【B1-Listening】03 A team meeting about diversity-关于多样性的团队会议

【B1-Listening】03 A team meeting about diversity-关于多样性的团队会议

Listen to a team meeting about diversity to practise and improve your listening skills.聆听有关多元化的团队会议,以练习和提高您的倾听技巧。

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.先做好准备工作。然后听音频并做练习。


  • Question

  • Answer



Nina: As you know, our team has grown a lot in the past year and we feel we need to address the diversity in the team.

Brenda: How do you mean, ‘address the diversity’?

Nina: Well, we all know that diversity in teams is a good thing, but it can also be a challenge for some people to respect and value people’s differences. We’ve got a really diverse team here – people of different nationalities, backgrounds, religions, ages … and sometimes I don’t feel we make the most of this.

Stefano: Yes, and even if it isn’t specifically challenging, many people are simply unaware of the isolation that some team members may feel because they are different.

Brenda: So, what does this mean? What are we going to do?

Nina: Well, we need to create a workplace charter. You know, one that promotes equality, diversity and inclusion.

Brenda: That sounds like a good idea. But w ill people just see it as something the management team has created? Maybe they won’t even pay attention to it.

Nina: I know. That’s why we’re going to involve everyone in creating it.

Stefano: That’s a good idea. We could run some workshops and get ideas from the employees about how we can create a more inclusive workplace.

Nina: Exactly. I was thinking that before that we could run some team-building sessions so they can experience the value of diversity for themselves.

Brenda: Yes, I like that. Many people see diversity as something negative, often because there are different opinions or ways of doing things.

Nina: Yes, I know, but if there’s no diversity, then the risk is that we all work in the same way, think the same and see the world the same. This makes it hard to be creative and to innovate.

Stefano: I completely agree, Nina. OK. So, what do you want us to do?

Nina: Stefano, can you look for a successful trainer who specialises in running workshops and team-building sessions on diversity and inclusion?

Stefano: Sure. I’ll be happy to.

Nina: And Brenda, can you find a fun venue? Somewhere that is quite diverse itself. Something that’s not the usual seminar-style environment?

Brenda: Sure. That’ll be fun.

Nina: And I’m going to do some further research into how other organisations are benefiting from their diversity. I can share this with the whole team.


Nina: As you know, our team has grown a lot in the past year and we feel we need to address the diversity in the team.Nina:如您所知,我们的团队在过去的一年里成长了很多,我们觉得我们需要解决团队的多样性问题。

Brenda: How do you mean, ‘address the diversity’?布伦达:“解决多样性”是什么意思?

Nina: Well, we all know that diversity in teams is a good thing, but it can also be a challenge for some people to respect and value people’s differences. We’ve got a really diverse team here – people of different nationalities, backgrounds, religions, ages … and sometimes I don’t feel we make the most of this.尼娜:嗯,我们都知道团队的多样性是一件好事,但对于某些人来说,尊重和重视人们的差异也可能是一个挑战。我们这里有一支非常多元化的团队——来自不同国籍、背景、宗教、年龄的人……有时我觉得我们没有充分利用这一点。

Stefano: Yes, and even if it isn’t specifically challenging, many people are simply unaware of the isolation that some team members may feel because they are different. Stefano:是的,即使这不是特别具有挑战性,但许多人根本没有意识到某些团队成员可能会因为与众不同而感到孤立。

Brenda: So, what does this mean? What are we going to do?布伦达:那么,这是什么意思?我们会做什么?

Nina: Well, we need to create a workplace charter. You know, one that promotes equality, diversity and inclusion.尼娜:嗯,我们需要制定一份工作场所章程。你知道,这是一个促进平等、多样性和包容性的国家。

Brenda: That sounds like a good idea. But will people just see it as something the management team has created? Maybe they won’t even pay attention to it.布伦达:这听起来是个好主意。但人们会仅仅将其视为管理团队创造的东西吗?或许他们根本不会去关注它。

Nina: I know. That’s why we’re going to involve everyone in creating it.尼娜:我知道。这就是为什么我们要让每个人都参与创建它。

Stefano: That’s a good idea. We could run some workshops and get ideas from the employees about how we can create a more inclusive workplace.斯特凡诺:这是个好主意。我们可以举办一些研讨会,并从员工那里获取有关如何创建更具包容性的工作场所的想法。

Nina: Exactly. I was thinking that before that we could run some team-building sessions so they can experience the value of diversity for themselves.尼娜:没错。我想在此之前我们可以举办一些团队建设课程,以便他们能够亲身体验多元化的价值。

Brenda: Yes, I like that. Many people see diversity as something negative, often because there are different opinions or ways of doing things.布伦达:是的,我喜欢这样。许多人将多样性视为负面事物,通常是因为存在不同的观点或做事方式。

Nina: Yes, I know, but if there’s no diversity, then the risk is that we all work in the same way, think the same and see the world the same. This makes it hard to be creative and to innovate.尼娜:是的,我知道,但如果没有多样性,那么风险就是我们所有人都以同样的方式工作,思考同样的问题,看待世界也一样。这使得创造力和创新变得困难。

Stefano: I completely agree, Nina. OK. So, what do you want us to do?斯特凡诺:我完全同意,尼娜。好的。那么,你想让我们做什么?

Nina: Stefano, can you look for a successful trainer who specialises in running workshops and team-building sessions on diversity and inclusion?尼娜:斯特凡诺,您能否寻找一位成功的培训师,专门举办关于多样性和包容性的研讨会和团队建设课程?

Stefano: Sure. I’ll be happy to.斯特凡诺:当然。我会很乐意的。

Nina: And Brenda, can you find a fun venue? Somewhere that is quite diverse itself. Something that’s not the usual seminar-style environment?尼娜:布伦达,你能找到一个有趣的场所吗?某个地方本身就很多样化。这不是通常的研讨会式环境吗?

Brenda: Sure. That’ll be fun.布伦达:当然。那会很有趣。

Nina: And I’m going to do some further research into how other organisations are benefiting from their diversity. I can share this with the whole team.尼娜:我将进一步研究其他组织如何从其多样性中受益。我可以与整个团队分享这一点。

Task 1

  • Question

    1. The team has grown and become more diverse in the past year. True False
    2. Everyone in the team respects and values everyone else. True False
    3. They’re going to create a workplace charter to encourage diversity, equality and inclusion. True False
    4. They’re going to involve the whole team when creating the charter. True False
    5. They have already run some successful workshops this year. True False
    6. Nina has already shared some positive research. True False
  • Answer

Task 2

  • Question

    1. Stefano is going to …

      [] talk to colleagues who feel isolated.

      [] look for a trainer who specialises in running diversity workshops.

      [] look for an unusual venue for the workshop and team-building event.

    2. Brenda is going to …

      [] talk to people about their different opinions.

      [] look for a trainer who specialises in running diversity workshops.

      [] look for an unusual venue to run the workshop and team-building event.

    3. Nina is going to …

      [] write the workplace charter before the workshop.

      [] also look for an unusual venue for the event.

      [] research other organisations and their diversity.

  • Answer

    1. Stefano is going to …

      [] talk to colleagues who feel isolated.

      [*] look for a trainer who specialises in running diversity workshops.

      [] look for an unusual venue for the workshop and team-building event.

    2. Brenda is going to …

      [] talk to people about their different opinions.

      [] look for a trainer who specialises in running diversity workshops.

      [*] look for an unusual venue to run the workshop and team-building event.

    3. Nina is going to …

      [] write the workplace charter before the workshop.

      [] also look for an unusual venue for the event.

      [*] research other organisations and their diversity.

Discussion 讨论

How diverse is your workplace? How can diversity benefit your team?您的工作场所有多多元化?多元化对您的团队有何好处?



  • 简易

英/daɪˈvɜːsəti/美/daɪˈvɜːrsəti; dɪˈvɜːsɪti/

高中 | CET4 | CET6 | IELTS | TOEFL | GRE | SAT | 商务英语

address the diversity解决多样性问题

Then address the issues of diversity from within the organisation.

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

1.N-VAR The diversity of something is the fact that it contains many very different elements. 多样性

• …the cultural diversity of Latin America.

2.N-SING A diversity of things is a range of things which are very different from each other. 各种各样

• Forslan’s object is to gather as great a diversity of genetic material as possible.


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  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

N-VAR Inclusion is the act of making a person or thing part of a group or collection. 包括

• …a confident performance that justified his inclusion in the team.


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CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | IELTS | GRE | SAT | 商务英语

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

inclusive/ɪnˈkluːsɪv/|CET6 TEM4
1.ADJ If you describe a group or organization as inclusive, you mean that it allows all kinds of people to belong to it, rather than just one kind of person. 兼收并蓄的

• The academy is far more inclusive now than it used to be.

2.ADJ After stating the first and last item in a set of things, you can add inclusive to make it clear that the items stated are included in the set. 首末项包括在内的

• You are also invited to join us on our prayer days (this year, June 6 to June 14 inclusive).

3.ADJ If a price is inclusive, it includes all the charges connected with the goods or services offered. If a price is inclusive of shipping and handling, it includes the charge for this. 包括一切费用在内的

• …all prices are inclusive of delivery.

4.ADV Inclusive is also an adverb. 包括一切费用在内地

• The outpatient programme costs $105 per day, all inclusive.


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高中 | CET6 | IELTS | 商务英语

fun venue 有趣的地点

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

venue/ˈvɛnjuː/|CET6 TEM4
N-COUNT The venue for an event or activity is the place where it will happen. 举办场所

• The International Convention Centre is the venue for a three-day arts festival.

【B1-Listening】03 A team meeting about diversity-关于多样性的团队会议