【B1-B2-Grammar】09 Future forms 'will', 'be going to' and present continuous-将来形式:“will”、“be getting to”和现在进行时

【B1-B2-Grammar】09 Future forms ‘will’, ‘be going to’ and present continuous-将来形式:“will”、“be getting to”和现在进行时

Do you know how to talk about future plans using will, going to and the present continuous? Test what you know with interactive exercises and read the explanation to help you.你知道如何使用 will、going to 和现在进行时来谈论未来计划吗?通过互动练习测试您所掌握的知识,并阅读说明来帮助您。

Look at these examples to see how will, going to and the present continuous are used.查看这些示例,了解如何使用 will、going to 和现在进行时。

Oh great! That meeting after work’s been cancelled. I’ll go to that yoga class instead. 哦,太好了!下班后的那个会议被取消了。我会去参加那个瑜伽课。
I’m going to try to visit my relatives in Australia this year. 今年我打算去澳大利亚拜访我的亲戚。
The restaurant is reserved for 8. We’re having a drink at Beale’s first. 餐厅可容纳 8 人。我们先在 Beale’s 喝一杯。

Try this exercise to test your grammar.尝试这个练习来测试你的语法。

Grammar test 1-语法测试1

Future plans: 1

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

  • Question
  1. It’s really hot in here. _____ a window.
    I’ll open
    I’m opening
  2. I’ve told my bank to close my account. _____ an account with a more ethical bank.
    I’ll open
    I’m going to open
  3. _____ at a conference on Saturday.
    I’ll speak
    I’m speaking
  4. I’ve decided that _____ to my boss about the situation.
    I’ll speak
    I’m going to speak
  5. I would love to go out with you tomorrow but _____ dinner with James.
    I’ll have
    I’m having
  6. A: Tea or coffee? B: _____ coffee, please.
    I’ll have
    I’m going to have
  7. I want to do more with my free time. I know! I think _____ taking Mandarin lessons.
    I’ll start
    I’m starting
  8. I’ve paid for the course and _____ lessons next week.
    I’ll start
    I’m starting
  • Answer
  1. It’s really hot in here. _____ a window.
    ✔I’ll open
    I’m opening
  2. I’ve told my bank to close my account. _____ an account with a more ethical bank.
    I’ll open
    ✔I’m going to open
  3. _____ at a conference on Saturday.
    I’ll speak
    ✔I’m speaking
  4. I’ve decided that _____ to my boss about the situation.
    I’ll speak
    ✔I’m going to speak
  5. I would love to go out with you tomorrow but _____ dinner with James.
    I’ll have
    ✔I’m having
  6. A: Tea or coffee? B: _____ coffee, please.
    ✔I’ll have
    I’m going to have
  7. I want to do more with my free time. I know! I think _____ taking Mandarin lessons.
    ✔I’ll start
    I’m starting
  8. I’ve paid for the course and _____ lessons next week.
    I’ll start
    ✔I’m starting

Grammar explanation-语法解释

We use different verb forms to talk about our plans for the future, depending on what kind of plan it is: a spontaneous plan, a pre-decided plan or an arrangement. 我们使用不同的动词形式来谈论我们对未来的计划,这取决于它是哪种计划:自发的计划、预先决定的计划或安排。


We use will to talk about spontaneous plans decided at the moment of speaking.我们用意志来谈论在说话那一刻决定的自发计划。

Oops, I forgot to phone Mum! I‘ll* do it after dinner.* 哎呀,我忘了给妈妈打电话了!晚饭后我会打电话。
I can’t decide what to wear tonight. I know! I‘ll* wear my green shirt.* 我无法决定今晚穿什么。我知道!我会穿我的绿色衬衫。
There’s no milk. I‘ll* buy some when I go to the shops.* 没有牛奶了。当我去商店时我会买一些。

going to-即将

We use going to to talk about plans decided before the moment of speaking.我们用going to 来谈论说话之前决定的计划。

I’m going to phone Mum after dinner. I told her I’d call at 8 o’clock. 晚饭后我要给妈妈打电话。我告诉她我八点钟打电话。
I’m going to wear my black dress tonight. 今晚我要穿黑色连衣裙。
I’m going to go to the supermarket after work. What do we need? 下班后我要去超市。我们需要什么?

Present continuous-现在进行时

We usually use the present continuous when the plan is an arrangement – already confirmed with at least one other person and we know the time and place.当计划是一项安排时,我们通常使用现在进行时——已经与至少一个其他人确认并且我们知道时间和地点。

I’m meeting Jane at 8 o’clock on Saturday. 我星期六八点会见简。
We’re having a party next Saturday. Would you like to come? 下周六我们要举办一个聚会。你想不想来?

We often use the present continuous to ask about people’s future plans.我们经常用现在进行时来询问人们未来的计划。

Are you doing anything interesting this weekend? 这个周末你有什么有趣的事吗?

Do this exercise to test your grammar again.做这个练习来再次测试你的语法。

Grammar test 2-语法测试2

Future plans: 2

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

  • Question
  1. I can’t come to class next Monday. _____ a tooth taken out.
    I’ll have
    I’m having
  2. Waitress: And what would you like to drink? Customer: _____ an orange juice, please.
    I’ll have
    I’m going to have
  3. What _____ when you finish university?
    are you doing
    will you do
  4. What _____ this weekend?
    will you do
    are you doing
  5. A: Shall we cook or go out to eat tonight? B: Let’s get takeaway. _____ the number of the pizza place.
    I’ll look for
    I’m looking for
  6. I’m tired of the way the garage always charges me so much for repairs. Next time _____ somewhere cheaper.
    I’m going to look for
    I’m looking for
  7. When I get my pay rise, _____ a bigger flat.
    I’ll get
    I’m going to get
  8. _____ a car! They’ve accepted my offer today.
    I’ll get
    I’m getting
  • Answer
  1. I can’t come to class next Monday. _____ a tooth taken out.
    I’ll have
    ✔I’m having
  2. Waitress: And what would you like to drink? Customer: _____ an orange juice, please.
    ✔I’ll have
    I’m going to have
  3. What _____ when you finish university?
    ✔are you doing
    will you do
  4. What _____ this weekend?
    will you do
    ✔are you doing
  5. A: Shall we cook or go out to eat tonight? B: Let’s get takeaway. _____ the number of the pizza place.
    ✔I’ll look for
    I’m looking for
  6. I’m tired of the way the garage always charges me so much for repairs. Next time _____ somewhere cheaper.
    ✔I’m going to look for
    I’m looking for
  7. When I get my pay rise, _____ a bigger flat.
    I’ll get
    ✔I’m going to get
  8. _____ a car! They’ve accepted my offer today.
    I’ll get
    ✔I’m getting

【B1-B2-Grammar】09 Future forms 'will', 'be going to' and present continuous-将来形式:“will”、“be getting to”和现在进行时