【B1-B2-Grammar】10 Intensifiers 'so' and 'such'-强化词:“如此”和“如此”

【B1-B2-Grammar】10 Intensifiers ‘so’ and ‘such’-强化词:“如此”和“如此”

Do you know how to use the words so and such? Test what you know with interactive exercises and read the explanation to help you.你知道如何使用“某某”这些词吗?通过互动练习测试您所掌握的知识,并阅读说明来帮助您。

Look at these examples to see how so and such are used.查看这些示例,了解如何使用 so 和 such。

She’s so interesting!她真有趣!
This is such an interesting book.这是一本非常有趣的书。
A new phone costs so much money these days.如今一部新手机要花很多钱。
Traffic in the city centre is such a nightmare!市中心的交通真是一场噩梦!

Try this exercise to test your grammar.尝试这个练习来测试你的语法。

Grammar test 1-语法测试1

‘so’ and ‘such’: 1

Write ‘so’ or ‘such’ to complete the sentences.

  • Question
  1. I’m (1) excited about my trip to Canada!
  2. It’s (2) a shame you couldn’t make it to the party.
  3. He worked (3) hard on that proposal.
  4. He’s (4) an amazing cook that I always ask him for recipes.
  5. It always takes (5) much longer to get there when you drive!
  6. We’ve had (6) much rain lately that the river almost flooded.
  7. They could get their project done (7) much more cheaply if they used local suppliers.
  8. My cats have got (8) gorgeous eyes!
  • Answer
  1. I’m (so) excited about my trip to Canada!
  2. It’s (such) a shame you couldn’t make it to the party.
  3. He worked (so) hard on that proposal.
  4. He’s (such) an amazing cook that I always ask him for recipes.
  5. It always takes (so) much longer to get there when you drive!
  6. We’ve had (so) much rain lately that the river almost flooded.
  7. They could get their project done (so) much more cheaply if they used local suppliers.
  8. My cats have got (such) gorgeous eyes!

Read the explanation to learn more.阅读说明以了解更多信息。

Grammar explanation-语法解释

We can use so and such to intensify adjectives, adverbs and nouns.我们可以使用 so 和 such 来强化形容词、副词和名词。

Adjectives and adverbs-形容词和副词

We can use so with an adjective or adverb to make it stronger.我们可以将 so 与形容词或副词一起使用,以使其更强大。

It’s so hot today! 今天真热啊!
She looks so young in that photo. 那张照片中的她看起来很年轻。
He walks so slowly. It’s so annoying! 他走得那么慢。真烦人!

If we are using the comparative form of the adjective or adverb, we use so much to make it stronger.如果我们使用形容词或副词的比较级形式,我们会使用很多来使其更强。

They were so much more innocent when they were younger. 他们年轻时更加天真无邪。
I work so much more quickly when I can concentrate. 当我能够集中注意力时,我的工作速度会更快。


With a noun or adjective + noun, we use such to make it stronger. 对于名词或形容词+名词,我们使用这样的形式来增强其强度。

You’re such an angel! 你真是个天使!
It’s such a hot day today! 今天可真热啊!
They’re such lovely trousers. Where did you buy them? 它们真是太可爱了。你在哪里买的?

However, when we use much, many, little and few with a noun, we use so to make it stronger.然而,当我们在名词上使用 much、many、little 和 Few 时,我们使用 so 来增强其强度。

There are so many people here! 这里的人真多啊!
I’ve had so little time to myself this week. 这周我自己的时间太少了。

Saying the result-说一下结果

We often use these so and such structures with that and a clause to say what the result is.我们经常将这些 so 和 such 结构与 that 和一个子句一起使用来说明结果是什么。

It was so cold that the water in the lake froze. 天太冷了,湖里的水都结冰了。
He was such a good teacher that we all passed the exam. 他是一位非常好的老师,我们都通过了考试。
There’s so much noise that I can’t think! 噪音太大了,我无法思考!

Do this exercise to test your grammar again.做这个练习来再次测试你的语法。

Grammar test 2-语法测试2

‘so’ and ‘such’: 2

Write ‘so’ or ‘such’ to complete the sentences.

  • Question
  1. It was (1) a beautiful painting that she decided to hang it in the living room.
  2. There are (2) many things to do before we move house!
  3. You planned this essay (3) much more carefully this time. Well done!
  4. It’s (4) a hassle when you lose your wallet, with all the things you have to cancel and replace!
  5. It was (5) kind of him to help me that I bought him some flowers to say thank you.
  6. I thought this season was (6) much better than the last. I watched all the episodes in one weekend!
  7. I’ve never had (7) hard-working students before!
  8. They go to their local restaurant (8) regularly that all the staff know their names.
  • Answer
  1. It was (such) a beautiful painting that she decided to hang it in the living room.
  2. There are (so) many things to do before we move house!
  3. You planned this essay (so) much more carefully this time. Well done!
  4. It’s (such) a hassle when you lose your wallet, with all the things you have to cancel and replace!
  5. It was (so) kind of him to help me that I bought him some flowers to say thank you.
  6. I thought this season was (so) much better than the last. I watched all the episodes in one weekend!
  7. I’ve never had (such) hard-working students before!
  8. They go to their local restaurant (so) regularly that all the staff know their names.

【B1-B2-Grammar】10 Intensifiers 'so' and 'such'-强化词:“如此”和“如此”