【B1-B2-Grammar】32 Using 'as' and 'like'-使用“as”和“like”

【B1-B2-Grammar】32 Using ‘as’ and ‘like’-使用“as”和“like”

Do you know how to use like and as? Test what you know with interactive exercises and read the explanation to help you.你知道如何使用like和as吗?通过互动练习测试您所掌握的知识,并阅读说明来帮助您。

Look at these examples to see how as and like are used.查看这些示例以了解如何使用 as 和 like。

I worked as an actor for two years. 我当了两年演员。
I went home early as I felt ill. 因为我感觉不舒服,我很早就回家了。
He looks as if he hasn’t slept. 他看起来好像还没睡。
As you know, this is the third time I’ve had to complain. 如你所知,这是我第三次不得不抱怨。
He looks like his dad. 他看起来像他爸爸。
She’s like a sister to me. 她对我来说就像一个姐妹。
Try to do something relaxing, like reading a book or having a bath. 尝试做一些放松的事情,比如看书或洗澡。

Try this exercise to test your grammar.尝试这个练习来测试你的语法。

Grammar test 1-语法测试1

‘as’ and ‘like’: 1

Complete the sentences with ‘as’ or ‘like’.

  • Question
  1. () you know, the factory will shut down in May.
  2. I’m looking for a job () a diving instructor.
  3. I was so tired. I slept () a baby.
  4. Study as hard () you can and I’m sure you’ll pass your exams.
  5. He wants to be a nurse () he loves helping people.
  6. This song sounds () David Bowie.
  7. I made a mistake but I just continued () if nothing had happened.
  8. The music was playing () they walked into the church.
  • Answer
  1. (As) you know, the factory will shut down in May.
  2. I’m looking for a job (as) a diving instructor.
  3. I was so tired. I slept (like) a baby.
  4. Study as hard (as) you can and I’m sure you’ll pass your exams.
  5. He wants to be a nurse (as) he loves helping people.
  6. This song sounds (like) David Bowie.
  7. I made a mistake but I just continued (as) if nothing had happened.
  8. The music was playing (as) they walked into the church.

Read the explanation to learn more.阅读说明以了解更多信息。

Grammar explanation语法解释

as and like are often confused since they can both be used for comparisons. There are, however, important differences.as 和 like 经常被混淆,因为它们都可以用于比较。然而,也存在重要的差异。

Making comparisons进行比较

as + adjective + as and as much as as + 形容词 + as 和 as much as

We often use the structure as + adjective + as or as much as to say if something has, or doesn’t have, the same amount of that quality as something else. 我们经常使用 as + 形容词 + as 或 as much to 的结构来表示某事物是否具有或不具有与其他事物相同的质量。

She loves curry as much as I do. 她和我一样喜欢咖喱。
He’s not as tall as his brother. 他没有他哥哥那么高。
It’s not as expensive as the other hotel. 它不像其他酒店那么贵。
That dog is as big as that child! 那只狗和那个孩子一样大!

You also have to use as in the expression the same as.您还必须在表达式中使用 as 相同。

Your phone is the same as mine. 你的手机和我的一样。
Texting is not the same as speaking in person. 短信与面对面交谈不同。

like + noun like+名词

In the following comparisons, like is followed by a noun or a pronoun to say that two things are similar.在下面的比较中,like 后面接名词或代词,表示两件事相似。

He’s like a father to me. 对我来说就像一个父亲。
She’s acting like a child. 表现得像个孩子。
It’s like a burger but with big mushrooms instead of bread. 就像一个汉堡,但用的是大蘑菇而不是面包。
There are lots of people like us. 我们这样的人还有很多。

It is also common to make comparisons using like with verbs of the senses.使用 like 与感官动词进行比较也很常见。

She looks like her mother. 看起来像她的母亲。
It sounds like a cat. 起来像一只猫。
Nothing tastes like homemade lemonade. 有什么味道比得上自制柠檬水。
It smells like medicine. 起来像药。
It feels like cotton. 觉像棉花一样。

as if/as though + clause as if/as though + clause

As if and as though can be used to compare a real situation to an imaginary situation. They are followed by a clause (a subject and verb).As if 和 as if 可用于将真实情况与想象情况进行比较。它们后面跟着一个从句(主语和动词)。

You look as if you’ve seen a ghost. 看上去就像见了鬼一样。
I felt as if I was floating above the ground. 感觉自己好像漂浮在地面之上。
You talk as though we’re never going to see each other again. 说得好像我们再也见不到一样。

Giving examples举例说明

We can say like or such as to give examples. 我们可以说“like”或“such as”来举例。

You could try a team sport like football, basketball or hockey. 可以尝试团队运动,如足球、篮球或曲棍球。
You should take something soft, such as a towel, to lie on. 应该带一些柔软的东西(例如毛巾)躺在上面。

Talking about a job or function谈论工作或职能

We can use as + noun to talk about a job or function. 我们可以使用 as + 名词来谈论工作或职能。

I worked as a shop assistant for two years. 当了两年店员。
He used his coat as a blanket to keep warm. 用外套当毯子保暖。

as to connect two phrases as 连接两个短语

as can be used as a conjunction to connect two phrases. It can have different meanings.as 可以用作连词来连接两个短语。它可以有不同的含义。

as = ‘because’ as = ‘因为’

All the tickets were sold out as we got there too late. 于我们到的太晚了,所有的票都卖完了。
As the road was closed, I had to park on the next street. 于道路封闭,我不得不把车停在旁边的街道上。

as = ‘while’ or ‘during the time that’ as = ‘同时’ 或 ‘在那段时间’

She called as I was getting out of the bath. 刚洗完澡,她就打来电话。
As they were arriving, we were leaving. 他们到达时,我们就要离开。

as = ‘in the way that’ as = ‘以这样的方式’

As we expected, it started to rain. 如我们所料,天开始下雨了。
As you know, classes restart on 15 January. 您所知,课程将于 1 月 15 日重新开始。
As I said, I think this project will be a challenge. 如我所说,我认为这个项目将是一个挑战。

Note that in informal speech, people sometimes say like for ‘in the way that’. 请注意,在非正式演讲中,人们有时会说“like”表示“in the way that”。

Like I said, I didn’t know her. 像我说的,我不认识她。

Do this exercise to test your grammar again.做这个练习来再次测试你的语法。

Grammar test 2-语法测试2

‘as’ and ‘like’: 2

Complete the sentences with ‘as’ or ‘like’.

  • Question
  1. She worked () a journalist before writing her first novel.
  2. You look just () your mother when you smile.
  3. We’ve only just met, but I feel () though I’ve known you all my life.
  4. They said I didn’t have () much experience as the other candidate.
  5. () we were late, we had to get an expensive taxi.
  6. I slept on the train, using my jacket () a pillow.
  7. Many fruit trees need insects () bees and butterflies to help them produce fruit.
  8. I like listening to music () I do the ironing.
  • Answer
  1. She worked (as) a journalist before writing her first novel.
  2. You look just (like) your mother when you smile.
  3. We’ve only just met, but I feel (as) though I’ve known you all my life.
  4. They said I didn’t have (as) much experience as the other candidate.
  5. (As) we were late, we had to get an expensive taxi.
  6. I slept on the train, using my jacket (as) a pillow.
  7. Many fruit trees need insects (like) bees and butterflies to help them produce fruit.
  8. I like listening to music (as) I do the ironing.

【B1-B2-Grammar】32 Using 'as' and 'like'-使用“as”和“like”