【B2-Listening】12 Talking about rumours-谈论谣言

【B2-Listening】12 Talking about rumours-谈论谣言

Listen to two people talking about a colleague to practise and improve your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.

Talking about rumours – preparation

Match the words with the definitions.

  • Question

1.to keep your mouth shut
2.to be in someone’s good books
3.to come to light
4.to take credit for
5.to be out
6.high up

a. to be in a position where someone is pleased with you and nice to you
b. in a powerful position
c. to say nothing
d. to be excluded
e. to be made public
f. to allow people to believe that you did something that deserves praise or special attention

  • Answer
  1. to be in a position where someone is pleased with you and nice to you
    to take credit for
  2. in a powerful position
    high up
  3. to allow people to believe that you did something that deserves praise or special attention
    to be in someone’s good books
  4. to say nothing
    to keep your mouth shut
  5. to be excluded
    to be out
  6. to be made public
    to come to light


  1. to be in a position where someone is pleased with you and nice to you
    to take credit for

  2. in a powerful position
    high up

  3. to allow people to believe that you did something that deserves praise or special attention
    to be in someone’s good books

  4. to say nothing
    to keep your mouth shut

  5. to be excluded
    to be out

  6. to be made public
    to come to light




Will: Kiera, have you heard John isn’t coming back and they might even fire him?

Kiera: No! I knew he was away but I thought it was for personal reasons?

Will: I’m pretty sure that’s not the full story. Have you ever worked with him?

Kiera: A long time ago, but … well, I’ve heard stories about him for years.

Will: I’ve never worked with him directly but I know people that have and they say he was always shouting and screaming, threatening to fire people. And Susanne told me he took credit for one of her ideas. She had this idea for a project and she brought it up at the monthly creative workshop and he liked it – everybody did. But she saw the notes from the meeting and there was no mention of her name anywhere. John had agreed with her and repeated some of the things she said and the notes made it look like they were his ideas in the first place. He made her do all the work planning it, then when the project actually got started – it was that cars one – Susanne was moved to something else.

Kiera: It won an award, didn’t it?

Will: Yeah, but Susanne didn’t get to share it – there was zero recognition of her contribution. She was furious but she couldn’t do anything about it. Not if she wanted to keep her job.

Kiera: Yeah, it’s almost impossible to report people who are as high up as John is, or was.

Will: How did you find working with him, then?

Kiera: Well, you know what you said about him shouting at people? I’ve been in meetings with him and we all learned to keep our mouths shut. It was horrible. People were genuinely afraid of him.

Will: Did you ever see him stealing people’s ideas?

Kiera: It was never that obvious. He was a genius. He had incredible vision but, you know, there was a whole team of people working with him. Not every single idea came from him and after a while it’s not easy to say, ‘Oh, this idea was mine and this idea was yours.’ For me, the bigger problem was that you could be in his good books and then suddenly, with no explanation, you were out. And if you were out, life got very difficult.

Will: I heard women in particular had a hard time working with him.

Kiera: Yeah, well, like I said, you had to stay in his good books. So, if there was a comment that made you feel uncomfortable, you didn’t say anything.

Will: Did that happen to you?

Kiera: Not to me, no, but we all knew … and no one said anything. And I was lucky I didn’t have that much contact with him myself.

Will: They’re doing a full investigation so I suppose a lot of these stories are going to come to light.

Kiera: I hope so. I really hope he’s not coming back.


Will: Kiera, have you heard John isn’t coming back and they might even fire him?

Kiera: No! I knew he was away but I thought it was for personal reasons?

Will: I’m pretty sure that’s not the full story. Have you ever worked with him?

Kiera: A long time ago, but … well, I’ve heard stories about him for years.

Will: I’ve never worked with him directly but I know people that have and they say he was always shouting and screaming, threatening to fire people. And Susanne told me he took credit for one of her ideas. She had this idea for a project and she brought it up at the monthly creative workshop and he liked it – everybody did. But she saw the notes from the meeting and there was no mention of her name anywhere. John had agreed with her and repeated some of the things she said and the notes made it look like they were his ideas in the first place. He made her do all the work planning it, then when the project actually got started – it was that cars one – Susanne was moved to something else.

Kiera: It won an award, didn’t it?

Will: Yeah, but Susanne didn’t get to share it – there was zero recognition of her contribution. She was furious but she couldn’t do anything about it. Not if she wanted to keep her job.

Kiera: Yeah, it’s almost impossible to report people who are as high up as John is, or was.

Will: How did you find working with him, then?

Kiera: Well, you know what you said about him shouting at people? I’ve been in meetings with him and we all learned to keep our mouths shut. It was horrible. People were genuinely afraid of him.

Will: Did you ever see him stealing people’s ideas?

Kiera: It was never that obvious. He was a genius. He had incredible vision but, you know, there was a whole team of people working with him. Not every single idea came from him and after a while it’s not easy to say, ‘Oh, this idea was mine and this idea was yours.’ For me, the bigger problem was that you could be in his good books and then suddenly, with no explanation, you were out. And if you were out, life got very difficult.

Will: I heard women in particular had a hard time working with him.

Kiera: Yeah, well, like I said, you had to stay in his good books. So, if there was a comment that made you feel uncomfortable, you didn’t say anything.

Will: Did that happen to you?

Kiera: Not to me, no, but we all knew … and no one said anything. And I was lucky I didn’t have that much contact with him myself.

Will: They’re doing a full investigation so I suppose a lot of these stories are going to come to light.

Kiera: I hope so. I really hope he’s not coming back.


Talking about rumours – 1

Are the sentences true or false?

  • Question
  1. No one really knows the truth about the situation with John.
  2. Kiera doesn’t immediately share everything she knows about John.
  3. Susanne wasn’t the original creator of the cars idea.
  4. Susanne reported John to people higher up in the company.
  5. Kiera disagrees with what Will has said about John’s aggressive behaviour.
  6. Kiera saw John stealing ideas from other people.
  7. Kiera made an official complaint about John’s behaviour.
  8. There was a culture of silence that meant John was not investigated earlier.
  • Answer
  1. No one really knows the truth about the situation with John.
  2. Kiera doesn’t immediately share everything she knows about John.
  3. Susanne wasn’t the original creator of the cars idea.
  4. Susanne reported John to people higher up in the company.
  5. Kiera disagrees with what Will has said about John’s aggressive behaviour.
  6. Kiera saw John stealing ideas from other people.
  7. Kiera made an official complaint about John’s behaviour.
  8. There was a culture of silence that meant John was not investigated earlier.
  1. No one really knows the truth about the situation with John.
    没有人真正知道 John 的情况的真相。

  2. Kiera doesn’t immediately share everything she knows about John.
    Kiera 并没有立即分享她所知道的关于 John 的一切。

  3. Susanne wasn’t the original creator of the cars idea.
    Susanne 并不是汽车创意的最初创作者。

  4. Susanne reported John to people higher up in the company.
    Susanne 向公司更高层的人举报了 John。

  5. Kiera disagrees with what Will has said about John’s aggressive behaviour.
    Kiera 不同意 Will 对 John 侵略性行为的描述。

  6. Kiera saw John stealing ideas from other people.
    Kiera 看到 John 偷了别人的想法。

  7. Kiera made an official complaint about John’s behaviour.
    Kiera 对 John 的行为提出了正式投诉。

  8. There was a culture of silence that meant John was not investigated earlier.
    存在一种沉默文化,导致 John 没有被更早调查。


Talking about rumours – 2

Complete the sentences.

  • Question

credit fire award investigation contact high mouths books

  1. Will has heard that they might ____ John.
  2. John used to take ____ for other people’s ideas.
  3. One project won an ____ , but only John got the recognition.
  4. Kiera says it’s almost impossible to report people as ____ up as John was.
  5. He shouted and screamed at people and they learned to keep their ____ shut.
  6. You could be in his good ____ and then suddenly you were out.
  7. Kiera was lucky that she didn’t have much ____ with him.
  8. They’re doing a full ____ .
  • Answer
  1. Will has heard that they might fire John.
  2. John used to take credit for other people’s ideas.
  3. One project won an award , but only John got the recognition.
  4. Kiera says it’s almost impossible to report people as high up as John was.
  5. He shouted and screamed at people and they learned to keep their mouths shut.
  6. You could be in his good books and then suddenly you were out.
  7. Kiera was lucky that she didn’t have much contact with him.
  8. They’re doing a full investigation .
  1. Will has heard that they might fire John.
    Will 听说他们可能会 解雇 John。

  2. John used to take credit for other people’s ideas.
    John 过去常常把别人的想法 的功劳归于自己

  3. One project won an award, but only John got the recognition.
    一个项目赢得了 __奖项__,但只有 John 得到了认可。

  4. Kiera says it’s almost impossible to report people as high up as John was.
    Kiera 说几乎不可能举报像 John 那样 高位 的人。

  5. He shouted and screamed at people and they learned to keep their mouths shut.
    他对人们大喊大叫,他们学会了 __闭嘴__。

  6. You could be in his good books and then suddenly you were out.
    你可能会被他 __看重__,但突然间你就被排除在外了。

  7. Kiera was lucky that she didn’t have much contact with him.
    Kiera 很幸运,她没有与他有太多的 __接触__。

  8. They’re doing a full investigation.
    他们正在进行全面的 __调查__。


What makes a good or bad boss?



  • 简易

    n.淋浴器,花洒;淋浴间,淋浴室;淋浴,洗澡;阵雨,阵雪;(落下的东西)一大批,一阵; 流星雨;<美>(为即将结婚或分娩的女子举行的)送礼聚会;<英,非正式> 一群乌合之众,一群笨蛋

    v.淋浴,洗澡;洒落,(使)纷纷降落;朝……阵雨般地扔(大量小东西)(shower sb. with);大量给予,慷慨给予

    初中 | 高中 | CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | TOEFL | 商务英语

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

    shower/ˈʃaʊə/|CET4 TEM4
    showering showered showers

    1. N-COUNT A shower is a device for washing yourself. It consists of a pipe which ends in a flat cover with a lot of holes in it so that water comes out in a spray. 淋浴器
      • She heard him turn on the shower.
  1. N-COUNT A shower is a small enclosed area containing a shower. 淋浴间
    • Do you sing in the shower?

  2. N-COUNT The showers or the shower in a place such as a gym is the area containing showers. (体育馆等的) 浴室
    • The showers are a mess.

  3. N-COUNT If you take a shower, you wash yourself by standing under a spray of water from a shower. 淋浴
    • I think I’ll take a shower before dinner.

  4. V-I If you shower, you wash yourself by standing under a spray of water from a shower. 洗澡
    • There wasn’t time to shower or change clothes.

  5. N-COUNT A shower is a short period of rain, especially light rain. 阵雨
    • There’ll be bright or sunny spells and scattered showers this afternoon.

  6. N-COUNT You can refer to a lot of things that are falling as a shower of them. 大量下落
    • Showers of sparks flew in all directions.

  7. V-T If you are showered with a lot of small objects or pieces, they are scattered over you. 抛撒
    • They were showered with rice in the traditional manner.

  8. N-COUNT A shower is a party or celebration at which the guests bring gifts. 送礼会
    • …a baby shower.

  9. N a derogatory term applied to a person or group, esp to a group considered as being slack, untidy, etc 懒散邋遢鬼

  10. N a large number of particles formed by the collision of a cosmic-ray particle with a particle in the atmosphere 镞射粒子

N a person or thing that shows 演出者; 展示物品


  • 简易



  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

N-VAR Lunchtime is the period of the day when people have their lunch. 午餐时间
• Could we meet at lunchtime?


  • 简易

v.下毛毛雨,下蒙蒙细雨; (毛毛雨似的)洒落;(毛毛雨似的)洒落



  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

drizzle/ˈdrɪzəl/|CET6+ TEM4
drizzling drizzled drizzles

  1. N-UNCOUNT Drizzle is light rain falling in fine drops. 毛毛雨
    • The drizzle had now stopped and the sun was breaking through.

  2. V-I If it is drizzling, it is raining very lightly. 下毛毛雨
    • Clouds had come down and it was starting to drizzle.


  • 简易


高中 | CET4 | CET6 | SAT

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

foggy/ˈfɒɡɪ/|CET4 TEM4
foggier foggiest

  1. ADJ When it is foggy, there is fog. 有雾的
    • It’s quite foggy now.

  2. PHRASE If you say that you haven’t the foggiest or you haven’t the foggiest idea, you are emphasizing that you do not know something. 压根儿不知道
    • I did not have the foggiest idea what he meant.


  • 简易



【名】 (Coast)(英、美)科斯特(人名)

初中 | 高中 | CET4 | CET6 | 考研

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

coast/kəʊst/|CET4 TEM4
coasting coasted coasts

  1. N-COUNT The coast is an area of land that is next to the sea. 海岸

    • Campsites are usually situated along the coast, close to beaches.

  2. V-I If a vehicle coasts somewhere, it continues to move there with the motor switched off, or without being pushed or pedalled. (车辆的) 惯性滑行

    • He pushed in the clutch and coasted to a halt.

【B2-Listening】12 Talking about rumours-谈论谣言