【B1-Listening】04 A weather forecast-天气预报

【B1-Listening】04 A weather forecast-天气预报

Listen to a weather forecast and answer the questions to practise and improve your listening skills. 收听天气预报并回答问题以练习和提高您的听力技能。

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises. 先做好准备工作。然后听音频并做练习。

A weather forecast – preparation

Match the words with the definitions.

  • Question

3.a patch
5.to clear up
7.a heatwave
8.to make way for

a. a small area
b. to disappear
c. on its own, without other similar things around it
d. during all of a period of time
e. in other places
f. to move so that there is space for something to enter
g. very light rain
h. a period of weather that is much hotter than normal

  • Answer

1.a small area – a patch
2.to disappear – to clear up
3.on its own, without other similar things around it – isolated
4.during all of a period of time – throughout
5.in other places – elsewhere
6.to move so that there is space for something to enter – to make way for
7.very light rain – drizzle
8.a period of weather that is much hotter than normal – a heatwave

  1. 一小块区域——一块补丁
  2. 消失——消失
  3. 独自存在,周围没有其他类似的东西——孤立
  4. 在一段时间内——整个期间
  5. 在其他地方——别处
  6. 移动,以便有空间让某物进入——为某物让路
  7. 小雨——毛毛雨
  8. 一段比平常热得多的天气——热浪




Hello and good morning! Well, we’re off to a good start in the south this week, as most of the rain from the weekend has disappeared – just a few patches of cloud and maybe some showers here on the east coast. They’ll all clear up by lunchtime, though. Over the next day or so, London and the area around Kent can expect a couple of isolated showers, but mostly dry through until Thursday.

It’s not such good news for the north-west this week, I’m afraid: more wet weather, and not a lot of sunshine. Some of today’s showers will be heavy – and even thundery in Manchester and across the Pennines. Leeds will escape the thunderstorms, with drizzle and light rain only throughout the rest of the day and tonight.

Elsewhere it becomes dry today, but with some foggy patches towards Wales. In England, tomorrow morning will see a dry, bright start in most places, with high temperatures throughout the week. We might see one or two thunderstorms appearing as the week goes on, with temperatures everywhere at 29 to 30 degrees.

By the weekend, unfortunately, the dry weather will make way for mostly cloudy skies and rain. The rain will move from Scotland, down towards the north and reach the south coast by Saturday afternoon. Temperatures, at least, will stay mostly warm at around 21 degrees for the weekend. It might feel like a nice change from the high twenties and early thirties we’ll see in the week. That’s all from me until tomorrow. Enjoy the mini-heatwave while you can!


Hello and good morning! Well, we’re off to a good start in the south this week, as most of the rain from the weekend has disappeared – just a few patches of cloud and maybe some showers here on the east coast. They’ll all clear up by lunchtime, though. Over the next day or so, London and the area around Kent can expect a couple of isolated showers, but mostly dry through until Thursday.

It’s not such good news for the north-west this week, I’m afraid: more wet weather, and not a lot of sunshine. Some of today’s showers will be heavy – and even thundery in Manchester and across the Pennines. Leeds will escape the thunderstorms, with drizzle and light rain only throughout the rest of the day and tonight.

Elsewhere it becomes dry today, but with some foggy patches towards Wales. In England, tomorrow morning will see a dry, bright start in most places, with high temperatures throughout the week. We might see one or two thunderstorms appearing as the week goes on, with temperatures everywhere at 29 to 30 degrees.
其他地方今天变得干燥,但威尔士方向有一些有雾的地方。在英格兰,明天早上大部分地区将迎来干燥、晴朗的天气,整个星期都会出现高温。随着一周的推移,我们可能会看到一两次雷暴天气,各地气温在 29 至 30 度之间。

By the weekend, unfortunately, the dry weather will make way for mostly cloudy skies and rain. The rain will move from Scotland, down towards the north and reach the south coast by Saturday afternoon. Temperatures, at least, will stay mostly warm at around 21 degrees for the weekend. It might feel like a nice change from the high twenties and early thirties we’ll see in the week. That’s all from me until tomorrow. Enjoy the mini-heatwave while you can!
不幸的是,到了周末,干燥的天气将被多云和降雨所取代。降雨将从苏格兰向北移动,并于周六下午到达南海岸。周末气温至少会保持在 21 度左右。与本周我们将看到的二十多岁和三十出头相比,这可能感觉是一个不错的变化。这就是我明天之前的全部内容。尽你所能,享受迷你热浪!


A weather forecast – 1

Put the words in the correct group.

  • Question

thunderstorms dry showers a heatwave wet weather drizzle bright

  • Answer

Rainy weather
wet weather

Sunny weather
a heatwave


A weather forecast – 2

Are the sentences true or false?

  • Question
  1. It will start raining at lunchtime today in the east.
    True False
  2. The weather in the north-west will be worse than in the south.
    True False
  3. There will be thunder in Leeds tonight.
    True False
  4. Most of England will be hot this week.
    True False
  5. Wet weather will move from the north to the south at the weekend.
    True False
  6. It will stay hot when the rain comes.
    True False
  • Answer
  1. It will start raining at lunchtime today in the east.
    True ✔False
  2. The weather in the north-west will be worse than in the south.
    ✔True False
  3. There will be thunder in Leeds tonight.
    True ✔False
  4. Most of England will be hot this week.
    ✔True False
  5. Wet weather will move from the north to the south at the weekend.
    ✔True False
  6. It will stay hot when the rain comes.
    True ✔False
  1. 今天午餐时间东部地区将开始下雨。
    正确 ✔错误
  2. 西北地区的天气会比南方更糟糕。
    ✔正确 错误
  3. 今晚利兹将有雷声。
    正确 ✔错误
  4. 本周英格兰大部分地区将会很热。
    ✔正确 错误
  5. 周末,潮湿天气将从北方转移到南方。
    ✔正确 错误
  6. 下雨时天气会很热。
    正确 ✔错误


What kind of weather do you like best? 你最喜欢什么样的天气?



  • 简易

    n.淋浴器,花洒;淋浴间,淋浴室;淋浴,洗澡;阵雨,阵雪;(落下的东西)一大批,一阵; 流星雨;<美>(为即将结婚或分娩的女子举行的)送礼聚会;<英,非正式> 一群乌合之众,一群笨蛋

    v.淋浴,洗澡;洒落,(使)纷纷降落;朝……阵雨般地扔(大量小东西)(shower sb. with);大量给予,慷慨给予

    初中 | 高中 | CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | TOEFL | 商务英语

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

    shower/ˈʃaʊə/|CET4 TEM4
    showering showered showers

    1. N-COUNT A shower is a device for washing yourself. It consists of a pipe which ends in a flat cover with a lot of holes in it so that water comes out in a spray. 淋浴器
      • She heard him turn on the shower.
  1. N-COUNT A shower is a small enclosed area containing a shower. 淋浴间
    • Do you sing in the shower?

  2. N-COUNT The showers or the shower in a place such as a gym is the area containing showers. (体育馆等的) 浴室
    • The showers are a mess.

  3. N-COUNT If you take a shower, you wash yourself by standing under a spray of water from a shower. 淋浴
    • I think I’ll take a shower before dinner.

  4. V-I If you shower, you wash yourself by standing under a spray of water from a shower. 洗澡
    • There wasn’t time to shower or change clothes.

  5. N-COUNT A shower is a short period of rain, especially light rain. 阵雨
    • There’ll be bright or sunny spells and scattered showers this afternoon.

  6. N-COUNT You can refer to a lot of things that are falling as a shower of them. 大量下落
    • Showers of sparks flew in all directions.

  7. V-T If you are showered with a lot of small objects or pieces, they are scattered over you. 抛撒
    • They were showered with rice in the traditional manner.

  8. N-COUNT A shower is a party or celebration at which the guests bring gifts. 送礼会
    • …a baby shower.

  9. N a derogatory term applied to a person or group, esp to a group considered as being slack, untidy, etc 懒散邋遢鬼

  10. N a large number of particles formed by the collision of a cosmic-ray particle with a particle in the atmosphere 镞射粒子

N a person or thing that shows 演出者; 展示物品


  • 简易



  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

N-VAR Lunchtime is the period of the day when people have their lunch. 午餐时间
• Could we meet at lunchtime?


  • 简易

v.下毛毛雨,下蒙蒙细雨; (毛毛雨似的)洒落;(毛毛雨似的)洒落



  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

drizzle/ˈdrɪzəl/|CET6+ TEM4
drizzling drizzled drizzles

  1. N-UNCOUNT Drizzle is light rain falling in fine drops. 毛毛雨
    • The drizzle had now stopped and the sun was breaking through.

  2. V-I If it is drizzling, it is raining very lightly. 下毛毛雨
    • Clouds had come down and it was starting to drizzle.


  • 简易


高中 | CET4 | CET6 | SAT

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

foggy/ˈfɒɡɪ/|CET4 TEM4
foggier foggiest

  1. ADJ When it is foggy, there is fog. 有雾的
    • It’s quite foggy now.

  2. PHRASE If you say that you haven’t the foggiest or you haven’t the foggiest idea, you are emphasizing that you do not know something. 压根儿不知道
    • I did not have the foggiest idea what he meant.


  • 简易



【名】 (Coast)(英、美)科斯特(人名)

初中 | 高中 | CET4 | CET6 | 考研

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

coast/kəʊst/|CET4 TEM4
coasting coasted coasts

  1. N-COUNT The coast is an area of land that is next to the sea. 海岸

    • Campsites are usually situated along the coast, close to beaches.

  2. V-I If a vehicle coasts somewhere, it continues to move there with the motor switched off, or without being pushed or pedalled. (车辆的) 惯性滑行

    • He pushed in the clutch and coasted to a halt.

【B1-Listening】04 A weather forecast-天气预报