【B1-B2-Grammar】19 Phrasal verbs-动词短语

【B1-B2-Grammar】19 Phrasal verbs-动词短语

Do you know how to use verbs in phrases like pick the kids up, turn the music down and look after my cat? Test what you know with interactive exercises and read the explanation to help you. 你知道如何在诸如“pick the kids up”、“turn the music down”和“look after my cat”之类的短语中使用动词吗? 通过互动练习测试您所掌握的知识,并阅读说明来帮助您。

Look at these examples to see how phrasal verbs are used.查看这些示例,了解如何使用短语动词。

This is the form. Please can you fill it in ? 这是表格。请问你可以填写一下吗?
Why are you bringing that argument up now? 你为什么现在提出这个论点吗?
Police are looking into connections between the two crimes. 警察是调查两起犯罪行为之间的联系。
We need to come up with a solution. 我们需要想出一个解决办法。

Try this exercise to test your grammar. 尝试这个练习来测试你的语法。

Grammar test 1-语法测试1

Phrasal verbs: 1

Put the words in the correct order.

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Read the explanation to learn more.阅读说明以了解更多信息。

Grammar explanation-语法解释

Phrasal verbs are very common in English, especially in more informal contexts. They are made up of a verb and a particle or, sometimes, two particles. The particle often changes the meaning of the verb. 短语动词在英语中非常常见,尤其是在非正式的上下文中。它们由一个动词和一个助词组成,有时由两个助词组成。助词经常改变动词的含义。

I called Jen to see how she was. (call = to telephone) 我打电话给珍,看看她怎么样了。 (呼叫 = 拨打电话)
They’ve called off the meeting. 他们取消了会议。(call off = to cancel)(call off = 取消)

In terms of word order, there are two main types of phrasal verb: separable and inseparable. 从词序来看,短语动词主要有两种类型:可分离的和不可分离的。


With separable phrasal verbs, the verb and particle can be apart or together. 对于可分离短语动词,动词和助词可以分开,也可以在一起。

They’ve called the meeting off. 他们取消了会议。
They’ve called off the meeting. 他们已经取消了会议。

However, separable phrasal verbs must be separated when you use a personal pronoun. 但是,当您使用人称代词时,可分离短语动词必须分开。

The meeting? They’ve called it off . 会议?他们已经取消了。

Here are some common separable phrasal verbs: 以下是一些常见的可分离短语动词:

I didn’t want to bring the situation up at the meeting. 我不想在会议上提出这个情况。
(bring up = start talking about a particular subject)(提出=开始谈论某个特定主题)

Please can you fill this form in ? 请您填写这张表格好吗?
(fill in = write information in a form or document)(填写=在表格或文件中写入信息)

I’ll pick you up from the station at 8 p.m. 晚上八点我会到车站接你。
(pick up = collect someone in a car or other vehicle to take them somewhere)(pick up = 用汽车或其他车辆接人,带他们去某个地方)

She turned the job down because she didn’t want to move to Glasgow. 她拒绝了这份工作,因为她不想搬到格拉斯哥。
(turn down = to not accept an offer)(拒绝=不接受要约)


Some phrasal verbs cannot be separated. 有些动词短语是不能分开的。

Who looks after the baby when you’re at work? 你上班的时候谁照顾孩子?

Even when there is a personal pronoun, the verb and particle remain together.即使有人称代词,动词和助词仍然在一起。

Who looks after her when you’re at work? 你上班的时候谁照顾她?

Here are some common non-separable phrasal verbs: 以下是一些常见的不可分离短语动词:

I came across your email when I was clearing my inbox. 我在清理收件箱时看到了你的电子邮件。
(come across = to find something by chance)(偶然发现=偶然发现某事)

The caterpillar turned into a beautiful butterfly. 毛毛虫变成了一只美丽的蝴蝶。
(turn into = become)(变成=成为)

It was quite a major operation. It took months to get over it and feel normal again. 这是一次相当大的手术。我花了几个月的时间才克服它并再次感觉正常。
(get over = recover from something)(克服=从某件事中恢复过来)

We are aware of the problem and we are looking into it. 我们已经意识到这个问题,并且正在调查它。
(look into = investigate)(调查=调查)

Some multi-word verbs are inseparable simply because they don’t take an object.有些多词动词是不可分离的,仅仅因为它们不带宾语。

I get up at 7 a.m. 我早上7点起床

With two particles-两个部分

Phrasal verbs with two particles are also inseparable. Even if you use a personal pronoun, you put it after the particles. 带有两个助词的短语动词也是不可分割的。即使您使用人称代词,也要将其放在助词后面。

Who came up with that idea? 谁想出了这个主意?
(come up with = think of an idea or plan)(想出=想到一个想法或计划)

Let’s get rid of these old magazines to make more space. 我们把这些旧杂志扔掉吧,腾出更多空间。
(get rid of = remove or become free of something that you don’t want)(摆脱=删除或摆脱你不想要的东西)

I didn’t really get on with my stepbrother when I was a teenager. 当我十几岁的时候,我和我的继兄弟相处得并不好。
(get on with = like and be friendly towards someone)(相处=喜欢并对某人友善)

Can you hear that noise all the time? I don’t know how you put up with it. 你能一直听到这种声音吗?我不知道你是怎么忍受的。
(put up with = tolerate something difficult or annoying)(忍受=忍受困难或烦人的事情)

The concert’s on Friday. I’m really looking forward to it. 音乐会于周五举行。我真的非常期待。
(look forward to = be happy and excited about something that is going to happen)(期待=对即将发生的事情感到高兴和兴奋)

Do this exercise to test your grammar again.做这个练习来再次测试你的语法。

Grammar test 2-语法测试2

Phrasal verbs: 2

Put the words in the correct order.

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【B1-B2-Grammar】19 Phrasal verbs-动词短语