【B1-Writing】13 Important Time Management Skills For Workplace Success职场成功的重要时间管理技能

【B1-Writing】13 Important Time Management Skills For Workplace Success-职场成功的重要时间管理技能

What are time management skills, and why are they important in the workplace? Employees who manage their time well are more productive, more efficient, and more likely to meet deadlines. They focus on the most important and time-sensitive tasks and limit the amount of time wasted on non-essential duties. 什么是时间管理技能,为什么它们在工作场所很重要?管理好时间的员工生产力更高、效率更高,并且更有可能按时完成工作。他们专注于最重要和时间敏感的任务,并限制浪费在非必要职责上的时间。

Time management skills, like other soft skills, such as organizational skills, are in high demand. Employers will be assessing your ability to manage your time, and the effectiveness of your team to reach department objectives.时间管理技能与其他软技能(例如组织技能)一样,需求量很大。雇主将评估您管理时间的能力以及您的团队实现部门目标的有效性。

Learn about time management skills, understand why they are valuable in the workplace, review the different types of time management skills, and see examples of how they are used on the job.了解时间管理技能,了解它们为何在工作场所有价值,回顾不同类型的时间管理技能,并查看如何在工作中使用它们的示例。

What Are Time Management Skills? 什么是时间管理技能?

Time management involves both managing your own time and the time of the others. Time management means working efficiently, and employers in every industry look for staff that can make optimal use of the time available to them on the job. Saving time saves the organization money and increases revenue.时间管理包括管理自己的时间和他人的时间。时间管理意味着高效工作,每个行业的雇主都在寻找能够充分利用工作时间的员工。节省时间可以为组织节省资金并增加收入。

Effective time management requires staff to analyze their workload, assign priorities, and maintain focus on productive endeavors. 有效的时间管理要求员工分析他们的工作量、分配优先级并保持对富有成效的努力的关注。


Employees who are excellent time managers can eliminate distractions and enlist support from colleagues to help accomplish their goals.优秀的时间管理者可以消除干扰并获得同事的支持来帮助实现他们的目标。

Types of Time Management Skills 时间管理技能的类型

Prioritizing 确定优先顺序

It might be impossible to do every single minute task expected of you. You also might want to do everything all at once. But you must prioritize so that you are able to complete the most important tasks in an order that makes sense. When assigning priority, consider such factors as when each task needs to be done, how long it might take, how important it might be to others in the organization, what could happen if a task is not done, and whether any task might be interrupted by bottlenecks in the process.完成您期望的每分钟任务可能是不可能的。您可能还想一次性完成所有事情。但您必须确定优先顺序,以便能够按合理的顺序完成最重要的任务。分配优先级时,请考虑以下因素:每项任务需要何时完成、可能需要多长时间、它对组织中其他人的重要性、如果任务未完成会发生什么以及是否有任何任务可能被中断过程中遇到瓶颈。

  • Allocation分配
  • Managing Expectations管理期望
  • Waste Prevention废物预防
  • Prioritizing requests and demands优先考虑请求和要求
  • High-Value Activities (HVAs)高价值活动 (HVA)
  • Performance Reviews绩效评估
  • Goal Setting目标设定

Scheduling 日程安排

Scheduling is important because some tasks have to be done at specific times. Scheduling affects your day, your week, your month, as well as other people’s workflow. Most have specific times of the day when they are more or less productive as a result of energy levels and demands of the day. Schedules can be a good way to avoid procrastination, too.日程安排很重要,因为有些任务必须在特定时间完成。日程安排会影响你的一天、一周、一个月以及其他人的工作流程。大多数人在一天中都有特定的时间,根据当天的精力水平和需求,他们的工作效率会有所不同。时间表也是避免拖延的好方法。

  • Scheduling Software调度软件
  • Intentionality意向性
  • Punctuality准时
  • Breaking broader goals into milestones将更广泛的目标分解为里程碑
  • Breaking up milestones into projects将里程碑分解为项目

Task Management 任务管理

To-do lists (properly prioritized and integrated with your schedule) are a great way to avoid forgetting something important. They are also a great way to avoid spending all day thinking about everything you have to do. Remembering tasks takes energy and thinking about everything you have to do all week can be exhausting and overwhelming. Split all the necessary tasks up into a list for each day, and you won’t have to worry about all of it all at once. Just take your tasks one day at a time.待办事项列表(正确排列优先顺序并与您的日程安排相结合)是避免忘记重要事情的好方法。它们也是避免花一整天时间思考你必须做的一切的好方法。记住任务需要精力,而思考整个星期必须做的所有事情可能会让人筋疲力尽、不知所措。将每天所有必要的任务分成一个列表,您就不必一次担心所有事情。一天一次地完成你的任务。

  • Proactive积极主动的
  • Batching配料
  • Creating daily, weekly, and monthly to do lists创建每日、每周和每月的待办事项列表
  • Multitasking多任务处理
  • Thoroughness彻底性
  • Organization组织
  • Email Management电子邮件管理

Workload Management 工作负载管理

Pacing your work, even though it may seem an odd thing to call a skill, is an important time management concept. Although working long hours or skipping breaks can sometimes improve productivity in the short term, your exhaustion later will ensure that your overall productivity actually drops. Except for rare emergencies, it is important to resist the temptation to over work. Include necessary breaks, and a sensible quitting time, in your schedule.尽管将工作节奏称为技能似乎有些奇怪,但它是一个重要的时间管理概念。尽管长时间工作或不休息有时可以在短期内提高生产力,但随后的疲惫将确保您的整体生产力实际上下降。除了罕见的紧急情况外,抵制过度工作的诱惑很重要。在你的日程安排中包括必要的休息和合理的休息时间。

Knowing and enforcing an optimum workload for yourself ensures consistency in your performance and avoids burnout. Employers want to be able to count on you for the long-term.了解并执行适合自己的最佳工作量可确保您的表现保持一致并避免倦怠。雇主希望能够长期信赖您。

  • Process Management流程管理
  • Assertiveness自信
  • Eliminating Waste消除浪费
  • Taking Breaks休息一下

Delegation 委派

Depending on what type of work you do, you may be able to delegate some tasks. Knowing what and when to delegate is an important skill. Some people resist delegating, either because they want to maintain control or because they want to save money by not hiring assistants. Both approaches ultimately hurt productivity and raise costs.根据您从事的工作类型,您也许可以委派一些任务。知道委派什么以及何时委派是一项重要技能。有些人拒绝授权,要么是因为他们想保持控制权,要么是因为他们想通过不雇用助理来省钱。这两种方法最终都会损害生产力并提高成本。

Remember, however, that if you practice time management diligently and still can’t get everything done, you may be trying to do too much. It is better to succeed at a few tasks than to attempt and fail at many.但请记住,如果您努力进行时间管理,但仍然无法完成所有事情,那么您可能尝试做的事情太多了。在一些任务上取得成功比在许多任务上尝试并失败要好。

  • Seeking Expert Assistance寻求专家帮助
  • Moderating Meetings主持会议
  • Presentation推介会
  • Teamwork团队合作
  • Leadership领导
  • Collaboration合作
  • Motivation动机

More Time Management Skills 更多时间管理技巧

Here are more time management for resumes, cover letters, job applications, and interviews. Required skills will vary based on the job for which you’re applying, so also review our list of skills listed by job and type of skill.这里有更多关于简历、求职信、工作申请和面试的时间管理。所需的技能会根据您申请的职位而有所不同,因此请另请参阅我们按职位和技能类型列出的技能列表。

  • Auditing审计
  • Self-care自理
  • Openness开放性
  • Productivity Software生产力软件
  • Communication沟通
  • Adaptability适应性
  • High Stress Tolerance高抗压能力
  • Dependability可靠性
  • Attention to Detail注重细节
  • Deductive Reasoning演绎推理
  • Inductive Reasoning归纳推理
  • Critical Thinking批判性思维
  • Evaluating评估
  • Ongoing Improvement持续改进
  • Risk Management风险管理
  • Troubleshooting故障排除
  • Quality Assurance质量保证
  • Project Management项目管理
  • Conflict Management冲突管理
  • Discernment洞察力
  • Compliance遵守
  • Articulating铰接式
  • Brainstorming头脑风暴
  • Efficiency效率
  • Diligence勤勉
  • Problem Sensitivity问题敏感性

Examples of Time Management in the Workplace 工作场所时间管理的例子

This list provides examples of effective time management at work.此列表提供了有效工作时间管理的示例。

A - E

  • Adapting plans to changing circumstances.根据不断变化的情况调整计划。
  • Allocating time for specific tasks.为特定任务分配时间。
  • Analyzing processes and selecting the simplest way to accomplish a task.分析流程并选择最简单的方法来完成任务。
  • Asking for help when overwhelmed with demands.当需求不堪重负时寻求帮助。
  • Assertiveness to say no to inappropriate demands that distract from central duties.坚决拒绝那些分散中心职责的不适当要求。
  • Attacking more complex tasks when you have the highest energy and sharpest concentrations.当您精力充沛、注意力集中时,可以处理更复杂的任务。
  • Auditing how time is spent.审核时间的使用情况。
  • Avoiding excessive small talk with co-workers.避免与同事过多闲聊。
  • Avoiding procrastination; acting instead of worrying.避免拖延;行动而不是担忧。
  • Breaking broader goals into smaller parts and focusing on one step at a time.将更广泛的目标分解为更小的部分,一次专注于一个步骤。
  • Breaking up projects into manageable parts.将项目分解为可管理的部分。
  • Creating daily, weekly and monthly “to do” lists.创建每日、每周和每月的“待办事项”列表。
  • Creating schedules.创建时间表。
  • Delegating more routine tasks to lower level staff.将更多日常任务委派给较低级别的员工。
  • Eating well to maintain energy.吃得好以保持能量。
  • Eliminating time wasters.消除时间浪费。
  • Exercising and participating in other stress-reducing activities during leisure time to maximize energy when at work.在闲暇时间锻炼身体并参加其他减压活动,以最大限度地提高工作时的能量。

F - Z

  • Facilitating efficient meetings; sticking with time frames for meetings.促进高效的会议;遵守会议的时间框架。
  • Grouping similar tasks together to limit transition time.将类似的任务分组在一起以限制过渡时间。
  • Maintaining an organized work area.保持有组织的工作区域。
  • Multitasking; shifting smoothly from one task to another.多任务处理;顺利地从一项任务转移到另一项任务。
  • Openness to more efficient ways of doing things.对更有效的做事方式持开放态度。
  • Organizing digital files for easy retrieval.组织数字文件以便于检索。
  • Planning your day the night before or first thing in the morning.前一天晚上或早上第一件事就是计划你的一天。
  • Prioritizing requests and demands.优先考虑请求和要求。
  • Prioritizing a list of projects and focusing on higher value tasks with more immediate deadlines.对项目列表进行优先排序,并专注于具有更紧迫期限的更高价值的任务。
  • Punctuality.准时。
  • Putting cell phones aside to eliminate the distraction of personal messages unless required for work.除非工作需要,否则请将手机放在一边,以消除个人信息的干扰。
  • Reviewing performance and eliminating deviations from priorities.审查绩效并消除与优先事项的偏差。
  • Setting daily, weekly and monthly goals.设定每日、每周和每月目标。
  • Setting realistic standards for quality and avoiding perfectionism.制定切合实际的质量标准并避免完美主义。
  • Setting specific times for responding to email.设置回复电子邮件的特定时间。
  • Taking short breaks to restore energy.短暂休息以恢复能量。
  • Touching each piece of paper or reading each email just once, whenever feasible.只要可行,就触摸每张纸或阅读每封电子邮件一次。

How to Make Your Skills Stand Out如何让你的技能脱颖而出

Add Relevant Skills to Your Resume: For executive assistants and managers, the time management skills listed above are important to include in your resume.在简历中添加相关技能:对于行政助理和经理来说,上面列出的时间管理技能对于添加到简历中非常重要。

Highlight Skills in Your Cover Letter: While reading the job description carefully, note in your letter similar projects where time management was key.在求职信中强调技能:在仔细阅读职位描述时,请在求职信中注明时间管理至关重要的类似项目。

Use Skill Words in Your Job Interview: Review these time management interview questions prior to your job interviews, so you’re prepared to respond with specific examples of how you effectively manage your workload.在工作面试中使用技能词汇:在工作面试之前查看这些时间管理面试问题,以便您准备好以如何有效管理工作量的具体示例进行回答。

【B1-Writing】13 Important Time Management Skills For Workplace Success职场成功的重要时间管理技能