【B1-Writing】07 New Year's resolutions-新年决心

【B1-Writing】07 New Year’s resolutions-新年决心

Learn how to write an email to request time off work.了解如何撰写电子邮件来请求休假。

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.先做好准备工作。然后阅读课文和提示并做练习。


An email to request time off – preparation

Match the words with the definitions.

Match the words with the definitions.

  • Question

1.to cover for somebody
2.annual leave
3.to be due
5.to exceed (something)
6.time off in lieu
7.a playbook
8.an MBA

a.To be expected or owed at a certain time
b.To be greater in number or size than (something)
c.A number of paid days off work which employees may take every year
d.The time that an employee who has worked extra hours may take as leave
e.A reference document with information about a company’s tasks and how to carry them out, including the roles and responsibilities of team members
f.To do someone’s work because they are ill or away
g.A high level of skill or knowledge in a particular field
h.Master of Business Administration; a higher university degree in business

  • Answer


  1. To be expected or owed at a certain time
    to be due
  2. To be greater in number or size than (something)
    to exceed (something)
  3. A number of paid days off work which employees may take every year
    annual leave
  4. The time that an employee who has worked extra hours may take as leave
    time off in lieu
  5. A reference document with information about a company’s tasks and how to carry them out, including the roles and responsibilities of team members
    a playbook
  6. To do someone’s work because they are ill or away
    to cover for somebody
  7. A high level of skill or knowledge in a particular field
  8. Master of Business Administration; a higher university degree in business
    an MBA

Reading text-阅读文字


From: Stefan Bauer
To: Emma Louise Jensen
Subject: Request for time off

Dear Ms Jensen,

I’m writing to request some time off between Monday 18 February and Friday 8 March in order to work on my MBA dissertation, which is due for submission on 30 March.

I understand that the three weeks I am requesting exceeds my remaining annual leave by four days. I would like to ask if those four days may be taken in lieu of the extra working hours I put in during the two weekends of the Chicago International Management Conference last November.

I have spoken to Kristian Sander and Jasmine Riber, who have both agreed to cover for me during my absence. I would also distribute a playbook for my team members so that everyone is clear on the tasks they are in charge of and the deadlines they have to meet. During my leave, I would be fully reachable by phone and email to answer any questions or provide any assistance needed. I would also be happy to discuss any further plans to ensure my workload is covered.

I believe that the research I am doing and the resulting MBA will contribute greatly to my professional development, and my improved expertise and qualifications will in turn benefit the company.

Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thank you for your consideration of my request.

Best regards,

Stefan Bauer


From: Stefan Bauer来自:斯特凡·鲍尔
To到: Emma Louise Jensen:艾玛·路易丝·詹森
Subject主题: Request for time off: 请假

Dear Ms Jensen,亲爱的詹森女士,

I’m writing to request some time off between Monday 18 February and Friday 8 March in order to work on my MBA dissertation, which is due for submission on 30 March.我写信请求在 2 月 18 日星期一至 3 月 8 日星期五之间休假,以便完成我的 MBA 论文,该论文将于 3 月 30 日提交。

I understand that the three weeks I am requesting exceeds my remaining annual leave by four days. I would like to ask if those four days may be taken in lieu of the extra working hours I put in during the two weekends of the Chicago International Management Conference last November.我了解我请求的三周时间超出了我剩余的年假四天。我想问是否可以用这四天来代替我去年11月参加芝加哥国际管理会议的两个周末加班的时间。

I have spoken to Kristian Sander and Jasmine Riber, who have both agreed to cover for me during my absence. I would also distribute a playbook for my team members so that everyone is clear on the tasks they are in charge of and the deadlines they have to meet. During my leave, I would be fully reachable by phone and email to answer any questions or provide any assistance needed. I would also be happy to discuss any further plans to ensure my workload is covered.我已经与克里斯蒂安·桑德 (Kristian Sander) 和茉莉花·里伯 (Jasmine Riber) 进行了交谈,她们都同意在我缺席期间代替我。我还会为我的团队成员分发一本手册,以便每个人都清楚自己负责的任务以及必须满足的最后期限。在我休假期间,您可以通过电话和电子邮件与我联系,我会回答任何问题或提供所需的任何帮助。我也很乐意讨论任何进一步的计划,以确保我的工作量得到满足。

I believe that the research I am doing and the resulting MBA will contribute greatly to my professional development, and my improved expertise and qualifications will in turn benefit the company.我相信我正在进行的研究以及由此获得的 MBA 学位将对我的职业发展做出巨大贡献,而我提高的专业知识和资格反过来将使公司受益。

Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thank you for your consideration of my request.如果您需要任何其他信息,请告诉我。感谢您考虑我的请求。

Best regards,此致,

Stefan Bauer斯特凡·鲍尔


  1. This is a formal request for time off, so unless you know the recipient very well, start your email with Dear … .这是正式的请假请求,因此除非您非常了解收件人,否则请以“亲爱的…”开始您的电子邮件。
  2. State the dates of your absence clearly.清楚地说明您缺席的日期。
  3. Be clear right from the beginning what it is you are asking for. In some cultures, it might be more common to start by providing full background information about why time off is needed. However, when communicating across cultures, it is better to be direct (but polite) and clear about what you are requesting, so as to avoid possible miscommunication.从一开始就明确你的要求是什么。在某些文化中,更常见的做法可能是首先提供有关为何需要休假的完整背景信息。然而,在跨文化交流时,最好直接(但有礼貌)并清楚地表达自己的要求,以避免可能的沟通错误。
  4. Give clear reasons why you need the time off, but don’t go into too much unnecessary detail.明确说明您需要休假的原因,但不要涉及太多不必要的细节。
  5. Assure your manager that your work can be covered and that any problems during your absence can be dealt with.向您的经理保证您的工作可以得到保障,并且您缺席期间的任何问题都可以得到解决。
  6. If possible, show how your company or team can benefit from your request being approved.如果可能,请展示您的公司或团队如何从您的请求获得批准中受益。
  7. End by thanking your manager for considering your request.最后感谢您的经理考虑您的请求。

Task 1-任务一

New Year’s resolutions – 1

Put the ideas in the correct groups.

  • Question

Read more
Save money regularly
Save enough money to buy something
Find a new job
Study hard
Find someone to run with
Run three times a week
Eat healthier food
Cook for his friends
Learn how to cook five dishes

Things the writer wants to do Things the writer doesn’t mention

  • Answer
Things the writer wants to do Things the writer doesn’t mention
Cook for his friends Eat healthier food
Find someone to run with Find a new job
Learn how to cook five dishes Read more
Run three times a week Save enough money to buy something
Save money regularly Study hard

Task 2-任务二

New Year’s resolutions – 2

Are the sentences true or false?

  • Question
  1. The text has a formal style.
  2. The text is organised as three main sections.
  3. The writer’s plan may have had more than these three ideas in it.
  4. The writer didn’t use any headings.
  5. The writer talks directly to the reader.
  6. There are lots of mistakes, so the writer didn’t check his work.
  • Answer
  1. The text has a formal style.
  2. The text is organised as three main sections.
  3. The writer’s plan may have had more than these three ideas in it.
  4. The writer didn’t use any headings.
  5. The writer talks directly to the reader.
  6. There are lots of mistakes, so the writer didn’t check his work.

Task 3-任务三

New Year’s resolutions – 3

Complete the sentences.

  • Question

often by every day a once twice

  1. I’m going to cook for my friends __ (one time) a month.
  2. I want to be able to run 10 kilometres __ the end of the year.
  3. I’m planning to go running three times __ week.
  4. I’m going to watch a film in English __ (two times) a week.
  5. I’m aiming to revise my English notes for ten minutes __ .
  6. I want to cook food at home more __ .
  • Answer
  1. I’m going to cook for my friends once (one time) a month.
  2. I want to be able to run 10 kilometres by the end of the year.
  3. I’m planning to go running three times a week.
  4. I’m going to watch a film in English twice (two times) a week.
  5. I’m aiming to revise my English notes for ten minutes every day .
  6. I want to cook food at home more often .


How much annual leave do people normally get in your country? In your workplace, what is the general attitude to taking time off work?



  • 简易


初中 | 高中 | CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | IELTS | GRE

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

resolution/ˌrɛzəˈluːʃən/|CET4 TEM4

  1. N-COUNT A resolution is a formal decision made at a meeting by means of a vote. 决议

    • He replied that the UN had passed two major resolutions calling for a complete withdrawal.

  2. N-COUNT If you make a resolution, you decide to try very hard to do something. 决心

    • They made a resolution to lose all the weight gained during the Christmas holidays.

  3. N-UNCOUNT Resolution is determination to do something or not do something. 决心

    • “I think I’ll try a hypnotist,” I said with sudden resolution.

  4. N-SING The resolution of a problem or difficulty is the final solving of it. 最终解决

    • …the successful resolution of a dispute involving UN inspectors in Baghdad.


  • 简易



【名】 (Revise)(法)勒维斯(人名)

高中 | CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | IELTS | TOEFL | GRE | GMAT | 商务英语

  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

revise/rɪˈvaɪz/|CET4 TEM4
revising revised revises

  1. V-T If you revise the way you think about something, you adjust your thoughts, usually in order to make them better or more suited to how things are. 修正 (对某事的想法)

    • With time he came to revise his opinion of the profession.

  2. V-T If you revise a price, amount, or estimate, you change it to make it more fair, realistic, or accurate. 调整 (使更合理、实际、准确)

    • They realized that some of their prices were higher than their competitors’ and revised prices accordingly.

  3. V-T When you revise an article, a book, a law, or a piece of music, you change it in order to improve it, make it more modern, or make it more suitable for a particular purpose. 修改; 修订 (使改进、更时尚、更适于某目的)

    • Three editors handled the work of revising the articles for publication.

  4. V-I When you revise for an examination, you read things again and make notes in order to be prepared for the examination. (为考试) 复习

    • Revising for exams gives you a chance to bring together all the individual parts of the course.

    • Review all the notes you need to cover for each course.

【B1-Writing】07 New Year's resolutions-新年决心