【A1-A2-Grammar】11 Prepositions of time - 'at', 'in', 'on'时间介词:'at', 'in', 'on'

【A1-A2-Grammar】11 Prepositions of time ‘at’, ‘in’, ‘on’时间介词:’at’, ‘in’, ‘on’

Do you know how and when to use at, in and on to talk about time? Test what you know with interactive exercises and read the explanation to help you.你知道如何以及何时使用 at、in 和 on 来谈论时间吗?通过互动练习测试您所掌握的知识,并阅读说明来帮助您。

Look at these examples to see how we use at, in and on to talk about time.看这些例子,看看我们如何使用 at、in 和 on 来谈论时间。

At weekends, I love to go skiing. 周末,我喜欢去滑雪。
In spring, the weather is warmer. 春天,天气转暖。
On Mondays, I work from home. 周一,我在家工作。
In the afternoon, I do activities. 下午,我做活动。
On weekdays, I work until 12. 工作日,我工作到12点。
At 5 o’clock, I do two or three more hours of work. 5点钟,我又做了两三个小时的工作。

Try this exercise to test your grammar.尝试这个练习来测试你的语法。

Grammar test 1 语法测试1

Prepositions of time – ‘at’, ‘in’ and ‘on’: 1

Complete the sentences. Use ‘at’, ‘in’ or ‘on’ in the gaps.

  • Question
  1. He saw a film with my sister (1) the weekend.
  2. (2) the last few months, it hasn’t rained much.
  3. My father was born (3) the 20th century.
  4. She has a doctor’s appointment (4) 10 o’clock (5) Monday.
  5. We prefer to exercise (6) the evening.
  6. Jacques is coming to visit us (7) 13 June.
  7. My favourite time to work in the garden is (8) spring.
  8. We all try to eat together at the table (9) dinner time.
  • Answer
  1. He saw a film with my sister (at|on) the weekend.
  2. (In) the last few months, it hasn’t rained much.
  3. My father was born (in) the 20th century.
  4. She has a doctor’s appointment (at) 10 o’clock (on) Monday.
  5. We prefer to exercise (in) the evening.
  6. Jacques is coming to visit us (on) 13 June.
  7. My favourite time to work in the garden is (in) spring.
  8. We all try to eat together at the table (at) dinner time.

Read the explanation to learn more.阅读说明以了解更多信息。

Grammar explanation语法解释

We use the prepositions in, on or at to say when something happens.我们使用介词 in、on 或 at 来表示某件事发生的时间。


We usually use at with clock times and mealtimes.我们通常将 at 与时钟时间和进餐时间一起使用。

I get up at 6.30 a.m. and go for a run. 我早上 6.30 起床去跑步。
She doesn’t like to leave the office at unchtime. 在午餐时间她不喜欢离开办公室。

We also use at with some specific phrases such as at the weekend and at night.我们还会将 at 与一些特定短语一起使用,例如 at the Weekend 和 at night。

At the weekend, I can spend the days how I like. 周末,我可以随心所欲地度过日子。

We can also say on weekends or on the weekend. This is more common in American English. 我们也可以说 on weekends 或 on the weekend 。这在美式英语中更为常见。

We say at night when we mean all of the night. But we say in the night when we want to talk about a specific time during the night.我们所说的“晚上”是指整个晚上。但是当我们想谈论夜间的特定时间时,我们会说“在晚上”。

She’s a nurse and she works at night. 她是一名护士,晚上工作。
The baby often wakes up in the night. 在晚上宝宝经常醒。

We use at with Christmas and other holidays that last several days.我们在圣诞节和其他持续几天的假期中使用 at。

The weather is very cold here at Christmas. 圣诞节这里的天气很冷。
At Chinese New Year, many people go home to their families. 农历新年时,许多人回家与家人团聚。

clock times
at 6 o’clock在6点钟
at 9.30 在9点半
at 13.00 在13点
mealtimes and breaks
at breakfast time早餐时间
at lunchtime在午餐时间
at dinner time晚餐时间
at break time休息时间
other time phrases
at night晚上
at weekends在周末/the weekend/周末
at Christmas在圣诞节


We usually use in with parts of the day and longer periods of time such as months, seasons and years.我们通常将 in 与一天中的部分时间和更长的时间段(例如月、季节和年)一起使用。

I usually relax in the evening. 我通常在晚上放松。
In summer it’s too hot to do anything. 在夏天太热了,什么事都做不了。
I’m always really busy in December. 在十二月我总是很忙。

parts of the day一天中的部分时间 in the morning/afternoon/evening早上/下午/晚上
months月 in January/February一月/二月
seasons季节 in (the) spring/summer/autumn/winter在春/夏/秋/冬
years, centuries, decades年、世纪、几十年 in 20162016年
in the 21st century在21世纪
in the 80s八十年代
other time phrases其他时间短语 in the past在过去
in the future将来
in the last few years/months/weeks/days在过去几年/几个月/几周/几天


We usually use on with days and dates.我们通常将 on 与日期和日期一起使用。

On Fridays, I have a long lunch. 每周五,我都会吃一顿丰盛的午餐。
It’s his birthday on 19 October. 10 月 19 日是他的生日。

days天 on Monday/Tuesday etc*. 周一/周二等
on my birthday 在我生日的时候
on New Year’s Day* 元旦那天
dates日期 on 30 July7月30日
on the second of August八月二日

Do this exercise to test your grammar again.做这个练习来再次测试你的语法。

Grammar test 2语法测试2

Prepositions of time – ‘at’, ‘in’ and ‘on’: 2

Complete the sentences. Use ‘at’, ‘in’ or ‘on’ in the gaps.

  • Question
  1. My friend Peter and I speak (1) the third Thursday of every month.
  2. She goes to visit her parents every year (2) August.
  3. I often have to work (3) the weekends.
  4. If you want to exercise, do it first thing (4) the morning.
  5. They’re planning to go to Australia (5) Christmas.
  6. I want to eat Mexican food (6) my birthday.
  7. (7) the future, the weather will be more difficult to predict.
  8. Shall we meet (8) 9.00?
  • Answer
  1. My friend Peter and I speak (on) the third Thursday of every month.
  2. She goes to visit her parents every year (in) August.
  3. I often have to work (at) the weekends.
  4. If you want to exercise, do it first thing (in) the morning.
  5. They’re planning to go to Australia (at) Christmas.
  6. I want to eat Mexican food (on) my birthday.
  7. (In) the future, the weather will be more difficult to predict.
  8. Shall we meet (at) 9.00?

【A1-A2-Grammar】11 Prepositions of time - 'at', 'in', 'on'时间介词:'at', 'in', 'on'