【B1-B2-Grammar】06 Contrasting ideas 'although', 'despite' and others-对比概念:“尽管”、“尽管”等

【B1-B2-Grammar】06 Contrasting ideas ‘although’, ‘despite’ and others-对比概念:“尽管”、“尽管”等

Do you know how to connect two contrasting ideas with words like although and despite? Test what you know with interactive exercises and read the explanation to help you.

Look at these examples to see how although, even though, in spite of and despite are used.
查看这些示例,了解如何使用though、even though、inside of 和thought。

Although we don’t agree, I think she’s a brilliant speaker. 尽管我们意见不一致,但我认为她是一位出色的演讲者。
Even though we don’t agree, I think she’s a brilliant speaker. 尽管我们意见不一致,但我认为她是一位出色的演讲者。
In spite of the law, people continue to use mobile phones while driving. 尽管有法律规定,人们仍然在开车时使用手机。
Despite the law, people continue to use mobile phones while driving. 尽管有法律规定,人们仍然在开车时使用手机。
It’s illegal to use mobile phones while driving. People still do it, though. 开车时使用手机是违法的。但人们仍然这样做。

Try this exercise to test your grammar.尝试这个练习来测试你的语法。

Grammar test 1-语法测试1

‘in spite of’, ‘despite’, ‘although’, ‘even though’ and ‘though’: 1

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

  • Question
  1. _____ they’d only known each other for two months, they got engaged.
    In spite of
    Even though
  2. She passed her driving test, _____ she made a lot of mistakes.
    in spite of
    even though
  3. _____ the fact that I’m allergic to dogs, my parents are getting a puppy.
    In spite of
    Even though
  4. _____ I love sweets and cakes, I try not to eat them during the week.
    In spite of
  5. I’m a terrible singer, _____ having two parents who are good musicians.
    in spite of
    even though
  6. I would move to Australia if I got a job offer, _____ the distance from my family.
    even though
  7. I completely forgot to post the letter, _____ him reminding me in the morning.
    in spite of
    even though
  8. _____ I’m a nurse, I can’t stand the sight of blood.
    In spite of
    Even though
  • Answer
  1. _____ they’d only known each other for two months, they got engaged.
    In spite of
    ✔Even though
  2. She passed her driving test, _____ she made a lot of mistakes.
    in spite of
    ✔even though
  3. _____ the fact that I’m allergic to dogs, my parents are getting a puppy.
    ✔In spite of
    Even though
  4. _____ I love sweets and cakes, I try not to eat them during the week.
    In spite of
  5. I’m a terrible singer, _____ having two parents who are good musicians.
    ✔in spite of
    even though
  6. I would move to Australia if I got a job offer, _____ the distance from my family.
    even though
  7. I completely forgot to post the letter, _____ him reminding me in the morning.
    ✔in spite of
    even though
  8. _____ I’m a nurse, I can’t stand the sight of blood.
    In spite of
    ✔Even though

Read the explanation to learn more.阅读说明以了解更多信息。

Grammar explanation-语法解释

Although, even though, in spite of and despite are all used to link two contrasting ideas or show that one fact makes the other fact surprising. They can all be used at the beginning or in the middle of the sentence. “Although”, “even though”, “in spite of” 和 “despite”都用于连接两个相反的想法或表明一个事实使另一个事实令人惊讶。它们都可以用在句子的开头或中间。

Despite the rain, we enjoyed the festival. 尽管下着雨,我们还是很享受这个节日。
We enjoyed the festival, despite the rain. 尽管下着雨,我们还是很享受这个节日。

The main difference between although, even though, in spite of and despite is that they are used with different structures. “Although”, “even though”, “in spite of” 和 “despite”之间的主要区别在于它们使用不同的结构。

in spite of / despite-“in spite of” 和 “despite”

After in spite of and despite, we use a noun, gerund (-ing form of a verb) or a pronoun. 在“in spite of” 和 “despite”之后,我们使用名词、动名词(动词的-ing形式)或代词。

They never made much money, in spite of their success. 尽管他们取得了成功,但他们从未赚过多少钱。
In spite of the pain in his leg, he completed the marathon. 尽管腿很痛,他还是完成了马拉松比赛。
Despite having a headache, I had a great birthday. 尽管头疼,我还是度过了一个愉快的生日。
The train was cancelled. In spite of that, we arrived on time. 火车被取消了。尽管如此,我们还是准时到达了。

Note that it is common to use in spite of and despite with the expression the fact that, followed by a subject and verb. 请注意,通常“in spite of” 和 “despite”与the fact that一起使用时,后跟主语和动词。

In spite of the fact that he worked very hard, he didn’t pass the exam. 尽管他非常努力,但他还是没有通过考试。
Despite the fact that he worked very hard, he didn’t pass the exam. 尽管他非常努力,但他还是没有通过考试。

although / even though-尽管/尽管

After although and even though, we use a subject and a verb. Even though is slightly stronger and more emphatic than although. 在“although”和“even though”之后,我们使用主语和动词。 “Even though”比“although”稍强、更强调。

I enjoyed the course, although I would have liked more grammar practice. 我很喜欢这门课程,尽管我希望有更多的语法练习。
Although we saw each other every day, we didn’t really know each other. 虽然我们每天都见面,但我们并不真正了解对方。
Even though she spoke very quietly, he understood every word. 虽然她说得很小声,但他却听懂了每一个字。
She didn’t get the job, even though she had all the necessary qualifications. 尽管她具备所有必要的资格,但她没有得到这份工作。


Though can be used in the same way as although. “Though”的用法与 “although”相同。

Though I wasn’t keen on the film, I thought the music was beautiful. 虽然我不喜欢这部电影,但我觉得音乐很美。

Though can also go at the end of the second phrase. This way of expressing contrasting ideas is most common in spoken English. “Though” 也可以放在第二个短语的末尾。这种表达对比思想的方式在英语口语中最常见。

We waited ages for our food. The waiter was really nice, though. 我们等了很长时间才等到我们的食物。不过服务员真的很好。

Do this exercise to test your grammar again.做这个练习来再次测试你的语法。

Grammar test 2-语法测试2

‘in spite of’, ‘despite’, ‘although’, ‘even though’ and ‘though’: 2

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

  • Question
  1. We decided to buy the house, _____ we didn’t really have enough money.
    in spite of
    even though
  2. _____ my careful planning, we ended up staying in a really bad hotel.
    Even though
  3. My partner snores really loudly but _____ that I sleep well.
    even though
    in spite of
  4. You keep making that stupid noise _____ I’ve asked you to stop three times.
    in spite of
    even though
  5. I won the race _____ coming last in the practice run.
    in spite of
    even though
  6. You told me ten times. I still forgot, _____.
  7. I handed my report in on time _____ the fact that I had been ill all day.
    even though
  8. _____ she’s arriving late, she still wants to eat when she gets here.
    In spite of
  • Answer
  1. We decided to buy the house, _____ we didn’t really have enough money.
    in spite of
    ✔even though
  2. _____ my careful planning, we ended up staying in a really bad hotel.
    Even though
  3. My partner snores really loudly but _____ that I sleep well.
    even though
    ✔in spite of
  4. You keep making that stupid noise _____ I’ve asked you to stop three times.
    in spite of
    ✔even though
  5. I won the race _____ coming last in the practice run.
    ✔in spite of
    even though
  6. You told me ten times. I still forgot, _____.
  7. I handed my report in on time _____ the fact that I had been ill all day.
    even though
  8. _____ she’s arriving late, she still wants to eat when she gets here.
    In spite of


在表达”让步“时,though,although,even though 为连词,可以连接状语从句;而 despite 和 in spite of 为介词,后面跟名词及词组、代词和动名词,despite of 和 in despite of 都是错误的用法,不应该使用。

1. despite各种用法

despite 和 in spite of 是同义词,意为“即使,尽管;尽管(自己)不愿意”,在写作中,相比于 in spite of,despite 更为正式一点或是使表达更为简洁,两者经常可以互换,例如:


Kate went to the carnival despite/in spite of the rain. 尽管下雨,凯特还是去了狂欢节。

I want to go for a run despite/in spite of this rain. 尽管下雨,我还是想去跑步。


Ruth woke up feeling refreshed despite/in spite of Dave calling at midnight. 露丝醒来时感到神清气爽,尽管戴夫半夜打电话来。

Despite/In spite of eating McDonalds regularly Tina remained slim. 尽管蒂娜经常吃麦当劳,但她仍然很苗条。


Despite/In spite of myself, Harry’s remarks had caused me to stop and reflect. 哈里的话让我不由自主地停下来细想。

The blunt comment made Richard laugh despite/in spite of himself. 这番率直的话让理查德不由自主地大笑起来。

2. 反义词because of

despite 和 in spite of 的反义词是 because of,例如:

Julie loved Tom in spite of his football obsession. 尽管汤姆痴迷足球,朱莉还是爱他。
Julie loved Tom because of his football obsession. 朱莉爱汤姆是因为他对足球的痴迷。

3. 跟the fact连用

despite 和 in spite of 经常跟 **the fact that ** 连用,例如:

She bought a new pair of shoes despite the fact that she already had 97 pairs. 她买了一双新鞋,尽管她已经有97双了。
She went to the cinema in spite of the fact that she was exhausted. 尽管她筋疲力尽,她还是去看电影了。
He still loves her, despite the fact that she left him. 尽管她离开了他,他仍然爱着她。
Despite the fact that the disease is so prevalent, treatment is still far from satisfactory. 尽管疾病肆虐,治疗却远不尽如人意。

4. 位置不同,重点不同

despite 和 in spite of 可以放在句首和句首,位置不同时,强调的重点不同,例如:

She liked ice cream despite having sensitive teeth. 强调喜欢吃冰激->凌她还是喜欢冰淇淋,尽管牙齿敏感。
Despite having sensitive teeth, she went liked ice cream. 强调牙齿敏感->尽管牙齿敏感,她还是喜欢吃冰淇淋。

5. Though接从句

在表达让步时,可以用 though,although 和 even though 来替代使用,只是 though,although 和 even though 后面接的是从句,例如:

despite: Despite our repeated criticisms, he remains unchanged.
in spite of: In spite of our repeated criticisms, he remains unchanged.
though/although/even though: Though we criticized repeatedly, he remains unchanged.

【B1-B2-Grammar】06 Contrasting ideas 'although', 'despite' and others-对比概念:“尽管”、“尽管”等