【B1-B2-Grammar】22 Present perfect 'just', 'yet', 'still' and 'already'-现在完成时:“刚刚”、“还”、“仍然”和“已经”

【B1-B2-Grammar】22 Present perfect ‘just’, ‘yet’, ‘still’ and ‘already’-现在完成时:“刚刚”、“还”、“仍然”和“已经”

Do you know how to use just, yet, still and already with the present perfect? Test what you know with interactive exercises and read the explanation to help you.你知道如何用“just”、“yet”、“still”和“already”来搭配现在完成时吗?通过互动练习测试您所掌握的知识,并阅读说明来帮助您。

Look at these examples to see how just, yet, still and already are used.查看这些示例,了解如何使用 just、yet、still 和 had。

I’ve just seen Sai. He’s really enjoying his new job.我刚刚见过赛伊。他真的很喜欢他的新工作。
We haven’t decided what to do yet.我们还没有决定要做什么。
I still haven’t called Yumi to see how she is.我还没有给由美打电话看看她怎么样了。
I’ve already had lunch but I’ll join you for coffee.我已经吃过午饭了,但我会和你一起喝咖啡。

Try this exercise to test your grammar.尝试这个练习来测试你的语法。

Grammar test 2-语法测试2

Using ‘have’ and ‘have got’: 2

Choose the correct words.

  • Question
  1. My grandfather ______ got a white beard.
  • Answer
  1. My grandfather ______ got a white beard.

Read the explanation to learn more.阅读说明以了解更多信息。

Grammar explanation语法解释

We often use just, yet, still and already with the present perfect because they are related to the present moment. This page focuses on the meaning and use of these words when they are used with the present perfect.我们经常将 just、youth、still 和 alread 与现在完成时一起使用,因为它们与当前时刻相关。本页重点介绍这些单词与现在完成时一起使用时的含义和用法。


Just used with the present perfect means ‘a short time before’.Just 与现在完成时一起使用表示“不久之前”。

I’ve just seen Susan coming out of the cinema.我刚刚看到苏珊从电影院出来。
Mike’s just called. Can you ring him back, please?迈克刚刚打来电话。请你给他回电话好吗?
Have you just taken my pen?!你刚刚拿走了我的笔吗?

Just comes between the auxiliary verb (have/has) and the past participle.只是出现在助动词(have/has)和过去分词之间。


Yet used with the present perfect means ‘at any time up to now’. We use it to emphasise that we expect something to happen soon. Yet (in this context) is only used in negative sentences and questions.Yet 与现在完成时一起使用表示“迄今为止的任何时间”。我们用它来强调我们期望很快就会发生一些事情。然而(在这种情况下)仅用于否定句和疑问句。

Have you finished your homework yet?你做完功课了吗?
I haven’t finished it yet. I’ll do it after dinner.我还没做完呢。晚饭后我会做。
A. Where’s Sam? B: He hasn’t arrived yet.A. 萨姆在哪儿? B:他还没来。

Yet comes at the end of the sentence or question.Yet出现在句子或问题的末尾。


Still used with the present perfect means that something hasn’t happened. We use it to emphasise that we expected the thing to happen earlier. Still (in this context) is only used in negative sentences.仍然与现在完成时一起使用意味着某事还没有发生。我们用它来强调我们预计事情会更早发生。 Still(在这种情况下)仅用于否定句。

I’ve been waiting for an hour and the bus still hasn’t come.我已经等了一个小时了,公共汽车还没有来。
They promised me that report yesterday but they still haven’t finished it.他们昨天答应给我那份报告,但还没完成。
She still hasn’t replied to my email. Maybe she’s on holiday.她还没有回复我的电子邮件。也许她正在度假。

Still comes between the subject (the bus, they, etc.) and auxiliary verb (haven’t/hasn’t).Still 位于主语(巴士、they 等)和助动词(haven’t/hasn’t)之间。


Already used with the present perfect means ‘before now’. We use it to emphasise that something happened before something else or earlier than expected.与现在完成时一起使用表示“现在之前”。我们用它来强调某件事发生在另一件事之前或早于预期。

I’ve already spent my salary and it’s two weeks before payday.
He wanted to see
Sudden Risk *but I’ve already seen it.
The train’s left already!*我的工资已经花完了,距离发薪日还有两周。 他想看《突如其来的风险》,但我已经看过了。 火车已经开走了!

Already can come between the auxiliary and the main verb or at the end of the clause.Already 可以出现在助动词和主要动词之间,或者出现在从句的末尾。

Do this exercise to test your grammar again.做这个练习来再次测试你的语法。

Grammar test 2-语法测试2

Using ‘have’ and ‘have got’: 2

Choose the correct words.

  • Question
  1. My grandfather ______ got a white beard.
  • Answer
  1. My grandfather ______ got a white beard.

【B1-B2-Grammar】22 Present perfect 'just', 'yet', 'still' and 'already'-现在完成时:“刚刚”、“还”、“仍然”和“已经”