【B1-B2-Grammar】02 British English and American English-英式英语和美式英语

【B1-B2-Grammar】02 British English and American English-英式英语和美式英语

Do you know any differences between British and American English? Test what you know with interactive exercises and read the explanation to help you.你知道英式英语和美式英语有什么区别吗?通过互动练习测试您所掌握的知识,并阅读说明来帮助您。

Look at these sentences. Do you know which sentences are more typical of British English or American English?看看这些句子。您知道哪些句子更典型英式英语或美式英语吗?

Shall I open the door for you?我给你开门好吗?
He’s taking a shower.他正在洗澡。
France have won the World Cup.法国队赢得了世界杯冠军。
I’m not hungry. I just ate.我不饿。我刚吃过。

Try this exercise to test your grammar.尝试这个练习来测试你的语法。

Grammar test 1-语法测试1

British English and American English: 1

Are the sentences more typical of British English or American English?

  • Question
  1. Shall we go for a walk?
    British English
    American English
  2. My computer isn’t working. I haven’t gotten anything done.
    British English
    American English
  3. Can I get you a coffee?
    British English
    American English
  4. His family live in Helsinki.
    British English
    American English
  5. We’ll have a break at 11.
    British English
    American English
  6. She’s got behind with her work recently.
    British English
    American English
  7. Did you eat yet?
    British English
    American English
  8. The children are having a bath.
    British English
    American English
  • Answer
  1. Shall we go for a walk?
    ✔British English
    American English
  2. My computer isn’t working. I haven’t gotten anything done.
    British English
    ✔American English
  3. Can I get you a coffee?
    British English
    ✔American English
  4. His family live in Helsinki.
    ✔British English
    American English
  5. We’ll have a break at 11.
    ✔British English
    American English
  6. She’s got behind with her work recently.
    ✔British English
    American English
  7. Did you eat yet?
    British English
    ✔American English
  8. The children are having a bath.
    ✔British English
    American English

Read the explanation to learn more.阅读说明以了解更多信息。

Grammar explanation-语法解释

The main difference between British English and American English is in pronunciation. Some words are also different in each variety of English, and there are also a few differences in the way they use grammar. Here are five of the most common grammatical differences between British and American English.英式英语和美式英语的主要区别在于发音。有些单词在各个英语变种中也有所不同,并且它们使用语法的方式也存在一些差异。以下是英式英语和美式英语之间五个最常见的语法差异。

1. Present perfect and past simple-1. 现在完成时和一般过去时

In British English, people use the present perfect to speak about a past action that they consider relevant to the present. 在英式英语中,人们使用现在完成时来谈论他们认为与现在相关的过去行为。

The present perfect can be used in the same way in American English, but people often use the past simple when they consider the action finished. This is especially common with the adverbs already, just and yet.现在完成时在美式英语中也可以用同样的方式使用,但是人们在考虑动作完成时经常使用一般过去时。这在副词“already”、“just”和“yet”中尤其常见。

British English英式英语 American English美式英语
He isn’t hungry. He has already had lunch.他不饿。他已经吃过午饭了。 - Have you done your homework yet?- 你的作业做完了吗? - Yes, I’ve just finished it.- 是的,我刚刚做完。 He isn’t hungry. He already had lunch.他不饿。他已经吃过午饭了。 - Did you do your homework yet?- 你做作业了吗? - Yes, I just finished it.- 是的,我刚刚完成。

2. got and gotten-2. 得到和得到

In British English, the past participle of the verb get is got. 在英式英语中,动词get的过去分词是got。

In American English, people say gotten.在美式英语中,人们说“gotten”。

Note that have got is commonly used in both British and American English to speak about possession or necessity. have gotten is not correct here. 请注意,have got 在英式英语和美式英语中常用来表示拥有或必要性。这里have gotten不正确。

British English英式英语 American English美式英语
You could have got hurt!你可能受伤了! He’s got very thin.他已经很瘦了。 She has got serious about her career.她对自己的事业很认真。BUT:但: Have you got any money?你有钱吗? We’ve got to go now.我们现在得走了。 You could have gotten hurt!你可能会受伤! He’s gotten very thin.他变得非常瘦了。 She has gotten serious about her career.她已经认真对待自己的事业了。BUT:但: Have you got any money?你有钱吗?(NOT Have you gotten …)(不是你得到了…) We’ve got to go now.我们现在得走了。(NOT We’ve gotten to …)(不是我们已经到了……)

3. Verb forms with collective nouns-3. 集体名词的动词形式

In British English, a singular or plural verb can be used with a noun that refers to a group of people or things (a collective noun). We use a plural verb when we think of the group as individuals or a singular verb when we think of the group as a single unit.在英式英语中,单数或复数动词可以与指代一群人或事物的名词(集体名词)一起使用。当我们将群体视为个体时,我们使用复数动词;当我们将群体视为单个单位时,我们使用单数动词。

In American English, a singular verb is used with collective nouns.在美式英语中,单数动词与集体名词一起使用。

Note that police is always followed by a plural verb. 请注意,police 后面总是跟有复数动词。

British English英式英语 American English美式英语
My family is/are visiting from Pakistan.我的家人正在从巴基斯坦来访。 My team is/are winning the match.我的球队正在赢得比赛。 The crew is/are on the way to the airport.机组人员正在前往机场的路上。BUT:但: The police are investigating the crime.警方正在调查这起犯罪事件。 My family is visiting from Pakistan.我的家人从巴基斯坦来访。 My team is winning the match.我的球队正在赢得比赛。 The crew is on the way to the airport.工作人员正在前往机场的路上。BUT:但: The police are investigating the crime.警方正在调查这起犯罪事件。

4. have and take-4. 拥有并取得

In British English, the verbs have and take are commonly used with nouns like bath, shower, wash to speak about washing and with nouns like break, holiday, rest to speak about resting. 在英式英语中,动词have和take通常与bath、shower、wash等名词一起使用来表示洗涤,与break、holiday、rest等名词一起使用来表示休息。

In American English, only the verb take (and not the verb have) is used this way.在美式英语中,只有动词 take(而不是动词 have)才会这样使用。

British English英式英语 American English美式英语
I’m going to have/take a shower.我要去洗澡。 Let’s have/take a break.我们休息一下吧。 I’m going to take a shower.我要去洗澡。 Let’s take a break.休息一下吧。

5. shall-5. 应当

In British English, people often use Shall I …? to offer to do something and/or Shall we …? to make a suggestion. 在英式英语中,人们经常使用Shall I …?主动提出做某事和/或我们可以……吗?提出建议。

It is very unusual for speakers of American English to use shall. They normally use an alternative like Should/Can I …? or Do you want/Would you like …? or How about …? instead. 对于说美式英语的人来说,使用“shall”是很不寻常的。他们通常使用替代方案,例如“我应该/可以……吗?”或你想要/你愿意…吗?或者…怎么样?反而。

British English英式英语 American English美式英语
It’s hot in here. Shall I open the window?这里很热。我要打开窗户吗? Shall we meet in the café at 5?我们五点在咖啡馆见面好吗? Shall we try that again?我们要再试一次吗? It’s hot in here. Can I open the window?这里很热。我可以开窗吗? Do you want to meet in the café at 5?你们想五点在咖啡馆见面吗? How about we try that again?我们再试一次怎么样?

Do this exercise to test your grammar again.做这个练习来再次测试你的语法。

Grammar test 2-语法测试2

British English and American English: 2

Are the sentences more typical of British English or American English?

  • Question
  1. They haven’t gotten home yet.
    British English
    American English
  2. Shall we get takeaway for lunch today?
    British English
    American English
  3. Shh! The kids are having a nap.
    British English
    American English
  4. Did you have a piece of cake yet?
    British English
    American English
  5. Liverpool have won the match!
    British English
    American English
  6. They’re not going to the movies. They already saw the film.
    British English
    American English
  7. Do you want to take a break now?
    British English
    American English
  8. That restaurant’s got really expensive.
    British English
    American English
  • Answer
  1. They haven’t gotten home yet.
    British English
    ✔American English
  2. Shall we get takeaway for lunch today?
    ✔British English
    American English
  3. Shh! The kids are having a nap.
    ✔British English
    American English
  4. Did you have a piece of cake yet?
    British English
    ✔American English
  5. Liverpool have won the match!
    ✔British English
    American English
  6. They’re not going to the movies. They already saw the film.
    British English
    ✔American English
  7. Do you want to take a break now?
    British English
    ✔American English
  8. That restaurant’s got really expensive.
    ✔British English
    American English

【B1-B2-Grammar】02 British English and American English-英式英语和美式英语