【A1-A2-Grammar】09 Possessive's-所有格的

【A1-A2-Grammar】09 Possessive’s-所有格的

Do you know how to use possessive ‘s? Test what you know with interactive exercises and read the explanation to help you.你知道所有格的用法吗?通过互动练习测试您所掌握的知识,并阅读说明来帮助您。

Look at these examples to see how we use possessive ‘s.查看这些示例,了解我们如何使用所有格 ‘s。

Mohammed is my brother‘s* son.穆罕默德是我兄弟的儿子。*
My grandpa‘s* beard is white.我爷爷的胡子都白了。*
This is my grandparent*s’ house.这是我祖父母的房子。*

Try this exercise to test your grammar.尝试这个练习来测试你的语法。

Grammar test 1-语法测试1

Possessive ‘s: 1

Type ‘s, s’ or s to fill the gaps.

  • Question
  1. Uncle David is my dad (1) brother.
  2. Martina (2) hair is brown.
  3. Those are my two colleague (3) desks.
  4. These are Natasha’s shoe (4) .
  5. Sara’s parent (5) house is in Sydney. They live near the beach.
  6. Can you give me Aiden (6) phone number, please?
  7. We have tickets for the men (7) final of the tennis competition.
  8. That’s Mathias (8) sister. Her name is Emilia.
  • Answer
  1. Uncle David is my dad (‘s) brother.
  2. Martina (‘s) hair is brown.
  3. Those are my two colleague (s’) desks.
  4. These are Natasha’s shoe (s) .
  5. Sara’s parent (s’) house is in Sydney. They live near the beach.
  6. Can you give me Aiden (‘s) phone number, please?
  7. We have tickets for the men (‘s) final of the tennis competition.
  8. That’s Mathias (‘s|’) sister. Her name is Emilia.

Read the explanation to learn more.阅读说明以了解更多信息。

Grammar explanation语法解释

We can use possessive ‘s to talk about the relationship between people or to say who owns something. Possessive ‘s always comes after a noun or a name.我们可以使用所有格 ‘s 来谈论人与人之间的关系或者说谁拥有某物。所有格 ‘s 总是出现在名词或名字之后。

We often use possessive ‘s or s’ when we talk about family and friends.当我们谈论家人和朋友时,我们经常使用所有格 ‘s 或 s’。

Grandma and Grandpa are my mum‘s* parents.奶奶和爷爷是我妈妈的父母。
Maria**’s** best friend is Juanita.玛丽亚最好的朋友是胡安妮塔。
My cousins’ birthdays are both in January.我表兄弟的生日都是一月。*

We can also use it to say that something belongs to someone.我们也可以用它来表示某物属于某人。

That’s Roberto‘s* flat. He’s got a flat in the city centre.那是罗伯托的公寓。他在市中心有一套公寓。*
Kim‘s* hair is very long. She’s got long, black hair.金的头发很长。她有一头又长又黑的头发。*
My parent*s’ garden is beautiful. They grow a lot of flowers.我父母的花园很漂亮。他们种了很多花。*

When it is one person who owns something, we usually use ‘s.当某人拥有某物时,我们通常使用 ‘s。

Our friend‘s* car is red. She loves it.我们朋友的车是红色的。她喜欢它。*
Simon‘s* phone is new. He bought it yesterday.西蒙的手机是新的。他昨天买的。*
Can you see Amira‘s* keys? She can’t find them.你能看到阿米拉的钥匙吗?她找不到他们。*

It is possible to use more than one possessive in a phrase.一个短语中可以使用多个所有格。

We had lunch at my friend‘s* father’s house.我们在我朋友的父亲家里吃午饭。*

If a name or noun ends in s, we can add either or ‘s. The pronunciation can be /zɪz/ or /sɪz/.如果名称或名词以 s 结尾,我们可以添加 ‘ 或 ‘。发音可以是/zɪz/或/sɪz/。

Is that James* bag?那是詹姆斯的包吗?*
That’s my boss‘s* office.那是我老板的办公室。*

If the thing belongs to more than one person, we usually add after the s of the plural noun.如果该事物属于多个人,我们通常在复数名词的s后面添加’。

Our friend*s’ house is in the mountains. They moved there last year.我们朋友的房子在山里。他们去年搬到那里。*
My grandparent*s’ dog is called Bertie.我祖父母的狗叫伯蒂。*
The twin*s’ school is closed today.双胞胎的学校今天停课。*

If the plural noun is irregular and doesn’t end in s, we add ‘s.如果复数名词不规则且不以 s 结尾,则添加 ‘s。

This is our children‘s* school.这是我们孩子的学校。*
The women‘s* clothes are on the second floor.女装在二楼。*
A lot of people‘s* eyes are brown.很多人的眼睛都是棕色的。*

If something belongs to more than one person, and we give a list of names, the ‘s comes after the last name in the list.如果某物属于多个人,并且我们给出了一份姓名列表,则 ‘ 位于列表中最后一个姓名之后。

Liam is Anne and Gary‘s* son.利亚姆是安妮和加里的儿子。*

Remember that s at the end of a word without an apostrophe (‘) can make it plural, but this doesn’t show possession.请记住,单词末尾的 s 不带撇号 (‘) 可以使其成为复数,但这并不表示所有格。

I’ve got two brother*s.我有两个兄弟。*
Are those your key*s?这些是你的钥匙吗?*

Do this exercise to test your grammar again.做这个练习来再次测试你的语法。

Grammar test 2-语法测试2

Possessive ‘s: 2

Type ‘s, s’ or s to fill the gaps.

  • Question
  1. Fatema is Ahmad (1) cousin.
  2. Our friend (2) flat is very big. They have five bedrooms!
  3. We’ve got two dog (3) . One is black and the other one is brown.
  4. Bruno (4) eyes are blue.
  5. That’s Julia and Miguel (5) house.
  6. My grandparent (6) car is really old. They bought it years ago!
  7. That’s Mrs Jones (7) classroom. She’s our English teacher.
  8. I really enjoy watching women (8) football.
  • Answer
  1. Fatema is Ahmad (‘s) cousin.
  2. Our friend (s’) flat is very big. They have five bedrooms!
  3. We’ve got two dog (s) . One is black and the other one is brown.
  4. Bruno (‘s) eyes are blue.
  5. That’s Julia and Miguel (‘s) house.
  6. My grandparent (s’) car is really old. They bought it years ago!
  7. That’s Mrs Jones (‘s|’) classroom. She’s our English teacher.
  8. I really enjoy watching women (‘s) football.

【A1-A2-Grammar】09 Possessive's-所有格的