【B1-B2-Grammar】08 Conditionals zero, first and second-条件:零、第一和第二

【B1-B2-Grammar】08 Future continuous and future perfect-将来进行时和将来完成时

Do you know how to use phrases like I’ll be studying or I’ll have finished? Test what you know with interactive exercises and read the explanation to help you.你知道如何使用“我将要学习”或“我将完成”这样的短语吗?通过互动练习测试您所掌握的知识,并阅读说明来帮助您。

Look at these examples to see how the future continuous and future perfect are used.查看这些示例,了解如何使用将来进行时和将来完成时。

In three years’ time, I’ll be studying medicine. 三年后,我将学习医学。
In five years’ time, I’ll have finished studying medicine. 五年后,我将完成医学学业。

Try this exercise to test your grammar.尝试这个练习来测试你的语法。

Grammar test 1-语法测试1

Future continuous and future perfect: 1

Complete the sentences with one word.

  • Question
  1. We’ll have (1) a bit of Korean by the time you come to Seoul. We’re starting classes next week.
  2. By June next year, I (2) have retired from work.
  3. In their retirement, they’ll (3) living in a small house in the mountains.
  4. Take some keys with you – I’ll probably be (4) a shower when you get back.
  5. Next week we’ll (5) been together for two years.
  6. I’m taking the day off on Friday – I (6) be working.
  7. Our table at the restaurant is at 1 p.m. Do you think we’ll have (7) lunch by 3 p.m.?
  8. Come and find me when the film finishes. I’ll be (8) a coffee in the bar next door.
  • Answer
  1. We’ll have (learned|learnt) a bit of Korean by the time you come to Seoul. We’re starting classes next week.
  2. By June next year, I (‘ll|will) have retired from work.
  3. In their retirement, they’ll (be) living in a small house in the mountains.
  4. Take some keys with you – I’ll probably be (having|taking) a shower when you get back.
  5. Next week we’ll (have) been together for two years.
  6. I’m taking the day off on Friday – I (won’t) be working.
  7. Our table at the restaurant is at 1 p.m. Do you think we’ll have (finished|eaten|had) lunch by 3 p.m.?
  8. Come and find me when the film finishes. I’ll be (having|drinking|buying|getting) a coffee in the bar next door.

Read the explanation to learn more.阅读说明以了解更多信息。

Grammar explanation语法解释

Future continuous-将来进行时

We can use the future continuous (will/won’t be + -ing form) to talk about future actions that: 我们可以使用将来进行时(will/wont be + -ing 形式)来谈论未来的行动:

  • will be in progress at a specific time in the future:将在未来的特定时间进行:

When you come out of school tomorrow, I’ll be boarding a plane. 明天你放学的时候我就登机了。
Try to call before 8 o’clock. After that, we‘ll be watching* the match.* 尽量在8点之前打电话。之后,我们将观看比赛。
You can visit us during the first week of July. I won’t be working then. 您可以在七月的第一周访问我们。到时候我就不工作了

  • we see as new, different or temporary:我们认为新的、不同的或暂时的:

Today we’re taking the bus but next week we‘ll be taking* the train.* 今天我们乘公共汽车,但下周我们将乘火车。
He‘ll be staying* with his parents for several months while his father is in recovery.* 在他父亲康复期间,他将和父母住在一起几个月。
Will you be starting work earlier with your new job? 您的新工作会提前开始工作吗?

Future perfect-将来完成时

We use the future perfect simple (will/won’t have + past participle) to talk about something that will be completed before a specific time in the future.我们使用一般将来完成时(will/wont have + 过去分词)来谈论将来某个特定时间之前将完成的事情。

The guests are coming at 8 p.m. I‘ll have finished* cooking by then.* 客人晚上八点就要来。到时候我就已经把饭做好了。
On 9 October we‘ll have been married* for 50 years.* 10 月 9 日,我们就结婚 50 周年了。
*Will you have gone to bed when I get back?*当我回来的时候你会去睡觉吗?

We can use phrases like by or by the time (meaning ‘at some point before’) and in or in a day’s time / in two months’ time / in five years’ time etc. (meaning ‘at the end of this period’) to give the time period in which the action will be completed.我们可以使用诸如 by 或 by the time(意思是“在之前的某个时间点”)和 in or in a day’s time/in两个月的时间/in 五年的时间等短语(意思是“在这段时间结束时” ) 给出完成操作的时间段。

I won’t have written all the reports by next week. 到下周我不会写完所有的报告。
By the time we arrive, the kids will have gone to bed. 当我们到达时,孩子们已经上床睡觉了。
I‘ll have finished* in an hour and then we can watch a film.* 一个小时后我就会完成,然后我们就可以看电影了。
In three years’ time, I‘ll have graduated* from university.* 三年后,我就大学毕业了。

Do this exercise to test your grammar again.做这个练习来再次测试你的语法。

Grammar test 2-语法测试2

Future continuous and future perfect: 2

Complete the sentences with one word.

  • Question
  1. He’s got a new job in Canada. He’ll be (1) in Vancouver from September.
  2. I’m having driving lessons! Hopefully, I’ll have (2) my test by summer.
  3. (3) you be waiting for me at the airport when I arrive?
  4. We’re making a change for the concert tonight! Ali will be singing and Chardine will be (4) the guitar.
  5. I’m afraid I (5) be coming tonight. I have a meeting until late.
  6. In three weeks’ time I’ll (6) lying on the beach in Sabah. I can’t wait!
  7. Let’s call Rory. He’ll (7) arrived by now.
  8. Jake can’t come to the earlier film showing. He won’t have (8) work at that time.
  • Answer
  1. He’s got a new job in Canada. He’ll be (working|living) in Vancouver from September.
  2. I’m having driving lessons! Hopefully, I’ll have (taken|passed) my test by summer.
  3. (Will) you be waiting for me at the airport when I arrive?
  4. We’re making a change for the concert tonight! Ali will be singing and Chardine will be (playing) the guitar.
  5. I’m afraid I (won’t) be coming tonight. I have a meeting until late.
  6. In three weeks’ time I’ll (be) lying on the beach in Sabah. I can’t wait!
  7. Let’s call Rory. He’ll (have) arrived by now.
  8. Jake can’t come to the earlier film showing. He won’t have (finished|left) work at that time.

【B1-B2-Grammar】08 Conditionals zero, first and second-条件:零、第一和第二