【A1-A2-Grammar】17 Using 'there is' and 'there are'-使用“有”和“有”

【A1-A2-Grammar】17 Using ‘there is’ and ‘there are’-使用“有”和“有”

Do you know how to use there is and there are? Test what you know with interactive exercises and read the explanation to help you.你知道如何使用there is 和there are 吗?通过互动练习测试您所掌握的知识,并阅读说明来帮助您。

Look at these examples to see how we use there is and there are.查看这些示例,了解我们如何使用 There is 和 There are。

There’s a very big park in my city. 我的城市有一个很大的公园。
There aren’t any street markets. 没有任何街头市场。
There are no restaurants in the station. 车站内没有餐厅。
But there’s a café and a bank. 但有一家咖啡馆和一家银行。

Try this exercise to test your grammar.尝试这个练习来测试你的语法。

Grammar test 1-语法测试1

Using ‘there is’ and ‘there are’: 1

Choose the correct answer.

  • Question
  1. _____ two banks on the high street.
    There is
    There are
  2. _____ a beach very near the city centre.
    There are
  3. _____ any lakes near here.
    There isn’t
    There aren’t
  4. How many parks _____ in your city?
    is there
    are there
  5. _____ three restaurants on my street.
    There are
    There is
  6. _____ a café in the station?
    Is there
    Are there
  7. _____ schools in my neighbourhood.
    There isn’t any
    There are no
  8. _____ two airports in the capital city.
    There are
  • Answer
  1. _____ two banks on the high street.
    There is
    ✔There are
  2. _____ a beach very near the city centre.
    There are
  3. _____ any lakes near here.
    There isn’t
    ✔There aren’t
  4. How many parks _____ in your city?
    is there
    ✔are there
  5. _____ three restaurants on my street.
    ✔There are
    There is
  6. _____ a café in the station?
    ✔Is there
    Are there
  7. _____ schools in my neighbourhood.
    There isn’t any
    ✔There are no
  8. _____ two airports in the capital city.
    ✔There are

Grammar explanation语法解释


We use there is to say that something exists or is in a place.我们用there来表示某物存在或在某个地方。

There is a bridge in the park. 公园里有一座桥。

We use there is for singular nouns and there are for plural nouns.我们用there is表示单数名词,用there are表示复数名词。

There is a restaurant in the station. 车站内设有餐厅。
There are two cafés in the shopping centre. 有两家咖啡馆 在购物中心。

We can say there’s instead of there is. We often say this when we speak. But there is no short form for there are. 我们可以用 there’s 代替 there is。我们说话的时候经常说 this 。但 there are 没有缩写形式。

There is a restaurant in the station. > *There’s a restaurant in the station.*车站内设有餐厅。 > 车站内有一家餐厅。
There are two cafés. > There’re two cafés. 这里有两家咖啡馆。 > 这里有两家咖啡馆。

When we are speaking informally and make a list of things, we often use there is or there’s instead of there are.当我们非正式地交谈并列出事物清单时,我们经常使用there is或there’s来代替thereare。

There’s a café, a supermarket and a bus stop on my street. 我住的街道上有一家咖啡馆、一家超市和一个公共汽车站。
(Instead of There are a café, a supermarket and a bus stop on my street.)(而不是我的街道上有一家咖啡馆、一家超市和一个公共汽车站。)


For negatives, we use there isn’t or there’s not (= there is not) for singular and there aren’t (= there are not) for plural. 对于否定词,我们使用there isn’t或there’s not (=there is not)表示单数,使用there are not (=there are not)表示复数。

There isn’t a pharmacy near the hotel. 酒店附近没有药店。
There aren’t any restaurants near the hotel. 没有任何餐馆酒店附近。

We often use there isn’t a + singular noun, there isn’t any + uncountable noun and there aren’t any + plural noun. 我们经常使用there isn’t a + 单数名词,there isn’t any + 不可数名词,There isn’t any + 复数名词。

There isn’t a café near here. 这附近没有咖啡馆。
There isn’t any milk. 这里没有任何牛奶。
*There aren’t any toilets in the park.*公园里没有任何厕所。

To show that the negative is important, we also often use there is no + uncountable noun and there are no + plural noun. (It is possible to use there is no + singular noun, but it’s not as common.) 为了表明否定的重要性,我们也经常使用there no +不可数名词和there are no +复数名词。 (可以使用there no + 单数名词,但并不常见。)

*There’s no milk.*没有牛奶了。
*There are no toilets in the park.*公园里没有厕所。


For questions, we say Is there for singular nouns and uncountable nouns and Are there for plural nouns. 对于疑问句,对于单数名词和不可数名词我们说 Is There,对于复数名词我们说 Are There。

Is there a café near here? 这附近有咖啡馆吗?
*Is there any milk in the fridge?*在冰箱里有没有牛奶?
*Are there any toilets in the park?*在公园里有厕所吗?

To answer, we say Yes, there is (not Yes, there’s) or No, there isn’t, or Yes, there are or No, there aren’t.为了回答,我们说“是的,有”(不是“是的,有”)或“否,没有”,或“是的,有”或“否,没有”。

*Is there a café near here? Yes, there is. /No, there isn’t.*这附近有咖啡馆吗?是的,有。/ 不,没有。
*Is there any milk in the fridge? Yes there is. /No, there isn’t.*冰箱里有牛奶吗?是的,有。 / 不,没有。
*Are there any toilets in the park?Yes, there are. /No, there aren’t.*公园里有厕所吗?是的,有。 / 不,没有。

Here is a summary of these forms.以下是这些表格的摘要。

singular单数 plural复数
affirmative肯定 there is有 there’s有 there are有
negative消极的 there is not那没有 there isn’t没有 there’s not没有 there are not没有 there aren’t没有
negative + a/any负数+a/任意 there isn’t a … (countable)没有…(可数) there isn’t any …没有任何…(uncountable)(不可数) there aren’t any …没有任何…
negative + no否定+否 there is no …没有… there are no …没有…
question问题 Is there …?有没有 …? Are there …?在那儿 …?

Other verb tenses其他动词时态

We can use there is and there are in many other verb tenses.我们可以在许多其他动词时态中使用there is和there are。

There was a storm last night. (Past simple)昨晚有一场暴风雨。 (一般过去时)
There were a lot of cars on the roads yesterday. (Past simple)昨天路上有很多车。 (一般过去时)
There will be a lot of people at the shopping centre tomorrow. (Future simple)明天购物中心将有很多人。 (将来时简单)

Do this exercise to test your grammar again.做这个练习来再次测试你的语法。

Grammar test 2-语法测试2

Using ‘there is’ and ‘there are’: 2

Choose the correct answer.

  • Question
  1. _____ any chairs in this room. Where can we sit?
    There aren’t
    There’s not
  2. _____ coffee. My sister drank it all.
    There’s no
    There is any
  3. _____ ten people in my class.
    There is
    There are
  4. How many days _____ in a year?
    are there
    is there
  5. _____ any good restaurants in this town?
    Are there
    Is there
  6. It’s very easy to visit us. _____ a train station near our house.
    It is
    There is
  7. _____ a lot of people at the shopping centre yesterday.
    There are
    There were
  8. _____ hospital in this city?! I’m surprised. A lot of people live here.
    There is any
    There’s no
  • Answer
  1. _____ any chairs in this room. Where can we sit?
    ✔There aren’t
    There’s not
  2. _____ coffee. My sister drank it all.
    ✔There’s no
    There is any
  3. _____ ten people in my class.
    There is
    ✔There are
  4. How many days _____ in a year?
    ✔are there
    is there
  5. _____ any good restaurants in this town?
    ✔Are there
    Is there
  6. It’s very easy to visit us. _____ a train station near our house.
    It is
    ✔There is
  7. _____ a lot of people at the shopping centre yesterday.
    There are
    ✔There were
  8. _____ hospital in this city?! I’m surprised. A lot of people live here.
    There is any
    ✔There’s no

【A1-A2-Grammar】17 Using 'there is' and 'there are'-使用“有”和“有”