【B1-Writing】10 Describing charts-描述图表

【B1-Writing】10 Describing charts-描述图表

Learn how to write about charts.

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.


Describing a bar chart – preparation

Put the verbs in the correct groups.

  • Question

suddenly steadily to fall
to go up to grow to rise
to go down to shrink gradually

verbs that mean to decrease verbs that mean to increase adverbs that describe change

  • Answer
verbs that mean to increase verbs that mean adverbs that describe change
to go down to go up steadily
to fall to rise gradually
to shrink to grow suddenly

Reading text


The first chart illustrates the percentage of the population who owned a smartphone from 2011 to 2016, and the second breaks the percentages down by age for 2011 and 2016.

Overall, smartphone ownership increased during the six-year period. In general, the younger people were, the more likely they were to own a smartphone. However, the most significant increases in smartphone ownership between 2011 and 2016 came from people aged 45 to 54, from 46% to 84%; from those in the 55 to 64 category, from 9% to 59%; and from those aged 65 to 74, from 5% to 50%.

The percentage of people who owned a smartphone rose steadily, starting at around 35% in 2011 and reaching about 77% by 2016. People aged 16 to 24 represented the greatest percentage of smartphone ownership in both 2011 and 2016. 75% of people aged 25 to 34 and 72% of those aged 35 to 44 owned a smartphone in 2011, rising to 88% and 86% respectively by 2016.

Although almost nobody in the 75+ age category owned a smartphone in 2011, 15% of this group owned smartphones in 2016.

Please note: This page was designed for writing practice only. Information and statistics in the charts may not be accurate.


The first chart illustrates the percentage of the population who owned a smartphone from 2011 to 2016, and the second breaks the percentages down by age for 2011 and 2016.
第一个图表显示了 2011 年至 2016 年拥有智能手机的人口百分比,第二个图表按年龄细分了 2011 年和 2016 年的百分比。

Overall, smartphone ownership increased during the six-year period. In general, the younger people were, the more likely they were to own a smartphone. However, the most significant increases in smartphone ownership between 2011 and 2016 came from people aged 45 to 54, from 46% to 84%; from those in the 55 to 64 category, from 9% to 59%; and from those aged 65 to 74, from 5% to 50%.
总体而言,六年期间智能手机拥有量有所增加。一般来说,越年轻的人越有可能拥有智能手机。然而,2011年至2016年间,智能手机拥有量增长最显着的是45岁至54岁的人群,从46%增至84%; 55岁至64岁年龄段的人,从9%增至59%; 65岁到74岁的人,从5%到50%。

The percentage of people who owned a smartphone rose steadily, starting at around 35% in 2011 and reaching about 77% by 2016. People aged 16 to 24 represented the greatest percentage of smartphone ownership in both 2011 and 2016. 75% of people aged 25 to 34 and 72% of those aged 35 to 44 owned a smartphone in 2011, rising to 88% and 86% respectively by 2016.
拥有智能手机的人的比例稳步上升,从 2011 年的 35% 左右开始,到 2016 年达到 77% 左右。2011 年和 2016 年,16 岁至 24 岁的人拥有智能手机的比例最高。25 岁的人中,这一比例为 75% 2011 年,35 岁至 44 岁人群中分别有 34% 和 72% 的人拥有智能手机,到 2016 年,这一比例分别上升至 88% 和 86%。

Although almost nobody in the 75+ age category owned a smartphone in 2011, 15% of this group owned smartphones in 2016.
尽管 2011 年 75 岁以上年龄段的人几乎没有人拥有智能手机,但 2016 年该群体中有 15% 的人拥有智能手机。

Please note: This page was designed for writing practice only. Information and statistics in the charts may not be accurate.


  1. If you are doing an exam task, read the instructions and make sure you write according to the word and time limits.
  2. Start by saying what the charts show. In an exam, change the words in the question to write the first sentence of your answer, e.g. These charts show = These charts illustrate.
    首先说说图表显示的内容。在考试中,更改问题中的单词以写出答案的第一句话,例如这些图表显示 = 这些图表说明。
  3. The second paragraph should provide an overview of the key features of the information.
  4. The other paragraphs should describe the patterns or trends in more detail. However, only select the most important ones to write about, and don’t write about your own ideas.
  5. Use linking words and a range of vocabulary to describe what you see in the charts. (You can write % or per cent, but be consistent.)
    使用连接词和一系列词汇来描述您在图表中看到的内容。 (你可以写%或%,但要保持一致。)
  6. Be careful to use the correct tenses to describe the time periods shown.

Task 1-任务一

Describing charts – 1

Are the sentences true or false?

  • Question
  1.   The first sentence should explain what the charts show.
  2. The detailed information should go after the description of the main trends or findings.
  3. It is a good idea to repeat words to show you know how to use them.
  4. If you write over the word limit in an exam you may lose marks.
  5. It’s a good idea to bring in your own general knowledge of the world to explain the trends shown in the charts.
  6. You should try to use a range of language to describe the charts accurately.
  • Answer
  1.   The first sentence should explain what the charts show.
  2. The detailed information should go after the description of the main trends or findings.
  3. It is a good idea to repeat words to show you know how to use them.
  4. If you write over the word limit in an exam you may lose marks.
  5. It’s a good idea to bring in your own general knowledge of the world to explain the trends shown in the charts.
  6. You should try to use a range of language to describe the charts accurately.

Task 2-任务二

Describing charts – 2

Match the sentences or phrases with the same meaning.

  • Question

Overall, … Sales rose steadily.
2002 had the highest sales. The charts illustrate the changes in …
Sales grew in 2002. Sales increased the most in

  1. The graphs show the trends in … __
  2. In general, … __
  3. The biggest increase in sales was in 2002. __
  4. There was a steady rise in sales. __
  5. Sales saw growth in 2002. __
  6. The highest sales come from 2002. __
  • Answer
  1. The graphs show the trends in … __
  2. In general, … __
  3. The biggest increase in sales was in 2002. __
  4. There was a steady rise in sales. __
  5. Sales saw growth in 2002. __
  6. The highest sales come from 2002. __

Task 3-任务三

Describing charts – 3

Write the word to fill the gap.

  • Question
  1. The charts illustrate the percentage of the population who owned their homes __ 1995 to 2015.
  2. Overall, home ownership increased __ the first eight years of the period.
  3. The younger people were, __ less likely they were to own their homes.
  4. The most significant increase __ home ownership came from people aged 75 and over.
  5. From 2005, home ownership fell most for people aged 18 __ 29.
  6. The percentage of people owning their homes started __ around 64% in 1995.
  7. The total percentage of people who owned their homes rose __ 69% in 2004.
  8. Home ownership fell again __ 69% to 64% by 2015.
  • Answer
  1. The charts illustrate the percentage of the population who owned their homes __ 1995 to 2015.
  2. Overall, home ownership increased __ the first eight years of the period.
  3. The younger people were, __ less likely they were to own their homes.
  4. The most significant increase __ home ownership came from people aged 75 and over.
  5. From 2005, home ownership fell most for people aged 18 __ 29.
  6. The percentage of people owning their homes started __ around 64% in 1995.
  7. The total percentage of people who owned their homes rose __ 69% in 2004.
  8. Home ownership fell again __ 69% to 64% by 2015.


Do you ever have to write about charts at work or for your studies?



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  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

ADJ Someone who is talkative talks a lot. 爱说话的

• He suddenly became very talkative, his face slightly flushed, his eyes much brighter.

【B1-Writing】10 Describing charts-描述图表