【C1-Listening】03 An interview about two books-关于两本书的采访

【C1-Listening】03 An interview about two books-关于两本书的采访

Listen to an interview about two books to practise and improve your listening skills.聆听有关两本书的采访,以练习和提高您的听力技巧。

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.先做好准备工作。然后听音频并做练习。


A project management meeting – preparation

Match the words with the definitions.

  • Question

2.a narrator
4.to immerse yourself in
5.to mistreat
6.an instinct
8.the lowdown

a. to completely surround yourself with
b. showing distress or anxiety
c. having a fundamental weakness or imperfection
d. something you naturally feel or want to do
e. the person telling a story
f. the most important information about something
g. to treat badly
h. bad or illegal behaviour

  • Answer
  1. to completely surround yourself with
    to immerse yourself in
  2. showing distress or anxiety
  3. having a fundamental weakness or imperfection
  4. something you naturally feel or want to do
    an instinct
  5. the person telling a story
    a narrator
  6. the most important information about something
    the lowdown
  7. to treat badly
    to mistreat
  8. bad or illegal behaviour
    the lowdown

Sure, here are the translations:

  1. To completely surround yourself with
    To immerse yourself in
  2. Showing distress or anxiety
  3. Having a fundamental weakness or imperfection
  4. Something you naturally feel or want to do
    An instinct
  5. The person telling a story
    A narrator
  6. The most important information about something
    The lowdown
  7. To treat badly
    To mistreat
  8. Bad or illegal behaviour
    The lowdown




Presenter: Today we’re looking at the darker side of literature with two books about not-so-happy families. And we’ve got writer Helen Slade and book critic Anna Kimura to talk us through them. First up, we’re looking at Her Mother’s Daughter by Alice Fitzgerald, a novel written from two points of view, one of a child and the other of her very troubled mother. Helen, I have to be honest. I found this one hard to read. It’s very well written but, well, how did you find it?

Helen: I know what you mean, but I literally couldn’t put it down and stayed up till three in the morning to finish it. There’s something about immersing yourself in a family this flawed, this damaged, that’s compelling. You’d never want to be in that family yourself, but that’s what reading is about, isn’t it? Wearing someone else’s shoes for a while without ever having to live their reality.

Presenter: You surprise me! The families in your own books are a million miles away from this one.

Helen: Yeah, my readers can always be sure they’re going to get a happy ending. Which you definitely … I don’t want to give too much away here, but you definitely don’t feel like a happy ending is coming for these characters.

Presenter: OK, so don’t mention the ending, but can you just describe for listeners what the book is about?

Helen: So, it’s about a family with secrets. The mother has hidden her troubled childhood from her husband and her two children but, of course, it’s shaped her entire personality and how she behaves as a mother and as a wife. Which is especially obvious when we’re reading the sections told in the child’s voice, even though the little girl herself doesn’t understand the meaning of everything she’s seeing.

Presenter: For me, what was really so shocking was less what happened to the mother when she was a child but how the mother treated her own children. Why is that, do you think?

Helen: I think we’re all programmed to see mothers as something sacred and pure. As a child she was mistreated by her father, and in some ways we’re not that shocked by that, which is a sad thing in itself, and her own mother didn’t help her. As a reader we’re less affected by that, I think, because that part of the story is revealed to us in the mother’s voice, the adult voice. But the reason the way she treats her own child is so much more shocking is that the child is telling us about it and we sympathise with her. It’s very clever how the author plays on our natural instincts to protect a child.

Presenter: Though we do feel sorry for the mother too. Or, at least, I did.

Helen: It’s hard not to. She’s trapped in her own unhappiness.

Presenter: And we’re trapped right there with her as the reader. It made me wonder, Anna, why is it that miserable books like this one sell so well?

Anna: Because all of us have families. I suppose the books play out things we all see in much smaller ways in our own family lives.

Presenter: The other hard-hitting book this week is We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver. Now there’s a family who have a problem!

Anna: They definitely do. Very few people will ever have a killer as a teenage son like the narrator in the book, but we can all identify with the challenges and often terrifying reality of raising teenagers!

Presenter: So can you give us the lowdown on Kevin, then, Anna?

Anna: This book is written from the point of view of the mother in letters she’s writing to her husband, Kevin’s father. Again, we shouldn’t say too much about the ending, but the way the author uses the letters is very clever.

Presenter: I have to admit, I really enjoyed this book. It’s a difficult topic, but it was much easier to read than Her Mother’s Daughter.

Anna: As Helen said before, it’s about the voice of the narrator. There’s no child’s voice and, in this story, the victims in many ways are the adults, though, of course, Kevin’s sister is a victim of her brother’s evil.

Helen: Yes, and the idea of where ‘evil’ comes from is a theme that comes out in both books. If you choose to call it ‘evil’ that is. I prefer to describe it as a complete lack of empathy. The mother in Her Mother’s Daughter had a terrible childhood, but Kevin’s from a happy home and good parents.

Presenter: Is he though? The mother often admits she found motherhood hard. Aren’t we supposed to think she might have caused Kevin to turn out the way he does? Just like in Her Mother’s Daughter.

Anna: Both books certainly look at how the mistakes of the parents affect children. And this is another reason we relate to these books. Parents are always worrying if they’re doing a good job.


Presenter: Today we’re looking at the darker side of literature with two books about not-so-happy families. And we’ve got writer Helen Slade and book critic Anna Kimura to talk us through them. First up, we’re looking at Her Mother’s Daughter by Alice Fitzgerald, a novel written from two points of view, one of a child and the other of her very troubled mother. Helen, I have to be honest. I found this one hard to read. It’s very well written but, well, how did you find it?
主持人:今天我们将通过两本关于不那么幸福的家庭的书来探讨文学的阴暗面。 我们邀请了作家海伦·斯莱德和书评家安娜·木村来为我们讲述这些故事。首先,我们看的是爱丽丝·菲茨杰拉德的《她母亲的女儿》,这是一本从两个角度写的小说,一个是一个孩子,另一个是她陷入困境的母亲。海伦,我必须说实话。我发现这一篇很难读。写得很好,但是,你是怎么找到它的?

Helen: I know what you mean, but I literally couldn’t put it down and stayed up till three in the morning to finish it. There’s something about immersing yourself in a family this flawed, this damaged, that’s compelling. You’d never want to be in that family yourself, but that’s what reading is about, isn’t it? Wearing someone else’s shoes for a while without ever having to live their reality.

Presenter: You surprise me! The families in your own books are a million miles away from this one.

Helen: Yeah, my readers can always be sure they’re going to get a happy ending. Which you definitely … I don’t want to give too much away here, but you definitely don’t feel like a happy ending is coming for these characters.

Presenter: OK, so don’t mention the ending, but can you just describe for listeners what the book is about?

Helen: So, it’s about a family with secrets. The mother has hidden her troubled childhood from her husband and her two children but, of course, it’s shaped her entire personality and how she behaves as a mother and as a wife. Which is especially obvious when we’re reading the sections told in the child’s voice, even though the little girl herself doesn’t understand the meaning of everything she’s seeing.

Presenter: For me, what was really so shocking was less what happened to the mother when she was a child but how the mother treated her own children. Why is that, do you think?

Helen: I think we’re all programmed to see mothers as something sacred and pure. As a child she was mistreated by her father, and in some ways we’re not that shocked by that, which is a sad thing in itself, and her own mother didn’t help her. As a reader we’re less affected by that, I think, because that part of the story is revealed to us in the mother’s voice, the adult voice. But the reason the way she treats her own child is so much more shocking is that the child is telling us about it and we sympathise with her. It’s very clever how the author plays on our natural instincts to protect a child.

Presenter: Though we do feel sorry for the mother too. Or, at least, I did.

Helen: It’s hard not to. She’s trapped in her own unhappiness.

Presenter: And we’re trapped right there with her as the reader. It made me wonder, Anna, why is it that miserable books like this one sell so well?

Anna: Because all of us have families. I suppose the books play out things we all see in much smaller ways in our own family lives.

Presenter: The other hard-hitting book this week is We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver. Now there’s a family who have a problem!
主持人:本周另一本热门书籍是莱昂内尔·施赖弗 (Lionel Shriver) 所著的《我们需要谈谈凯文》。现在有一个家庭遇到了问题!

Anna: They definitely do. Very few people will ever have a killer as a teenage son like the narrator in the book, but we can all identify with the challenges and often terrifying reality of raising teenagers!

Presenter: So can you give us the lowdown on Kevin, then, Anna?

Anna: This book is written from the point of view of the mother in letters she’s writing to her husband, Kevin’s father. Again, we shouldn’t say too much about the ending, but the way the author uses the letters is very clever.

Presenter: I have to admit, I really enjoyed this book. It’s a difficult topic, but it was much easier to read than Her Mother’s Daughter.

Anna: As Helen said before, it’s about the voice of the narrator. There’s no child’s voice and, in this story, the victims in many ways are the adults, though, of course, Kevin’s sister is a victim of her brother’s evil.

Helen: Yes, and the idea of where ‘evil’ comes from is a theme that comes out in both books. If you choose to call it ‘evil’ that is. I prefer to describe it as a complete lack of empathy. The mother in Her Mother’s Daughter had a terrible childhood, but Kevin’s from a happy home and good parents.
海伦:是的,“邪恶”从何而来的想法是两本书中都出现的主题。如果你选择称其为“邪恶”,那就是。我更喜欢将其描述为完全缺乏同理心。 《她母亲的女儿》中的母亲有一个糟糕的童年,但凯文却来自一个幸福的家庭和良好的父母。

Presenter: Is he though? The mother often admits she found motherhood hard. Aren’t we supposed to think she might have caused Kevin to turn out the way he does? Just like in Her Mother’s Daughter.

Anna: Both books certainly look at how the mistakes of the parents affect children. And this is another reason we relate to these books. Parents are always worrying if they’re doing a good job.


An interview about two books – 1

Put the phrases in the correct group.

  • Question

Her Mother’s Daughter
We Need to Talk About Kevin

Was challenging for the podcast presenter to finish
About an adolescent child
Includes murder in the story
Partly told from a child’s perspective
Involves three generations of one family
Features a normal family

Her Mother’s Daughter
We Need to Talk About Kevin

Was challenging for the podcast presenter to finish
About an adolescent child
Includes murder in the story
Partly told from a child’s perspective
Involves three generations of one family
Features a normal family

  • Answer

Her Mother’s Daughter
Partly told from a child’s perspective部分从孩子的视角讲述
Was challenging for the podcast presenter to finish对播客主持人来说完成这本书是个挑战
Involves three generations of one family涉及一个家庭的三代人

We Need to Talk About Kevin
About an adolescent child关于一个青少年
Includes murder in the story故事中包括谋杀
Features a normal family以一个普通家庭为主角


A project management meeting – 2

Put the sentences in the correct order.

  • Question
  1. The presenter and Helen differ on …
    a. how they see the characters in the book.
    b. what they think about the quality of the writing.
    c. how much they enjoyed reading the book.
  2. Helen enjoyed Her Mother’s Daughter because …
    a. it’s totally different from the books she writes herself.
    b. it’s totally different from her own life.
    c. it has a happy ending.
  3. What is Her Mother’s Daughter about?
    a. The problems a mother has with her husband and children.
    b. The way a mother’s childhood affects her when she has children herself.
    c. A child who does something shocking that her parents can’t understand.
  4. Why are sad books about families popular, according to Anna?
    a. They make us feel as if our own families are better than the ones in books.
    b. All families have similar problems, they’re just less dramatic.
    c. People have small families nowadays so they like reading about other families.
  5. What aspect of We Need to Talk About Kevin will people be able to relate to?
    a. what it’s like to bring up teenagers
    b. how we feel when people we know are killed
    c. how it feels to be a victim
  6. What do the two books have in common?
    a. They’re both about happy homes.
    b. They’re both about how parents affect their children.
    c. They’re both about how parents worry about their children.
  1. The presenter and Helen differ on …
    a. how they see the characters in the book.
    b. what they think about the quality of the writing.
    c. how much they enjoyed reading the book.
  2. Helen enjoyed Her Mother’s Daughter because …
    a. it’s totally different from the books she writes herself.
    b. it’s totally different from her own life.
    c. it has a happy ending.
  3. What is Her Mother’s Daughter about?
    a. The problems a mother has with her husband and children.
    b. The way a mother’s childhood affects her when she has children herself.
    c. A child who does something shocking that her parents can’t understand.
  4. Why are sad books about families popular, according to Anna?
    a. They make us feel as if our own families are better than the ones in books.
    b. All families have similar problems, they’re just less dramatic.
    c. People have small families nowadays so they like reading about other families.
  5. What aspect of We Need to Talk About Kevin will people be able to relate to?
    a. what it’s like to bring up teenagers
    b. how we feel when people we know are killed
    c. how it feels to be a victim
  6. What do the two books have in common?
    a. They’re both about happy homes.
    b. They’re both about how parents affect their children.
    c. They’re both about how parents worry about their children.
  • Answer
  1. The presenter and Helen differ on …
    a. how they see the characters in the book.
    b. what they think about the quality of the writing.
    ✔c. how much they enjoyed reading the book.
  2. Helen enjoyed Her Mother’s Daughter because …
    a. it’s totally different from the books she writes herself.
    ✔b. it’s totally different from her own life.
    c. it has a happy ending.
  3. What is Her Mother’s Daughter about?
    a. The problems a mother has with her husband and children.
    ✔b. The way a mother’s childhood affects her when she has children herself.
    c. A child who does something shocking that her parents can’t understand.
  4. Why are sad books about families popular, according to Anna?
    a. They make us feel as if our own families are better than the ones in books.
    ✔b. All families have similar problems, they’re just less dramatic.
    c. People have small families nowadays so they like reading about other families.
  5. What aspect of We Need to Talk About Kevin will people be able to relate to?
    ✔a. what it’s like to bring up teenagers
    b. how we feel when people we know are killed
    c. how it feels to be a victim
  6. What do the two books have in common?
    a. They’re both about happy homes.
    ✔b. They’re both about how parents affect their children.
    c. They’re both about how parents worry about their children.
  1. It’s good to get this clear.

  2. It’s up to you.

  3. I know you all have a lot on.

  4. I really appreciate your help on this.

  5. So, the first thing we need to do is the questionnaire.

  6. I’d love to but I’m already tied up.

  7. I’m overloaded at the moment.

  8. It’s OK. We’ll work it out.


Do you have any tips for effective meetings?

【C1-Listening】03 An interview about two books-关于两本书的采访