【B1-Writing】11 New Year's resolutions-新年决心

【B1-Writing】11 New Year’s resolutions-新年决心

Learn how to write about your New Year’s resolutions.

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.


New Year’s resolutions – preparation

Match the words with the definitions.

  • Question
Vocabulary Definition
1. to invest in something a. a promise to yourself to do something
2. savings b. in a place where people can see it
3. to track something c. to record and pay attention to something
4. to aim to do something d. to plan to do something
5. a resolution e. to put money into something that will increase in value over time
6. in public f. money you keep in the bank for the future
  • Answer
  1. a promise to yourself to do something – a resolution
  2. in a place where people can see it – in public
  3. to record and pay attention to something – to track something
  4. to plan to do something – to aim to do something
  5. to put money into something that will increase in value over time – to invest in something
  6. money you keep in the bank for the future – savings

Reading text


Write about your New Year’s resolutions for the coming year. Before you start, plan what you are going to include and think about who is going to read it.

My New Year’s resolutions

by Darren

I like to start every year with my New Year’s resolutions. Then I read them next 1 January and see how well I did!

Here are my resolutions this year.

1. Get fit!!

I say this every year but I hope writing it in public will make it more real. I’m aiming for three runs a week – I think I can do it! I think a fitness tracking app might help me achieve it. Or I could find a running partner. If anyone who’s reading this wants to be my partner, let me know!

2. Save 10 per cent of my salary a month

Having no savings is starting to worry me and 10 per cent is realistic. It’s not too much, but it’s not too little that I won’t see it add up. I’ll put the money into a special bank account that will make it grow … Actually, I don’t know much about that so maybe my next resolution should be to find out how to invest money!!

3. Cook more

I’d like to start inviting friends for dinner and cooking for them. I think once a month is a good plan. By the end of the year I want to have five dishes I can cook really well so people will say, ‘Have you ever had Darren’s delicious cooking?’ Who wants to be my first guest?


Write about your New Year’s resolutions for the coming year. Before you start, plan what you are going to include and think about who is going to read it.写下你来年的新年决心。在开始之前,计划好要包含的内容并考虑谁将阅读它。

My New Year’s resolutions我的新年决心

by Darren通过达伦

I like to start every year with my New Year’s resolutions. Then I read them next 1 January and see how well I did!我喜欢每年以新年决心开始。然后我在明年 1 月 1 日读了它们,看看我做得有多好!

Here are my resolutions this year.这是我今年的决心。

1. Get fit!!1. 健身!!

I say this every year but I hope writing it in public will make it more real. I’m aiming for three runs a week – I think I can do it! I think a fitness tracking app might help me achieve it. Or I could find a running partner. If anyone who’s reading this wants to be my partner, let me know!我每年都会这么说,但我希望公开写出来会让它更加真实。我的目标是每周跑步三次——我想我能做到!我认为健身追踪应用程序可能会帮助我实现这一目标。或者我可以找到一个跑步伙伴。如果阅读本文的任何人想成为我的合作伙伴,请告诉我!

2. Save 10 per cent of my salary a month2. 每月存下工资的 10%

Having no savings is starting to worry me and 10 per cent is realistic. It’s not too much, but it’s not too little that I won’t see it add up. I’ll put the money into a special bank account that will make it grow … Actually, I don’t know much about that so maybe my next resolution should be to find out how to invest money!!没有积蓄让我开始担心,10% 是现实的。不算太多,但也不算太少,以至于我看不到它加起来。我会把钱存入一个特殊的银行账户,让它增值……实际上,我对此了解不多,所以也许我的下一个决心应该是找出如何投资钱!

3. Cook more3.多煮点

I’d like to start inviting friends for dinner and cooking for them. I think once a month is a good plan. By the end of the year I want to have five dishes I can cook really well so people will say, ‘Have you ever had Darren’s delicious cooking?’ Who wants to be my first guest?我想开始邀请朋友吃饭并为他们做饭。我认为每月一次是一个不错的计划。到今年年底,我希望能做出五道菜,我可以做得非常好,这样人们就会说,“你吃过达伦做的美味佳肴吗?”谁想成为我的第一位客人?


  1. Before you start a writing task, make a plan. First, write down lots of ideas you could include. Then choose the best and most interesting ones.
  2. Don’t write all your ideas in one section. Make one section for each idea. Write a heading for each section to show the reader what it’s about.
  3. Think about who is going to read the text and choose the style accordingly. For your classmates, use an informal and clear style.
  4. Keep your reader interested by talking directly to them, e.g. by asking a question.
  5. When you have finished your writing, read it and check it for mistakes.

Task 1-任务一

New Year’s resolutions – 1

Put the ideas in the correct groups.

  • Question

Read more
Save money regularly
Save enough money to buy something
Find a new job
Study hard
Find someone to run with
Run three times a week
Eat healthier food
Cook for his friends
Learn how to cook five dishes

Things the writer wants to do Things the writer doesn’t mention

  • Answer
Things the writer wants to do Things the writer doesn’t mention
Cook for his friends Eat healthier food
Find someone to run with Find a new job
Learn how to cook five dishes Read more
Run three times a week Save enough money to buy something
Save money regularly Study hard

Task 2-任务二

New Year’s resolutions – 2

Are the sentences true or false?

  • Question
  1. The text has a formal style.
  2. The text is organised as three main sections.
  3. The writer’s plan may have had more than these three ideas in it.
  4. The writer didn’t use any headings.
  5. The writer talks directly to the reader.
  6. There are lots of mistakes, so the writer didn’t check his work.
  • Answer
  1. The text has a formal style.
  2. The text is organised as three main sections.
  3. The writer’s plan may have had more than these three ideas in it.
  4. The writer didn’t use any headings.
  5. The writer talks directly to the reader.
  6. There are lots of mistakes, so the writer didn’t check his work.

Task 3-任务三

New Year’s resolutions – 3

Complete the sentences.

  • Question

often by every day a once twice

  1. I’m going to cook for my friends __ (one time) a month.
  2. I want to be able to run 10 kilometres __ the end of the year.
  3. I’m planning to go running three times __ week.
  4. I’m going to watch a film in English __ (two times) a week.
  5. I’m aiming to revise my English notes for ten minutes __ .
  6. I want to cook food at home more __ .
  • Answer
  1. I’m going to cook for my friends once (one time) a month.
  2. I want to be able to run 10 kilometres by the end of the year.
  3. I’m planning to go running three times a week.
  4. I’m going to watch a film in English twice (two times) a week.
  5. I’m aiming to revise my English notes for ten minutes every day .
  6. I want to cook food at home more often .


Do you make New Year’s resolutions? What will next year’s be?



  • 简易


初中 | 高中 | CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | IELTS | GRE

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

resolution/ˌrɛzəˈluːʃən/|CET4 TEM4

  1. N-COUNT A resolution is a formal decision made at a meeting by means of a vote. 决议

    • He replied that the UN had passed two major resolutions calling for a complete withdrawal.

  2. N-COUNT If you make a resolution, you decide to try very hard to do something. 决心

    • They made a resolution to lose all the weight gained during the Christmas holidays.

  3. N-UNCOUNT Resolution is determination to do something or not do something. 决心

    • “I think I’ll try a hypnotist,” I said with sudden resolution.

  4. N-SING The resolution of a problem or difficulty is the final solving of it. 最终解决

    • …the successful resolution of a dispute involving UN inspectors in Baghdad.


  • 简易



【名】 (Revise)(法)勒维斯(人名)

高中 | CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | IELTS | TOEFL | GRE | GMAT | 商务英语

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

revise/rɪˈvaɪz/|CET4 TEM4
revising revised revises

  1. V-T If you revise the way you think about something, you adjust your thoughts, usually in order to make them better or more suited to how things are. 修正 (对某事的想法)

    • With time he came to revise his opinion of the profession.

  2. V-T If you revise a price, amount, or estimate, you change it to make it more fair, realistic, or accurate. 调整 (使更合理、实际、准确)

    • They realized that some of their prices were higher than their competitors’ and revised prices accordingly.

  3. V-T When you revise an article, a book, a law, or a piece of music, you change it in order to improve it, make it more modern, or make it more suitable for a particular purpose. 修改; 修订 (使改进、更时尚、更适于某目的)

    • Three editors handled the work of revising the articles for publication.

  4. V-I When you revise for an examination, you read things again and make notes in order to be prepared for the examination. (为考试) 复习

    • Revising for exams gives you a chance to bring together all the individual parts of the course.

    • Review all the notes you need to cover for each course.

【B1-Writing】11 New Year's resolutions-新年决心