【B2-Listening】03 A digital detox podcast-数字排毒播客

Listen to the podcast about doing a digital detox to practise and improve your listening skills.收听有关进行数字排毒的播客,以练习和提高您的听力技巧。

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.先做好准备工作。然后听音频并做练习。

A design presentation – preparation

Match the words with the definitions.

  • Question

interact on social media
browse websites
access the internet
show an alert
show a notification

things a device does to get your attention
things you do with a device
parts of a device

  • Answer
  1. Screen

    • 屏幕 (píng mù)
  2. Interact on social media

    • 在社交媒体上互动 (zài shè jiāo méi tǐ shàng hù dòng)
  3. Browse websites

    • 浏览网站 (liú lǎn wǎng zhàn)
  4. Display

    • 显示 (xiǎn shì)
  5. Buzz

    • 振动 (zhèn dòng)
  6. Laptop

    • 笔记本电脑 (bǐ jì běn diàn nǎo)
  7. Access the internet

    • 访问互联网 (fǎng wèn hù lián wǎng)
  8. Smartphone

    • 智能手机 (zhì néng shǒu jī)
  9. Satnav

    • 卫星导航 (wèi xīng dǎo háng)
  10. Show an alert

    • 显示警报 (xiǎn shì jǐng bào)
  11. Show a notification

    • 显示通知 (xiǎn shì tōng zhī)
  12. Monitor

    • 监控 (jiān kòng) / 显示器 (xiǎn shì qì) (for a physical monitor)




Presenter: So, we’re back in the studio. Welcome back, everyone. My name’s Rick Walker. From our laptops to our televisions, from the displays on our smartphones to those on our satnavs, we are in front of screens all the time. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to disconnect completely? To choose not to have access to the internet? If you have, you may be in need of a digital detox – a total switch-off from all things digital. The idea of people taking a digital detox is becoming more and more popular, especially amongst young people – and today we’re joined by someone who’s tried a number of digital detox activities and is here to give us some advice about it. Amanda Vince, welcome to the studio.

Amanda: Thank you very much.

Presenter: So, Amanda, you work for a fashion magazine in London, right? I guess your work means you need to be online a lot.

Amanda: Oh, yes. Apart from the hundreds of emails I get every day, I’m always browsing fashion websites, as well as online videos. I also need to be very active online, especially on Twitter and Instagram – sharing what we’re doing in the magazine, interacting with designers, photographers, influencers … it never stops, literally. Then of course there’s my friends and family to keep in touch with online too, and for me, my work grew out of my passion, so friends and work colleagues aren’t two totally separate groups of people and it all gets a bit messy online sometimes. I think I’m online for at least 12 hours a day.

Presenter: So, how did you get the idea for a digital detox?

Amanda: I read a book about it, called Log Off: How to Stay Connected after Disconnecting. The author’s name is Blake Snow. That book gave me some really good advice and made me think about trying to change some of my digital habits. I started with removing distraction.

Presenter: What do you mean by that?

Amanda: That means turning off alerts, buzzes, alarms or notifications of any kind. I had notifications set up for everything, and it meant I was always being forced to look at my phone. Removing all of them except for important contacts helped me focus immediately. The book also made a really good point, that we should ask ourselves ‘Why?’ every time we take out our phone. I realised that most of the times I looked at my phone were because I was trying to avoid or ignore something else happening right in front of me. It was an automatic habit.

Presenter: I have to confess, that happens to me too. But what else are you going to do when you’re standing in line at the bank or waiting for your train?

Amanda: OK, yes, I’m the first to admit that it’s great for helping time go by. But speaking personally, I found I wasn’t just checking my phone to kill time when I was alone. I was also doing it with friends or family around.

Presenter: Hmmm … right. Well, so far, this doesn’t sound too drastic. Turning off notifications and becoming aware of when we use our devices. That sounds easy.

Amanda: Yes, it’s the first step. Once we begin to realise just how much of a grip our devices have on us, then we’re ready to really take the next step. First, my partner and I did a weekend with absolutely no screens. She found it easier than I did. For me, it was a little bit scary at first but it turned out to be a pretty rewarding experience.

Presenter: A whole weekend, huh? I don’t know if I could …

Amanda: I think everyone has to do this at their own pace. If a weekend feels too much, maybe just try for an evening. Then work your way up to more. I guarantee, once you’ve tried it, you’ll want to try it again. We’re going to try for a whole week in the summer.

Presenter: OK, let’s pause there then and see what our listeners have to say. You can call us here directly, or send us a message on any of our social media channels … oops, should I be saying that? Anyway, more after the break.


Presenter: So, we’re back in the studio. Welcome back, everyone. My name’s Rick Walker. From our laptops to our televisions, from the displays on our smartphones to those on our satnavs, we are in front of screens all the time. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to disconnect completely? To choose not to have access to the internet? If you have, you may be in need of a digital detox – a total switch-off from all things digital. The idea of people taking a digital detox is becoming more and more popular, especially amongst young people – and today we’re joined by someone who’s tried a number of digital detox activities and is here to give us some advice about it. Amanda Vince, welcome to the studio.

Amanda: Thank you very much.

Presenter: So, Amanda, you work for a fashion magazine in London, right? I guess your work means you need to be online a lot.

Amanda: Oh, yes. Apart from the hundreds of emails I get every day, I’m always browsing fashion websites, as well as online videos. I also need to be very active online, especially on Twitter and Instagram – sharing what we’re doing in the magazine, interacting with designers, photographers, influencers … it never stops, literally. Then of course there’s my friends and family to keep in touch with online too, and for me, my work grew out of my passion, so friends and work colleagues aren’t two totally separate groups of people and it all gets a bit messy online sometimes. I think I’m online for at least 12 hours a day.
阿曼达:哦,是的。除了每天收到数百封电子邮件之外,我还经常浏览时尚网站以及在线视频。我还需要在网上非常活跃,尤其是在 Twitter 和 Instagram 上 – 分享我们在杂志上所做的事情,与设计师、摄影师、影响者互动……从字面上看,它永远不会停止。当然,我的朋友和家人也可以在网上保持联系,对我来说,我的工作源于我的热情,所以朋友和同事并不是两个完全独立的群体,网上的一切都变得有点混乱有时。我想我每天至少上网12个小时。

Presenter: So, how did you get the idea for a digital detox?

Amanda: I read a book about it, called Log Off: How to Stay Connected after Disconnecting. The author’s name is Blake Snow. That book gave me some really good advice and made me think about trying to change some of my digital habits. I started with removing distraction.

Presenter: What do you mean by that?

Amanda: That means turning off alerts, buzzes, alarms or notifications of any kind. I had notifications set up for everything, and it meant I was always being forced to look at my phone. Removing all of them except for important contacts helped me focus immediately. The book also made a really good point, that we should ask ourselves ‘Why?’ every time we take out our phone. I realised that most of the times I looked at my phone were because I was trying to avoid or ignore something else happening right in front of me. It was an automatic habit.

Presenter: I have to confess, that happens to me too. But what else are you going to do when you’re standing in line at the bank or waiting for your train?

Amanda: OK, yes, I’m the first to admit that it’s great for helping time go by. But speaking personally, I found I wasn’t just checking my phone to kill time when I was alone. I was also doing it with friends or family around.
阿曼达:好吧,是的,我是第一个承认这对于打发时间很有帮助的人。但就我个人而言,我发现当我独处时,我不只是为了消磨时间而看手机。 我也和周围的朋友或家人一起做。

Presenter: Hmmm … right. Well, so far, this doesn’t sound too drastic. Turning off notifications and becoming aware of when we use our devices. That sounds easy.

Amanda: Yes, it’s the first step. Once we begin to realise just how much of a grip our devices have on us, then we’re ready to really take the next step. First, my partner and I did a weekend with absolutely no screens. She found it easier than I did. For me, it was a little bit scary at first but it turned out to be a pretty rewarding experience.

Presenter: A whole weekend, huh? I don’t know if I could …

Amanda: I think everyone has to do this at their own pace. If a weekend feels too much, maybe just try for an evening. Then work your way up to more. I guarantee, once you’ve tried it, you’ll want to try it again. We’re going to try for a whole week in the summer.

Presenter: OK, let’s pause there then and see what our listeners have to say. You can call us here directly, or send us a message on any of our social media channels … oops, should I be saying that? Anyway, more after the break.


A design presentation – 1

Are the sentences true or false?

  • Question
  1. The radio host says that a digital detox …
    a. means we are in front of screens all the time.
    b. is something younger people are trying more.
    c. is important for our health.
  2. Which sentence is not true about Amanda Vince’s job?
    a. She is online a lot of the time.
    b. She follows fashion on social media.
    c. She uploads her own videos to social media.
  3. What is the name of the book that influenced Amanda?
    a. Log Off: How to Stay Connected after Disconnecting
    b. Log Off: How to Disconnect and Stay Disconnected
    c. Log Off: Advice for the Digital Detox
  4. The first step in a digital detox is to get rid of distractions, such as …
    a. noises the phone makes.
    b. screens in your home and workplace.
    c. the bright colours on your phone.
  5. Amanda removed notifications from …
    a. her close family and friends.
    b. everything except important people in her life.
    c. everything except very important work-related things.
  6. The book also suggested that …
    a. we replace digital distractions with real-world ones.
    b. we think about the reason we are looking at our phones so much.
    c. we try to be more polite with our phones around people.
  7. Amanda and her partner …
    a. tried a two-day digital detox first.
    b. found it impossible to completely disconnect.
    c. found it very easy to do a digital detox for a weekend.
  8. Amanda believes that a digital detox …
    a. is not a good idea if you have a lot of work.
    b. is better if it’s for a week, not just a weekend.
    c. is something everyone will enjoy.
  • Answer

Choose the correct answer.

  1. The radio host says that a digital detox …
    a. means we are in front of screens all the time.
    ✔b. is something younger people are trying more.
    c. is important for our health.
  2. Which sentence is not true about Amanda Vince’s job?
    a. She is online a lot of the time.
    b. She follows fashion on social media.
    ✔c. She uploads her own videos to social media.
  3. What is the name of the book that influenced Amanda?
    ✔a. Log Off: How to Stay Connected after Disconnecting
    b. Log Off: How to Disconnect and Stay Disconnected
    c. Log Off: Advice for the Digital Detox
  4. The first step in a digital detox is to get rid of distractions, such as …
    ✔a. noises the phone makes.
    b. screens in your home and workplace.
    c. the bright colours on your phone.
  5. Amanda removed notifications from …
    a. her close family and friends.
    ✔b. everything except important people in her life.
    c. everything except very important work-related things.
  6. The book also suggested that …
    a. we replace digital distractions with real-world ones.
    ✔b. we think about the reason we are looking at our phones so much.
    c. we try to be more polite with our phones around people.
  7. Amanda and her partner …
    ✔a. tried a two-day digital detox first.
    b. found it impossible to completely disconnect.
    c. found it very easy to do a digital detox for a weekend.
  8. Amanda believes that a digital detox …
    a. is not a good idea if you have a lot of work.
    b. is better if it’s for a week, not just a weekend.
    ✔c. is something everyone will enjoy.


A design presentation – 2

Match the useful phrases with the tips.

  • Question


  1. to solve
  2. to come up with
  3. to meet
  4. to speak for
  5. to secure
  6. to expand

a. funding
b. a need
c. a problem
d. itself
e. the range of services
f. an idea

  • Answer
  1. Have you ever wondered what it would be like?
  2. What do you mean by that?
  3. I have to confess, that happens to me too.
  4. I’m the first to admit that.
  5. This doesn’t sound too drastic.
  6. You’re ready to take the next step.
  1. …… to solve a problem

    • 解决一个问题
  2. …… to come up with an idea

    • 想出一个主意
  3. …… to meet a need

    • 满足需求
  4. …… to speak for itself

    • 不言自明
  5. …… to secure funding

    • 获得资金
  6. …… to expand the range of services

    • 扩大服务范围



What’s your favourite app for learning and why?
您最喜欢的学习应用程序是什么?为什么?Would you like to do a digital detox?您想做数字排毒吗?



  • 简易

    n.淋浴器,花洒;淋浴间,淋浴室;淋浴,洗澡;阵雨,阵雪;(落下的东西)一大批,一阵; 流星雨;<美>(为即将结婚或分娩的女子举行的)送礼聚会;<英,非正式> 一群乌合之众,一群笨蛋

    v.淋浴,洗澡;洒落,(使)纷纷降落;朝……阵雨般地扔(大量小东西)(shower sb. with);大量给予,慷慨给予

    初中 | 高中 | CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | TOEFL | 商务英语

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

    shower/ˈʃaʊə/|CET4 TEM4
    showering showered showers

    1. N-COUNT A shower is a device for washing yourself. It consists of a pipe which ends in a flat cover with a lot of holes in it so that water comes out in a spray. 淋浴器
      • She heard him turn on the shower.
  1. N-COUNT A shower is a small enclosed area containing a shower. 淋浴间
    • Do you sing in the shower?

  2. N-COUNT The showers or the shower in a place such as a gym is the area containing showers. (体育馆等的) 浴室
    • The showers are a mess.

  3. N-COUNT If you take a shower, you wash yourself by standing under a spray of water from a shower. 淋浴
    • I think I’ll take a shower before dinner.

  4. V-I If you shower, you wash yourself by standing under a spray of water from a shower. 洗澡
    • There wasn’t time to shower or change clothes.

  5. N-COUNT A shower is a short period of rain, especially light rain. 阵雨
    • There’ll be bright or sunny spells and scattered showers this afternoon.

  6. N-COUNT You can refer to a lot of things that are falling as a shower of them. 大量下落
    • Showers of sparks flew in all directions.

  7. V-T If you are showered with a lot of small objects or pieces, they are scattered over you. 抛撒
    • They were showered with rice in the traditional manner.

  8. N-COUNT A shower is a party or celebration at which the guests bring gifts. 送礼会
    • …a baby shower.

  9. N a derogatory term applied to a person or group, esp to a group considered as being slack, untidy, etc 懒散邋遢鬼

  10. N a large number of particles formed by the collision of a cosmic-ray particle with a particle in the atmosphere 镞射粒子

N a person or thing that shows 演出者; 展示物品


  • 简易



  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

N-VAR Lunchtime is the period of the day when people have their lunch. 午餐时间
• Could we meet at lunchtime?


  • 简易

v.下毛毛雨,下蒙蒙细雨; (毛毛雨似的)洒落;(毛毛雨似的)洒落



  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

drizzle/ˈdrɪzəl/|CET6+ TEM4
drizzling drizzled drizzles

  1. N-UNCOUNT Drizzle is light rain falling in fine drops. 毛毛雨
    • The drizzle had now stopped and the sun was breaking through.

  2. V-I If it is drizzling, it is raining very lightly. 下毛毛雨
    • Clouds had come down and it was starting to drizzle.


  • 简易


高中 | CET4 | CET6 | SAT

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

foggy/ˈfɒɡɪ/|CET4 TEM4
foggier foggiest

  1. ADJ When it is foggy, there is fog. 有雾的
    • It’s quite foggy now.

  2. PHRASE If you say that you haven’t the foggiest or you haven’t the foggiest idea, you are emphasizing that you do not know something. 压根儿不知道
    • I did not have the foggiest idea what he meant.


  • 简易



【名】 (Coast)(英、美)科斯特(人名)

初中 | 高中 | CET4 | CET6 | 考研

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

coast/kəʊst/|CET4 TEM4
coasting coasted coasts

  1. N-COUNT The coast is an area of land that is next to the sea. 海岸

    • Campsites are usually situated along the coast, close to beaches.

  2. V-I If a vehicle coasts somewhere, it continues to move there with the motor switched off, or without being pushed or pedalled. (车辆的) 惯性滑行

    • He pushed in the clutch and coasted to a halt.
