【B1-B2-Grammar】15 Passives-被动语态

【B1-B2-Grammar】15 Passives-被动语态

Do you know how to use the passive voice to change the focus of a sentence? Test what you know with interactive exercises and read the explanation to help you.你知道如何使用被动语态来改变句子的焦点吗?通过互动练习测试您所掌握的知识,并阅读说明来帮助您。

Look at these examples to see how the passive voice is used.查看这些示例,了解如何使用被动语态。

A lot of olive oil is produced in Italy. 意大利生产大量橄榄油。
This book was written by Angela Davis. 这本书的作者是安吉拉·戴维斯。
The suspect will be released tomorrow. 嫌疑人将于明天被释放。
This product has not been tested on animals. 该产品尚未在动物身上进行测试。

Try this exercise to test your grammar.尝试这个练习来测试你的语法。

Grammar test 1-语法测试1

Passives: 1

Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

  • Question
  1. The Egyptian pyramids ___ thousands of years ago.
    are built
    been built
    were built
  2. Your letter ___ within 28 days.
    will be answer
    will be answered
    will answer
  3. Chocolate ___ for over 4,000 years.
    has been produce
    is been produced
    has been produced
  4. I don’t know who ___ my bike.
    is stolen
    was stolen
  5. My car ___ this week, so I’m going to work by bus.
    is being repaired
    is been repair
    is repairing
  6. Not enough of our rubbish ___.
    is recycled
    is recycle
  7. The fire service still ___ the fire.
    wasn’t put out
    is put out
    haven’t put out
  8. The underground connection ___ when I moved into the house.
    is still being built
    was still being built
    was still building
  • Answer
  1. The Egyptian pyramids ___ thousands of years ago.
    are built
    been built
    ✔were built
  2. Your letter ___ within 28 days.
    will be answer
    ✔will be answered
    will answer
  3. Chocolate ___ for over 4,000 years.
    has been produce
    is been produced
    ✔has been produced
  4. I don’t know who ___ my bike.
    is stolen
    was stolen
  5. My car ___ this week, so I’m going to work by bus.
    ✔is being repaired
    is been repair
    is repairing
  6. Not enough of our rubbish ___.
    ✔is recycled
    is recycle
  7. The fire service still ___ the fire.
    wasn’t put out
    is put out
    ✔haven’t put out
  8. The underground connection ___ when I moved into the house.
    is still being built
    ✔was still being built
    was still building

Read the explanation to learn more.阅读说明以了解更多信息。

Grammar explanation-语法解释

We use the passive voice to change the focus of the sentence. 我们使用被动语态来改变句子的焦点。

My bike was stolen. (passive – focus on my bike)我的自行车被偷了。 (被动——专注于我的自行车)
Someone stole my bike.有人偷了我的自行车。(active – focus on someone)(主动——专注于某人)

We often use the passive:我们经常使用被动语态:

  • when we prefer not to mention who or what does the action (for example, it’s not known, it’s obvious or we don’t want to say)当我们不想提及谁或做了什么动作时(例如,未知、显而易见或我们不想说)
  • so that we can start a sentence with the most important or most logical information 这样我们就可以用最重要或最合乎逻辑的信息开始一个句子
  • in more formal or scientific writing. 在更正式或科学的写作中。

How we make the passive-我们如何使被动语态

We make the passive using the verb be + past participle. We start the sentence with the object.我们使用动词 be + 过去分词来构成被动语态。我们以宾语开始句子。

Avatar阿凡达 was曾是 directed by James Cameron.由詹姆斯·卡梅隆执导。
↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓
Object目的 + be ++ 是 + past participle过去分词

It is not always necessary to add who or what did the action.并不总是需要添加谁或什么执行了该操作。

My flight我的航班 is被 cancelled.取消。
↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓
Object目的 + be ++ 是 + past participle过去分词

Only the form of be changes to make the tense. The past participle stays the same. Here are examples of the passive in its most common tenses. 只是改变be的形式来构成时态。过去分词保持不变。以下是最常见时态的被动语态示例。

Tense紧张 Example例子 Structure结构
Present simple一般现在时 Alioli is made from oil, garlic and salt.蒜泥奥利奥利是由油、大蒜和盐制成的。 is/are + past participle
is/are + 过去分词
Present continuous现在进行时 The hall is being painted this week.大厅本周正在粉刷。 is/are being + past participle
is/are being + 过去分词
Past simple一般过去时 John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.1963 年,约翰·F·肯尼迪遇刺身亡。 was/were + past participle
was/were + 过去分词
Past continuous过去进行时 The signs were being put up last week.这些标志已于上周竖起。 was/were being + past participle
was/were being + 过去分词
Present perfect现在完成时 Oranges have been grown here for centuries.这里种植橙子已经有几个世纪了。 has/have been + past participle
has/have been+过去分词
Past perfect过去完成时 When he got home, he found that his flat had been burgled.当他回到家时,他发现自己的公寓被盗了。 had been + past participle
had been+过去分词
Future simple一般将来时 The work will be finished next week.这项工作将于下周完成。 will be + past participle
will be+过去分词

Do this exercise to test your grammar again.做这个练习来再次测试你的语法。

Grammar test 2-语法测试2

Passives: 2

Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

  • Question
  1. All our lamps ___ from original 1950s designs.
    is produced
    are produced
  2. Mistakes ___, but we’re working on a solution now.
    have been make
    are been made
    have been made
  3. Someone ___ my wallet and left it at reception.
    had found
    had been found
    was found
  4. My phone ___ last week, so I didn’t get your message until today.
    was being fixed
    was been fix
    was fixing
  5. A lot of time ___ on pointless meetings in this company.
    is wasted
    is waste
  6. Your application ___ by the end of the month.
    will be review
    will be reviewed
    will review
  7. Someone ___ my talk at the conference and recommended me as a speaker.
    was seen
    had been seen
  8. The suspect ___ near the French border.
    was caught
    were caught
  • Answer
  1. All our lamps ___ from original 1950s designs.
    is produced
    ✔are produced
  2. Mistakes ___, but we’re working on a solution now.
    have been make
    are been made
    ✔have been made
  3. Someone ___ my wallet and left it at reception.
    ✔had found
    had been found
    was found
  4. My phone ___ last week, so I didn’t get your message until today.
    ✔was being fixed
    was been fix
    was fixing
  5. A lot of time ___ on pointless meetings in this company.
    ✔is wasted
    is waste
  6. Your application ___ by the end of the month.
    will be review
    ✔will be reviewed
    will review
  7. Someone ___ my talk at the conference and recommended me as a speaker.
    was seen
    had been seen
  8. The suspect ___ near the French border.
    ✔was caught
    were caught

【B1-B2-Grammar】15 Passives-被动语态