【A1-A2-Grammar】05 Comparative adjectives-形容词比较级

【A1-A2-Grammar】05 Comparative adjectives-形容词比较级

Do you know how to use comparative adjectives like older, better and more interesting? Test what you know with interactive exercises and read the explanation to help you.你知道如何使用“old”、“better”、“moreinteresting”等形容词的比较级吗?通过互动练习测试您所掌握的知识,并阅读说明来帮助您。

Look at these examples to see how we use comparative adjectives.看这些例子,看看我们如何使用形容词比较级。

The city is more interesting than the countryside.城市比乡村更有趣。
This house is older than my house.这房子比我家还老。
She’s better at cooking now than before.她现在比以前更擅长做饭了。

Try this exercise to test your grammar.尝试这个练习来测试你的语法。

Grammar test 1语法测试

Comparative adjectives: 1

Choose the correct words.

  • Question
  1. Their car is nicer _____ ours.
  2. I like to go to work early because the bus is _____ after 8.
    more crowded
  3. Flying is _____ than driving.
    more safer
  4. He’s _____ at football than me.
  5. We’re going to move to the city when our children are _____.
    more big
  6. She thinks her job is _____ because she works with difficult people.
    more stressful
    more stressfuller
  7. This town is _____ than my hometown. There’s a lot of traffic.
    more noisier
  8. Her mark in the exam was _____ than mine.
  • Answer
  1. Their car is nicer _____ ours.
  2. I like to go to work early because the bus is _____ after 8.
    ✔more crowded
  3. Flying is _____ than driving.
    more safer
  4. He’s _____ at football than me.
  5. We’re going to move to the city when our children are _____.
    more big
  6. She thinks her job is _____ because she works with difficult people.
    ✔more stressful
    more stressfuller
  7. This town is _____ than my hometown. There’s a lot of traffic.
    more noisier
  8. Her mark in the exam was _____ than mine.

Read the explanation to learn more.阅读说明以了解更多信息。

Grammar explanation语法解释

We use comparative adjectives to compare two things or show change. The comparative form depends on the number of syllables in the adjective.我们使用形容词比较级来比较两个事物或显示变化。比较级形式取决于形容词的音节数。

Adjectives with one syllable 单音节形容词

To make comparative forms with one-syllable adjectives, we usually add -er:用单音节形容词构成比较级时,我们通常加-er:

old → older老→老
clean → cleaner干净→清洁
slow → slower慢→慢

If an adjective ends in -e, we add -r:如果形容词以 -e 结尾,我们添加 -r:

safe → safer安全→更安全
nice → nicer不错 → 更好

If an adjective ends in a vowel and a consonant, we usually double the consonant:如果形容词以元音和辅音结尾,我们通常将辅音加倍:

big → bigger大→更大
hot → hotter热→更热

Adjectives with two or more syllables有两个或多个音节的形容词

If a two-syllable adjective ends in a consonant and -y, we change -y to -i and add -er:如果一个双音节形容词以辅音和-y结尾,我们将-y改为-i并添加-er:

noisy → noisier吵闹→更吵闹
happy → happier快乐→更快乐
easy → easier容易 → 更容易

We use more to make comparative forms for most other two-syllable adjectives and for all adjectives with three or more syllables:对于大多数其他双音节形容词以及所有具有三个或更多音节的形容词,我们使用 more 来制作比较级形式:

crowded → more crowded拥挤→更加拥挤
stressful → more stressful压力大→压力更大
dangerous → more dangerous危险→更危险

Exception: You can either add -er/-r or use more with some two-syllable adjectives, such as common, cruel, gentle, handsome, likely, narrow, pleasant, polite, simple and stupid.例外:您可以添加 -er/-r 或与一些双音节形容词一起使用 more,例如 common、cruel、gentle、enjoy、likely、narrow、please、police、simple 和 Stupid。

I think life in the countryside is simpler than in the city. 我认为农村的生活比城市简单。
It’s more simple to live in the city because everything you need is there. 在城市生活更简单,因为你需要的一切都在那里。

Irregular adjectives 不规则形容词

The adjectives good, bad and far have irregular comparative forms:形容词good、bad和far有不规则的比较级形式:

good → better好→更好
bad → worse坏 → 更糟
far → further/farther远 → 更远/更远


When we want to say which person or thing we are comparing with, we can use than:当我们想要表达我们正在与哪个人或事物进行比较时,我们可以使用than:

Their house is cleaner than ours. 他们的房子比我们的干净。
Traffic is slower in the city than in the countryside. 城市的交通比乡村慢。
After the race I was more tired than Anne. 比赛结束后我比安妮还累。

Do this exercise to test your grammar again.做这个练习来再次测试你的语法。

Grammar test 2语法测试2

Comparative adjectives: 2

Choose the correct words.

  • Question
  1. Ariel moved to the countryside because he wanted a _____ life.
    more peaceful
  2. She is _____ in the city because she has a lot of friends there.
    more happy
  3. I feel _____ if I go for a walk in the forest with my dog.
    more relaxed
  4. It’s _____ in the mountains than at the seaside.
    more cold
  5. He says that famous people are _____ than his family, but I think he’s wrong!
    more interesting
  6. The vegetables from my garden are _____ than the ones in the supermarket.
    more tastier
  7. The noise from the traffic is _____ if you live near a busy road.
  8. Thank you for cleaning the kitchen! It’s much _____ now.
    more cleaner
  • Answer
  1. Ariel moved to the countryside because he wanted a _____ life.
    ✔more peaceful
  2. She is _____ in the city because she has a lot of friends there.
    more happy
  3. I feel _____ if I go for a walk in the forest with my dog.
    ✔more relaxed
  4. It’s _____ in the mountains than at the seaside.
    more cold
  5. He says that famous people are _____ than his family, but I think he’s wrong!
    ✔more interesting
  6. The vegetables from my garden are _____ than the ones in the supermarket.
    more tastier
  7. The noise from the traffic is _____ if you live near a busy road.
  8. Thank you for cleaning the kitchen! It’s much _____ now.
    more cleaner

【A1-A2-Grammar】05 Comparative adjectives-形容词比较级