【A1-A2-Grammar】12 Present simple-一般现在时

【A1-A2-Grammar】12 Present simple-一般现在时

Do you know how to use the present simple? Test what you know with interactive exercises and read the explanation to help you.你知道如何使用一般现在时吗?通过互动练习测试您所掌握的知识,并阅读说明来帮助您。

Look at these examples to see how we use the present simple. 查看这些示例,了解我们如何使用一般现在时。

I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.我吃很多水果和蔬菜。
My dad phones me every day.我爸爸每天给我打电话。
She doesn’t like her job.她不喜欢她的工作。
What time do you get up at weekends?周末你几点起床?

Try this exercise to test your grammar.尝试这个练习来测试你的语法。

Grammar test 1-语法测试1

Present simple: 1

Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the verb in brackets.

  • Question
  1. She __ in a hospital. (WORK)
  2. I __ the guitar. (NOT PLAY)
  3. __ you __ tea? (DRINK)
  4. Where __ your friend __ ? (LIVE)
  5. They __ to the cinema very often. (NOT GO)
  6. What __ you __ for work? (WEAR)
  7. His English class __ at 8 o’clock. (FINISH)
  8. __ we __ time for a coffee? (HAVE)
  • Answer
  1. She works in a hospital. (WORK)
  2. I don’t play the guitar. (NOT PLAY)
  3. Do you drink tea? (DRINK)
  4. Where does your friend living ? (LIVE)
  5. They don’t go to the cinema very often. (NOT GO)
  6. What do you wear for work? (WEAR)
  7. His English class finishes at 8 o’clock. (FINISH)
  8. Do we have time for a coffee? (HAVE)

My answers with wrongs

Read the explanation to learn more.阅读说明以了解更多信息。

Grammar explanation语法解释

We can use the present simple to talk about things we do regularly.我们可以使用一般现在时来谈论我们经常做的事情。

I go to the gym three times a week. 我每周去健身房三次。
We drink coffee at work. 我们在工作时喝咖啡。

We can also use it for things which are generally true.我们也可以将它用于通常正确的事情。

She loves her job. 她热爱她的工作。
A lot of people work at home now. 现在很多人都在家工作。

Remember that we add s or es for he, she and it. Sometimes we also change y to i. 请记住,我们为 he、she 和 it 添加 s 或 es。有时我们也将y改为i。

My favourite TV show starts at 8 o’clock. 我最喜欢的电视节目八点开始。
She finishes work early on Fridays. 她周五很早就完成工作。
My brother studies at university. 我弟弟在读大学。

The he, she and it forms for have, do and go are irregular. 他、她和它构成的have、do和go都是不规则的。

He has a flat in the city centre. 他在市中心有一套公寓。
She does yoga on Tuesdays. 她每周二做瑜伽。
My dog goes for a walk every morning. 我的狗每天早上去散步。

For the negative, we use don’t or doesn’t.对于否定,我们使用 don’t 或 does not。

We don’t eat meat. 我们不吃肉。
She doesn’t have a lot of free time. 她没有很多空闲时间。

For questions, we use do or *does.*对于疑问句,我们使用 do 或 does。

Do you watch a lot of films? 你看了很多电影吗?
Does he speak English? 他会说英语?

+ Affirmative+ 肯定 - Negative- 否定 ? Question?疑问
I like ice cream.
I don’t like ice cream.
Do I like ice cream?
You go to the gym.
You don’t go to the gym.
Do you go to the gym?
He/she/it eats meat.
He/she/it doesn’t eat meat.
Does he/she/it eat meat?
We watch a lot of films.
We don’t watch a lot of films.
Do we watch a lot of films?
They work at home.
They don’t work at home.
Do they work at home?

Short answers简短的答案

We can answer questions with Yes, I/you/we/they do, Yes, he/she/it does, or No, I/you/we/they don’t or No, he/she/it doesn’t.我们可以用“是,我/你/我们/他们这样做”、“是,他/她/它这样做”或“否,我/你/我们/他们不这样做”或“否,他/她/它不这样做”来回答问题。

Do you like cheese? 你喜欢芝士吗?
Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。

Does she play football on Saturdays? 她星期六踢足球吗?
No, she doesn’t. 不,她不踢。

Questions with question words用疑问词提问

We can also put question words like what, where, who or what time before do or does.我们还可以在 do 或 does 之前加上疑问词,例如什么、哪里、谁或什么时间。

Where do you work? 你在哪里工作?
What time does he have lunch? 他什么时候吃午饭了吗?

Do this exercise to test your grammar again.做这个练习来再次测试你的语法。

Grammar test 2-语法测试2

Present simple: 2

Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the verb in brackets

  • Question
  1. What time __ he __ work? (START)
  2. We __ to the same place on holiday every year. (GO)
  3. My sister __ chocolate. (NOT LIKE)
  4. __ they __ a lot of sport? (DO)
  5. I __ meals very often. (NOT COOK)
  6. Why __ cats __ all the time? (SLEEP)
  7. He __ to different countries for work. (FLY)
  8. __ you __ this question? (UNDERSTAND)
  • Answer
  1. What time does he start work? (START)
  2. We go to the same place on holiday every year. (GO)
  3. My sister doesn’t like chocolate. (NOT LIKE)
  4. Do they do a lot of sport? (DO)
  5. I don’t cook meals very often. (NOT COOK)
  6. Why do cats sleep all the time? (SLEEP)
  7. He flies to different countries for work. (FLY)
  8. Do you understand this question? (UNDERSTAND)

【A1-A2-Grammar】12 Present simple-一般现在时