【B1-B2-Grammar】28 Reported speech reporting verbs-报告言语 报告动词

【B1-B2-Grammar】28 Reported speech reporting verbs-报告言语 报告动词

Do you know how to tell someone what another person said using reporting verbs? Test what you know with interactive exercises and read the explanation to help you. 你知道如何使用报告动词告诉别人别人说的话吗? 通过互动练习测试您所掌握的知识,并阅读说明来帮助您。

Look at these examples to see how reporting verbs are used. 查看这些示例,了解如何使用报告动词。

direct speech: ‘You should come, it’s going to be a lot of fun,’ she said. 直接引语:“你应该来,这会很有趣,”她说。
indirect speech: She persuaded me to come. 间接引语:她说服我来。

direct speech: ‘Wait here,’ he said. 直接引语:“在这里等一下,”他说。
indirect speech: He told us to wait there. 间接引语:他让我们在那里等。

direct speech: ‘It wasn’t me who finished the coffee,’ he said. 直接引语:“咖啡不是我喝完的,”他说。
indirect speech: He denied finishing the coffee. 间接引语:他否认喝完咖啡。

Try this exercise to test your grammar.尝试这个练习来测试你的语法。

Grammar test 1-语法测试1

Using ‘have’ and ‘have got’: 2

Choose the correct words.

  • Question
  1. My grandfather ______ got a white beard.
  • Answer
  1. My grandfather ______ got a white beard.

Grammar explanation-语法解释

When we tell someone what another person said, we often use the verbs say, tell or ask. These are called ‘reporting verbs’. However, we can also use other reporting verbs. Many reporting verbs can be followed by another verb in either an infinitive or an -ing form. 当我们告诉某人另一个人说的话时,我们经常使用动词说、告诉或询问。这些被称为“报告动词”。然而,我们也可以使用其他报告动词。许多报告动词后面可以跟另一个不定式或 -ing 形式的动词。

Reporting verb + infinitive报告动词+不定式

Verbs like advise, agree, challenge, claim, decide, demand, encourage, invite, offer, persuade, promise, refuse and remind can follow an infinitive pattern. 诸如建议、同意、挑战、主张、决定、要求、鼓励、邀请、提供、说服、承诺、拒绝和提醒等动词可以遵循不定式模式。

‘Let’s see. I’ll have the risotto, please.’ “让我们来看看。请给我一份意大利调味饭。”

  • He decided to have the risotto. 他决定吃意大利调味饭。

‘I’ll do the report by Friday, for sure.’ “我肯定会在周五之前完成报告。”

  • She promised to do the report by Friday. 她承诺在周五之前完成报告。

‘It’s not a good idea to write your passwords down.’ “写下密码不是一个好主意。”

  • They advised us not to write our passwords down. 他们建议我们不要写下密码。

We can also use an infinitive to report imperatives, with a reporting verb like tell, order, instruct, direct or warn.我们还可以使用不定式来报告祈使语气,并使用报告动词,如告诉、命令、指示、直接或警告。

‘Please wait for me in reception.’ “请在接待处等我。”

  • The guide told us to wait for her in reception. 导游让我们在接待处等她。

‘Don’t go in there!’ “别进去!”

  • The police officer warned us not to go in there. 警察警告我们不要进去。

Reporting verb + -ing form 报告动词+-ing形式

Verbs like admit, apologise for, complain about, deny, insist on, mention and suggest can follow an -ing form pattern.像承认、道歉、抱怨、否认、坚持、提及和建议这样的动词可以遵循 -ing 形式模式。

‘I broke the window.’ “我打破了窗户。”

  • She admitted breaking the window. 她承认打破了窗户。

‘I’m really sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner.’ “我真的很抱歉没有早点回复你。”

  • He apologised for not getting back to me sooner. 他为没有早点回复我而道歉。

‘Let’s take a break.’ “休息一下吧。”

  • She suggested taking a break. 她建议休息一下。

Do this exercise to test your grammar again.做这个练习来再次测试你的语法。

Grammar test 2-语法测试2

Using ‘have’ and ‘have got’: 2

Choose the correct words.

  • Question
  1. My grandfather ______ got a white beard.
  • Answer
  1. My grandfather ______ got a white beard.

【B1-B2-Grammar】28 Reported speech reporting verbs-报告言语 报告动词