【A2-Writing】01 A personal profile-个人资料

A personal profile-个人资料

Learn how to write a personal profile for a social app or website.

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.


A personal profile – preparation

Choose the three correct answers.

  • Question
  • Answer

Reading text

My profile

About me

By day I’m a regular guy and by night a superhero … How tiring is that?!

Just joking! I’m a regular guy all the time, good job, close to my family, just bought my own flat with a cat. Actually, my cat thinks I’m a hero because I saved her from the street. I’m a talkative person and I believe communication is the most important thing in a relationship.

Likes and dislikes

I love pizza if it’s Italian, wine if it’s white, and football if it’s the World Cup. I read a lot, especially true life stories, but most of my books live on my phone.


I love to travel and I’m always planning my next trip. I prefer an active holiday like hiking, skiing or watersports and I get bored lying on the beach. I post lots of photos on Instagram as I’m a good photographer but I’d really love to share the holiday with someone. Maybe you’ll take the photos on the next trip.

My profile我的简历

About me关于我

By day I’m a regular guy and by night a superhero … How tiring is that?!白天我是一个普通人,晚上就是一个超级英雄……那有多累?!

Just joking! I’m a regular guy all the time, good job, close to my family, just bought my own flat with a cat. Actually, my cat thinks I’m a hero because I saved her from the street. I’m a talkative person and I believe communication is the most important thing in a relationship.只是开玩笑!我一直都是一个普通人,工作不错,离家人很近,刚刚买了自己的公寓,还有一只猫。事实上,我的猫认为我是英雄,因为我从街上救了她。我是一个很健谈的人,我相信沟通是一段关系中最重要的事情。

Likes and dislikes喜欢的和不喜欢的

I love pizza if it’s Italian, wine if it’s white, and football if it’s the World Cup. I read a lot, especially true life stories, but most of my books live on my phone.如果是意大利菜,我喜欢披萨;如果是白葡萄酒,我喜欢葡萄酒;如果是世界杯,我喜欢足球。我读了很多书,尤其是真实的生活故事,但我的大部分书都在我的手机上。


I love to travel and I’m always planning my next trip. I prefer an active holiday like hiking, skiing or watersports and I get bored lying on the beach. I post lots of photos on Instagram as I’m a good photographer but I’d really love to share the holiday with someone. Maybe you’ll take the photos on the next trip. 我喜欢旅行,并且一直在计划我的下一次旅行。我更喜欢徒步旅行、滑雪或水上运动等活跃的假期,躺在海滩上我会感到无聊。我在 Instagram 上发布了很多照片,因为我是一名出色的摄影师,但我真的很想与某人分享这个假期。也许你会在下次旅行时拍摄这些照片。


  1. Write about your good points, not your bad points.

  2. Don’t include every single thing. Choose a few points and focus on them.

  3. Don’t add your contact details (e.g. address, phone number). You could get unwanted messages.

  4. Check your spelling and punctuation before you post.

  5. You can use punctuation and emojis when you’re joking, e.g.

Task 1

A personal profile – 1

Put the sentences in the correct group.

  • Question
  • Answer

Task 2

A personal profile – 2

Complete the sentences.

  • Question
  • Answer

Task 3

A personal profile – 3

Are the sentences true or false?

  • Question
  • Answer


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  • 简易



  • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

ADJ Someone who is talkative talks a lot. 爱说话的

• He suddenly became very talkative, his face slightly flushed, his eyes much brighter.

【A2-Writing】01 A personal profile-个人资料