【A1-A2-Grammar】15 Quantifiers - 'few', 'a few'-量词

【A1-A2-Grammar】15 Quantifiers - ‘few’, ‘a few’-量词

Do you know how to use a few, few, very little and a bit of? Test what you know with interactive exercises and read the explanation to help you.你知道如何使用“a few”、“few”、“very little”和“a bit of”吗?通过互动练习测试您所掌握的知识,并阅读说明来帮助您。

Look at these examples to see how these quantifiers are used with countable and uncountable nouns.查看这些示例,了解这些量词如何与可数和不可数名词一起使用。

I have a few friends, so I’m not lonely.我有几个朋友,所以我并不孤单。
She has few friends, so she’s quite lonely.她的朋友很少,所以她很孤独。
We’ve got a bit of time before our train. Shall we get a coffee?距离我们的火车还有一段时间。我们去喝杯咖啡吧?
We’ve got very little time before our train. Hurry up!距离火车出发,我们的时间已经不多了。赶快!

Try this exercise to test your grammar.尝试这个练习来测试你的语法。

Grammar test 1-语法测试1

Countable and uncountable nouns 2: 1

Choose the correct option.

  • Question
  1. I have _____ questions.
    a few
    a bit of
  2. Do you want _____ chocolate?
    a few
    a bit of
  3. You made _____ mistakes. Well done!
    a few
  4. I have _____ money.
    very little
  5. _____ students understand this.
    Very little
  6. They have _____ rain in summer.
    very little
  7. It’s not easy. You will need _____ help.
    a bit of
    very little
  8. Is it OK if I bring _____ friends?
    a few
  • Answer
  1. I have _____ questions.
    ✔a few
    a bit of
  2. Do you want _____ chocolate?
    a few
    ✔a bit of
  3. You made _____ mistakes. Well done!
    a few
  4. I have _____ money.
    ✔very little
  5. _____ students understand this.
    Very little
  6. They have _____ rain in summer.
    ✔very little
  7. It’s not easy. You will need _____ help.
    ✔a bit of
    very little
  8. Is it OK if I bring _____ friends?
    ✔a few

Read the explanation to learn more.阅读说明以了解更多信息。

Grammar explanation语法解释

A few and a bit of or a little mean some. Often we feel this amount is enough or more than we expected. We use a few with plural nouns and a bit of or a little with uncountable nouns. A fewa bit ofa little 的意思是一些。我们常常觉得这个数额已经足够或超过我们的预期。我们将“a few”与复数名词一起使用,将“a bit of”或“a little”与不可数名词一起使用。

I have a few ideas.我有几个想法。
I’ve brought a few friends.我带了几个朋友来。
There’s a bit of milk left.还剩下一点牛奶。
It needs a little more work.它需要更多的工作。

We use few and very little to show that we are talking about a small amount. Often we feel this amount is not enough or less than we expected. Few is for countable nouns and very little is for uncountable nouns.我们使用fewvery little来表明我们正在谈论少量。我们常常觉得这个数额不够或低于我们的预期。Few用于可数名词,very little 用于不可数名词。

Few people came to the meeting.参加会议的人很少。
There are few places where you can still see these birds.现在很少有地方还能看到这些鸟了。
We have very little time.我们的时间很少。
I have very little money.我的钱很少。

Note that you can use little without very, but it is less common and sounds quite formal. 请注意,您可以在不使用very 的情况下使用little,但它不太常见,而且听起来很正式。

She had little water.她的水很少。

Do this exercise to test your grammar again.做这个练习来再次测试你的语法。


单词或短语 用法
a few 复数名词
a bit of 不可数名词
a little 不可数名词
Few 可数名词
very little 不可数名词

Grammar test 2-语法测试2

Countable and uncountable nouns 2: 2

Choose the correct option.

  • Question
  1. We have _____ ideas.
    a few
    a bit of
  2. There is _____ space in this room.
    very little
  3. Can you give that plant _____ water?
    a few
    a bit of
  4. _____ houses have central heating here.
    Very little
  5. The doctor told me to rest for _____ days.
    a few
  6. I have _____ information about this.
    very little
  7. It’s a difficult situation and _____ countries want to help.
    very little
  8. I’ll come later. I need to do _____ work first.
    a few
    a bit of
  • Answer
  1. We have _____ ideas.
    ✔a few
    a bit of
  2. There is _____ space in this room.
    ✔very little
  3. Can you give that plant _____ water?
    a few
    ✔a bit of
  4. _____ houses have central heating here.
    Very little
  5. The doctor told me to rest for _____ days.
    a few
  6. I have _____ information about this.
    ✔very little
  7. It’s a difficult situation and _____ countries want to help.
    very little
  8. I’ll come later. I need to do _____ work first.
    a few
    ✔a bit of

【A1-A2-Grammar】15 Quantifiers - 'few', 'a few'-量词