【B1-B2-Grammar】36 Wishes-'wish' and 'if only'-愿望:“希望”和“如果只是”

【B1-B2-Grammar】36 Wishes ‘wish’ and ‘if only’-愿望:“希望”和“如果只是”

Do you know how to use wish and if only to talk about things you would like to change? Test what you know with interactive exercises and read the explanation to help you.你知道如何使用“wish”和“if only”来谈论你想改变的事情吗?通过互动练习测试您所掌握的知识,并阅读说明来帮助您。

Look at these examples to see how wish and if only are used.查看这些示例以了解如何使用 Wish 和 if only。

That guy is so annoying! I wish he’d stop talking. 那家伙真烦人!我希望他别再说话了。
I wish I lived closer to my family. 我希望我住得离家人更近一些。
If only I hadn’t lost her phone number. She must think I’m so rude for not calling her. 要是我没有弄丢她的电话号码就好了。她一定认为我不给她打电话太粗鲁了。
I wish they wouldn’t park their car in front of my house. 我希望他们不要把车停在我家门前。

Try this exercise to test your grammar.尝试这个练习来测试你的语法。

Grammar test 1-语法测试1

‘wish’ and ‘if only’: 1

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

  • Question
  1. I wish I _____ go to work tomorrow.
    wouldn’t have to
    didn’t have to
    hadn’t had to
  2. If only I _____ that to her. She’s not speaking to me now.
    wouldn’t say
    hadn’t said
    didn’t say
  3. He wishes _____ the kitchen in such a mess. He always has to clean before he cooks.
    they wouldn’t leave
    they had left
    they would leave
  4. She wishes they _____ ten years ago!
    would have met
    had met
  5. If only he _____ here now. He’d know what to do.
    would be
  6. It looks like rain. I wish I ____ my umbrella.
    would have brought
    had brought
  7. I’m starving. If only there _____ a restaurant open now.
    would be
    had been
  8. I wish people _____ loud music on the train. What’s wrong with using headphones?!
    wouldn’t play
    would play
    wouldn’t have played
  • Answer
  1. I wish I _____ go to work tomorrow.
    wouldn’t have to
    ✔didn’t have to
    hadn’t had to
  2. If only I _____ that to her. She’s not speaking to me now.
    wouldn’t say
    ✔hadn’t said
    didn’t say
  3. He wishes _____ the kitchen in such a mess. He always has to clean before he cooks.
    ✔they wouldn’t leave
    they had left
    they would leave
  4. She wishes they _____ ten years ago!
    would have met
    ✔had met
  5. If only he _____ here now. He’d know what to do.
    would be
  6. It looks like rain. I wish I ____ my umbrella.
    would have brought
    ✔had brought
  7. I’m starving. If only there _____ a restaurant open now.
    would be
    had been
  8. I wish people _____ loud music on the train. What’s wrong with using headphones?!
    ✔wouldn’t play
    would play
    wouldn’t have played

Read the explanation to learn more.阅读说明以了解更多信息。

Grammar explanation-语法解释

We use wish and if only to talk about things that we would like to be different in either the present or the past. If only is usually a bit stronger than wish. 我们使用“wish”和“if”来谈论我们希望在现在或过去有所不同的事情。if只是通常比wish强一点。

In the present-在现在

We can use wish/if only + a past form to talk about a present situation we would like to be different. 我们可以使用 Wish/if only + 过去式来谈论我们希望改变的现状。

I wish you didn’t live so far away. 我希望你别住那么远。
If only we knew what to do. 要是我们知道该怎么做就好了。
He wishes he could afford a holiday. 他希望自己能负担得起假期。

In the past-在过去

We can use wish/if only + a past perfect form to talk about something we would like to change about the past. 我们可以使用“wish/if only”+过去完成时的形式来谈论我们想要改变过去的事情。

They wish they hadn’t eaten so much chocolate. They’re feeling very sick now. 他们希望自己没有吃那么多巧克力。他们现在感觉很不舒服。
If only I’d studied harder when I was at school. 要是我在学校的时候学习更努力就好了。

Expressing annoyance 表达烦恼

We can use wish + would(n’t) to show that we are annoyed with what someone or something does or doesn’t do. We often feel that they are unlikely or unwilling to change.我们可以使用 Wish + would(n’t) 来表示我们对某人或某事所做或不做的事情感到恼火。我们常常觉得他们不太可能或不愿意改变。

I wish you wouldn’t borrow my clothes without asking. 我希望你不要不问就借我的衣服。
I wish it would rain. The garden really needs some water. 我希望下雨。花园确实需要一些水。
She wishes he’d work less. They never spend any time together. 她希望他少干点活。他们从不花时间在一起。

Do this exercise to test your grammar again.做这个练习来再次测试你的语法。

Grammar test 2-语法测试2

‘wish’ and ‘if only’: 2

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

  • Question
  1. If only they _____ you for advice before they started the project. You’re the expert!
    would ask
    had asked
  2. He wishes he ____ back in time and visit Ancient Rome.
    would travel
    could travel
    could have travelled
  3. I wish she _____ her shoes there. I’m always falling over them.
    wouldn’t leave
    wouldn’t have left
  4. The traffic on the roads was terrible. I wish we _____ the train instead!
    would catch
    had caught
  5. I’m not saying it again. I wish _____ when I’m talking.
    you listen
    you’ll listen
    you’d listen
  6. If only I _____ the time off work, I’d come and visit you.
    could take
    would take
  7. I’m so tired. I wish I _____ home earlier last night.
    had gone
    would have gone
  8. We’re having such a lovely time in Scotland. If only it _____ all the time, though!
    hadn’t rained
    had rained
    didn’t rain
  • Answer
  1. If only they _____ you for advice before they started the project. You’re the expert!
    would ask
    ✔had asked
  2. He wishes he ____ back in time and visit Ancient Rome.
    would travel
    ✔could travel
    could have travelled
  3. I wish she _____ her shoes there. I’m always falling over them.
    ✔wouldn’t leave
    wouldn’t have left
  4. The traffic on the roads was terrible. I wish we _____ the train instead!
    would catch
    ✔had caught
  5. I’m not saying it again. I wish _____ when I’m talking.
    you listen
    you’ll listen
    ✔you’d listen
  6. If only I _____ the time off work, I’d come and visit you.
    ✔could take
    would take
  7. I’m so tired. I wish I _____ home earlier last night.
    ✔had gone
    would have gone
  8. We’re having such a lovely time in Scotland. If only it _____ all the time, though!
    hadn’t rained
    ✔had rained
    didn’t rain

【B1-B2-Grammar】36 Wishes-'wish' and 'if only'-愿望:“希望”和“如果只是”