【B1-B2-Grammar】23 Question tags-疑问标签

【B1-B2-Grammar】23 Question tags-疑问标签

Do you know how to use question tags like is he and didn’t you? Test what you know with interactive exercises and read the explanation to help you.您知道如何使用疑问标签,例如 is he 和 did you 吗?通过互动练习测试您所掌握的知识,并阅读说明来帮助您。

Look at these examples to see how question tags are used.查看这些示例以了解如何使用问题标签。

You haven’t seen this film, have you? 你还没看过这部电影吧?
Your sister lives in Spain, doesn’t she? 你姐姐住在西班牙,不是吗?
He can’t drive, can he? 他不会开车,是吗?

Try this exercise to test your grammar.尝试这个练习来测试你的语法。

Grammar test 1-语法测试1

Question tags: 1

Choose the correct question tag.

  • Question
  1. You’ll be there, _____?
    won’t you
    wouldn’t you
  2. I’m next, _____?
    aren’t I
    I aren’t
  3. Angela already knew him, _____?
    knew she
    didn’t she
  4. We’ve never met, _____?
    haven’t we
    have we
  5. Joni and Sal don’t like me, _____?
    do they
    do I
  6. He was dating that celebrity chef, _____?
    didn’t he
    wasn’t he
  7. You wouldn’t lie to me, _____?
    wouldn’t you
    would you
  8. They aren’t serious, _____?
    are they
    do they
  • Answer
  1. You’ll be there, _____?
    won’t you
    wouldn’t you
  2. I’m next, _____?
    aren’t I
    I aren’t
  3. Angela already knew him, _____?
    knew she
    didn’t she
  4. We’ve never met, _____?
    haven’t we
    have we
  5. Joni and Sal don’t like me, _____?
    do they
    do I
  6. He was dating that celebrity chef, _____?
    didn’t he
    wasn’t he
  7. You wouldn’t lie to me, _____?
    wouldn’t you
    would you
  8. They aren’t serious, _____?
    are they
    do they

Read the explanation to learn more.阅读说明以了解更多信息。

Grammar explanation-语法解释

We can add question tags like isn’t it?, can you? or didn’t they? to a statement to make it into a question. Question tags are more common in speaking than writing.我们可以添加问题标签,比如不是吗?可以吗?或者他们没有?将一个陈述变成一个问题。问题标签在口语中比在写作中更常见。

We often use question tags when we expect the listener to agree with our statement. In this case, when the statement is positive, we use a negative question tag.当我们希望听众同意我们的陈述时,我们经常使用问题标签。在这种情况下,当陈述是肯定的时,我们使用否定问号。

She‘s* a doctor, isn’t she?* 她是一名医生,不是吗?
Yesterday was so much fun, wasn’t it? 昨天真是太有趣了,不是吗?

If the statement is negative, we use a positive question tag. 如果陈述是否定的,我们使用肯定的问号。

He isn’t here, is he? 他不在这儿,是吗?
The trains are never on time, are they? 火车从来都不准时,是吗?
Nobody has called for me, have they? 他们没有人叫我,是吗?

If we are sure or almost sure that the listener will confirm that our statement is correct, we say the question tag with a falling intonation. If we are a bit less sure, we say the question tag with a rising intonation. 如果我们确定或几乎确定听众会确认我们的陈述是正确的,我们就会用降调说问号。如果我们不太确定,我们会用升调说问号。


If there is an auxiliary verb in the statement, we use it to form the question tag.如果陈述中有助动词,我们用它来构成疑问句。

I don’t need to finish this today, do I? 我今天不需要完成这个,是吗?
James is working on that, isn’t he? 詹姆斯正在努力解决这个问题,不是吗?
Your parents have retired, haven’t they? 你的父母已经退休了,不是吗?
The phone didn’t ring, did it? 电话没有响,是吗?
It was raining that day, wasn’t it? 那天下雨了,不是吗?
Your mum hadn’t met him before, had she? 你妈妈以前没见过他,是吗?

Sometimes there is no auxiliary verb already in the statement. For example, when:有时陈述中没有助动词。例如,当:

… the verb in the statement is present simple or past simple and is positive. Here we use don’t, doesn’t or didn’t:…陈述中的动词是简单现在时或过去简单且是肯定的。这里我们使用 don’t、don’t 或 did not:

Jenni eats cheese, doesn’t she? 珍妮吃奶酪,不是吗?
I said that already, didn’t I? 我已经说过了,不是吗?

… the verb in the statement is to be in the present simple or past simple. In this case we use to be to make the question tag:…陈述中的动词是现在简单或过去简单。在这种情况下,我们使用 be 来制作问题标签:

The bus stop‘s* over there, isn’t it?* 公共汽车站就在那边,不是吗?
None of those customers were happy, were they? 这些顾客没有很高兴,不是吗?

… the verb in the statement is a modal verb. Here we use the modal verb to make the question tag:…陈述中的动词是情态动词。这里我们使用情态动词来制作问号:

They could hear me, couldn’t they? 他们能听到我的声音,不是吗?
You won’t tell anyone, will you? 你不会告诉任何人,是吗?

If the main verb or auxiliary verb in the statement is am, the positive question tag is am I? but the negative question tag is usually aren’t I?:如果陈述句中的主动词或助动词是 am,则肯定疑问句是 am I?但否定疑问句标签通常是“不是吗?”:

I‘m never* on time, am I?* 我从来都不准时,是吗?
I‘m* going to get an email with the details, aren’t I?* 我会收到一封包含详细信息的电子邮件,不是吗?

Do this exercise to test your grammar again.做这个练习来再次测试你的语法。

Grammar test 2-语法测试2

Question tags: 2

Choose the correct question tag.

  • Question
  1. Aki didn’t say much, _____?
    had he
    did he
  2. I wasn’t rude, _____?
    was I
    wasn’t I
  3. We should have turned left, _____?
    haven’t we
    shouldn’t we
  4. None of the printers are working, _____?
    are they
    aren’t they
  5. I’m giving the next presentation, _____?
    aren’t I
    I aren’t
  6. She can’t meet on Mondays, _____?
    could she
    can she
  7. You usually take the bus, _____?
    don’t you
    doesn’t you
  8. Selim and Jess had been seeing each other for years, _____?
    hadn’t they
    been they
  • Answer
  1. Aki didn’t say much, _____?
    had he
    did he
  2. I wasn’t rude, _____?
    was I
    wasn’t I
  3. We should have turned left, _____?
    haven’t we
    shouldn’t we
  4. None of the printers are working, _____?
    are they
    aren’t they
  5. I’m giving the next presentation, _____?
    aren’t I
    I aren’t
  6. She can’t meet on Mondays, _____?
    could she
    can she
  7. You usually take the bus, _____?
    don’t you
    doesn’t you
  8. Selim and Jess had been seeing each other for years, _____?
    hadn’t they
    been they