andrea here from Red Band. I’m calling about our latest order.

Junko: Everything arrived OK, right? We got the delivery confirmation at our end.

Andrea: Yes, everything’s fine with the order. I’m calling about the invoice and the payment terms. I need a favour.

Junko: A favour? What do you need?

Andrea: This is a little, er … difficult, but I need an extension on the payment terms. I know they’re usually 30 days, but we’re having some cash flow problems. You’d really be helping us out if you could extend it to 60 days.

Junko: I’m not sure if I can do that, Andrea. We’ve got regulations at our end, and also have to manage our own cash flow.

Andrea: I promise this won’t become the norm, Junko. Actually, I also want to place another new order. The same size order as last time. It’s for an important customer and they pay on delivery.

Junko: I see. So your cash flow problem will be solved after this new order is delivered.

Andrea: Exactly.

Junko: That sounds good. Hold on, Andrea. Let me see what I can do. Yes, I think we can make an exception this time.

Andrea: That’s great, Junko. I appreciate your help.

Junko: And we appreciate your business, Andrea. It works both ways.

Andrea: Thanks again, Junko. Can you send me a quick email confirmation of the payment terms extension?

Junko: Sure, no problem. We’re happy to help you.

Andrea: Great. And I’ll email you the new order.

Junko: Thanks. I’ll keep an eye out for it. Talk to you soon.

Andrea: You too. Goodbye.


Junko: Hello, Junko Mori speaking. How can I help you?

Andrea: Hi, Junko, it’s Andrea here from Red Band. I’m calling about our latest order.
安德里亚:嗨,纯子,我是来自 Red Band 的安德里亚。我打电话询问我们最新的订单。

Junko: Everything arrived OK, right? We got the delivery confirmation at our end.

Andrea: Yes, everything’s fine with the order. I’m calling about the invoice and the payment terms. I need a favour.

Junko: A favour? What do you need?

Andrea: This is a little, er … difficult, but I need an extension on the payment terms. I know they’re usually 30 days, but we’re having some cash flow problems. You’d really be helping us out if you could extend it to 60 days.
安德里亚:这有点,呃……困难,但我需要延长付款条件。我知道通常是 30 天,但我们遇到了一些现金流问题。如果您能将期限延长至 60 天,那您真是帮了我们大忙了。

Junko: I’m not sure if I can do that, Andrea. We’ve got regulations at our end, and also have to manage our own cash flow.

Andrea: I promise this won’t become the norm, Junko. Actually, I also want to place another new order. The same size order as last time. It’s for an important customer and they pay on delivery.

Junko: I see. So your cash flow problem will be solved after this new order is delivered.

Andrea: Exactly.

Junko: That sounds good. Hold on, Andrea. Let me see what I can do. Yes, I think we can make an exception this time.

Andrea: That’s great, Junko. I appreciate your help.

Junko: And we appreciate your business, Andrea. It works both ways.

Andrea: Thanks again, Junko. Can you send me a quick email confirmation of the payment terms extension?

Junko: Sure, no problem. We’re happy to help you.

Andrea: Great. And I’ll email you the new order.

Junko: Thanks. I’ll keep an eye out for it. Talk to you soon.

Andrea: You too. Goodbye.


A phone call from a customer – 1

Are the sentences true or false?

  • Question
  1. The delivery hasn’t arrived yet.
    True False
  2. Andrea is having cash flow issues and needs a payment extension.
    True False
  3. Andrea usually asks for an extension of the payment terms.
    True False
  4. Andrea has a new order to place, even bigger than the last one.
    True False
  5. Junko can extend the payment terms on the last order to 60 days.
    True False
  6. Junko will send Andrea an email confirmation.
    True False
  • Answer
  1. The delivery hasn’t arrived yet.
    True ✔False
  2. Andrea is having cash flow issues and needs a payment extension.
    ✔True False
  3. Andrea usually asks for an extension of the payment terms.
    True ✔False
  4. Andrea has a new order to place, even bigger than the last one.
    True ✔False
  5. Junko can extend the payment terms on the last order to 60 days.
    ✔True False
  6. Junko will send Andrea an email confirmation.
    ✔True False
  1. The delivery hasn’t arrived yet.


  2. Andrea is having cash flow issues and needs a payment extension.

    安德里亚 (Andrea) 遇到现金流问题,需要延期付款。

  3. Andrea usually asks for an extension of the payment terms.


  4. Andrea has a new order to place, even bigger than the last one.


  5. Junko can extend the payment terms on the last order to 60 days.

    Junko 可以将最后订单的付款期限延长至 60 天。

  6. Junko will send Andrea an email confirmation.

    Junko 将向 Andrea 发送一封确认电子邮件。


A phone call from a customer – 2

Put the sentences in the correct group.

Let me see what I can do.
I promise this won’t become the norm.
I’m happy to help you.
I’m not sure if I can do that.
You’ll really be helping us.
I appreciate your help.
I need a favour.
I think we can make an exception this time.


  • Answer

**The customer says: **
1.You’ll really be helping us.
2.I need a favour.
3.I promise this won’t become the norm.
4.I appreciate your help.

The supplier says:
1.Let me see what I can do.
2.I’m happy to help you.
3.I’m not sure if I can do that.
4.I think we can make an exception this time.


Do you ever do favours or make exceptions for important clients? 您是否曾为重要客户提供过恩惠或破例?

【B1-Listening】01 A phone call from a customer-一个客户的电话